Wait Your Turn

A short Alex Rider one-shot.

He's been thereā€”on the front lines.

He's seen things no one should have seen.

He's survived things that should have been impossible.

And yet, he's still here.

He's cheated death...so many times.

He's laughed in its face.

They say he should be dead. But he's not.

He's killed in cold blood, and just shrugged it off. As though the life he's just taken meant nothing.

"The devil's luck," they say. But luck runs out in time. It's just a matter of when.

Because no one can truly escape Death's clutches. It's just a matter of time before death comes knocking on your door.

Perhaps in a tragic car accident; a fire; or maybe even a shooting. Maybe you'll be lucky and pass in your sleep. But is everyone that lucky?

He's danced between the thin lines of life and death. He laughs and enjoys other people's pain.

They say he has the luck of the devil. But even the strongest will fall. It's just a matter of when.

Until then, he will just have to wait his turn.