Following his albino friend into the small restaurant, Francis gave a laugh. "Why does your brother put up with you?" Antonio also laughed, coming in behind them. They all waited to be seated, and then followed the girl to their table. "Merci."

Giggling, the girl said she would get their waiter.

"Three guys are at table ten for you." She said with a grin. "They're pretty easy on the eyes if you know what I'm talking about."

Arthur adjusted his tie before looking over his shoulder at the table. He couldn't see two of the people sitting, but the brunet looked nice enough. His personality that was. "Thanks. Hopefully they'll tip better than the last group." With that, he went over to the table, bringing a drink menu.

"Hello, my name is Arthur. I'll be your-" His smile fell slightly as he saw the blond. He looked... Incredibly similar to someone he knew. "Waiter for tonight. Would you like any drinks?"

"Beer. Good beer, not the usual shit. And this fag will probably have wine." Gilbert said, gesturing to Francis. Why the man liked wine, he would never know. But all the beer here was horrible compared to the stuff back home anyway.

Looking at the waiter, Francis put his head in his hand. "Arthur, you said?" He couldn't be him, could he? It had just been so long, and they were so far away now... "Wouldn't have the last name Kirkland, by chance, would you?" He gave a laugh, thinking about how small of a possibility that was.

Rubbing the back of his neck, Arthur then coughed into his hand. "Actually, that is my family name." As quick as he got there, he added. "I'll be back with your drinks in a second."

As soon as he left the table, the Briton clutched his face as he hid in the kitchen. How did he find him at work in all places? Seeing the same girl who gave the table to him, he grabbed her shoulders. "You have to take this table for me. Please!"

Blinking, Sarah gave a shrug. "Alright, are you ok?" She had never seen him like this before. It was weird.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Jolly good if you will. The bloke with the white hair ordered a good pint of beer so I was going together some of the German draft out and Franci- I mean the blond wanted red wine. Thank you so much."

Completely confused at this point, Sarah left to go get the drinks. Bringing them to the table, she put the drinks down. "Alright, so here is your beer sir, and your wine, and I just got you a water."

Antonio took the glass, smiling at her. "Yeah, I didn't really get a chance to order. But this is fine, thank you." He was the designated driver, after all.

"Where is the other man? Arthur, where did he go?" Francis asked, wanting to see him again. If it really was him, he needed to know, needed to talk with him again.

"He has other tables he's waiting on, so he asked me to help a bit." It was really quite strange just what was going on, but she wasn't one to judge. "Would you three like a moment to look over the menus or are you ready to order?" She asked with a smile towards the attractive men.

Glancing at the menu, Francis couldn't concentrate. "I'm going to the bathroom." He stood up, going to where he had seen Arthur going. Making sure the waitress couldn't see him, he went in the back and saw a blond head leaning over a table. "Doesn't look like you have other tables to wait on."

Arthur jumped at the sound of Francis' low voice that clashed with the general din of the kitchen. "Hello Francis." He said in return, trying not to break eye contact with him. The last time he had seen the Frenchman was when... Well, it had been a while and that was all that mattered. "Guests aren't really allowed back here you know. I also must be getting back to work."

Giving a grin, Francis tilted his head. "I should probably be getting back. When are you off? I would like to take you out for a drink." Maybe they could continue where they left off, so many years ago. Although it was unlikely, since they hadn't left on the best of terms really.

It took the Briton a second before he answered quietly. "Ten." He didn't really want to be around him after how he all but fled from Arthur's life at sixteen, but he had to give the Parisian a chance before kicking him out on the street. "Now excuse me, but I have hungry guests."

Going back to his friends, Francis just couldn't believe his luck. Ever since that night, he had regretted his actions. If he hadn't gotten cold feet at the last second, they could have run away together instead of him moving away. Then he wouldn't have had so many failed relationships, so many loves gone cold.

Slowly but surely the hands of the clock clicked over to ten pm as Arthur grabbed his things from the lockers in the back. Saying goodbye to everyone who was closing up, he started to look through the small restaurant for the blond Frenchman before sighing. He really should have known better than to expect Francis to stay and wait for his shift to be over. He hadn't even stayed overnight after the last time they saw each other.

Slipping on his jacket, he stepped outside and looked beside him as a plume of acrid smoke came from beside him. Trying to not look too surprised, Arthur commented. "You're actually still here."

"I said I would be, didn't I?" Francis asked, smiling as he put out his cigarette. "Now, about that drink I owe you." Gilbert and Antonio had been surprised when he had told them he wouldn't be joining them for the rest of the night. But this would definitely be worth it.

"You don't owe me anything." Except maybe an explanation, but that night had been water under Arthur's proverbial bridge for the longest time. He really didn't want to unearth that now. "Why are you so eager to do this anyways? I'm sorry, but I haven't really been expecting you to come back to England." The smoke tickled his nostrils but it got better as they started to walk.

Walking to the nearest bar and making sure the Brit was following, Francis smiled. "I want to get to know you again. Ten years is a long time." And if he could get in an apology for all those years ago, that would also be nice.

"A very long time unless you're a faerie." Arthur mumbled as he slipped inside. He still wasn't sure just what possessed him to actually go with Francis. Maybe he just wanted closure after so long. "So... How was the land of cheese and hairy women? Did it feel like home?" It was difficult to hold back his hostility but the Englishman managed.

Sighing, the older of the two sat down. "It was... Exactly how I remembered it. But I always wanted to come back to England, which is why I moved here two years ago. And by chance met my childhood sweetheart!" He laughed, ordering two drinks. If only his parents hadn't wanted to move back home.

Arthur looked to the bar as he snorted. "Childhood sweetheart. Are you trying to say something there?" It wasn't like Francis could have been in love with him, despite the numerous times the other said it. Love wasn't running away to France after your first intimate act with someone.

Sighing, Francis put his hand over Arthur's. "Look, back then I was a kid. I didn't know what I was doing, but I got scared. And let's face it, if we had run away when we were that young, we would have a horrible life." Even though he had gotten cold feet, he still loved the Brit.

Reflexively his hand tightened into a ball under Francis' before he sighed and looked out the window to the English street. "We were both young Francis. It doesn't mean that what happened didn't happen for a reason though."

Thanking the lady as they got their drinks, the Frenchman took his hand away. "And what happened tonight didn't happen for no reason either. I mean what are the chances that we move to the same town and meet again?" It would be nice if they got back together. No, better than nice. It would probably be one of the best things that happened to him in a while. "After all, if I leave you, it will be the second biggest mistake I made in my life, and I don't want to have to tell people that I made that exact same mistake twice."

Finally looking Francis in the eye, Arthur remembered just what made him fall for the Frenchman in the first place. Once upon a time they were in love with each other... Could they do it again? After all, ten years really was a long time. At twenty six now, could he give the man another chance? "Do you really think we could do this again?" He asked, taking a large gulp of his drink. "I mean, we aren't hormonal teens anymore."

Giving a small, slightly sad smile, Francis took a drink. "Well, now I know how truly wonderful and rare you are, so I will take better care of you." And it would be different than his other relationships, right? After all, they had loved each other before, so they could do it again. And it would last, it just had to... Right?

"If you were hoping to make me swoon you didn't but... You're right. It seems very strange, but I'm not in a relationship right now. You don't have any other relatives that will take you back to France, do you?" Arthur asked semi-jokingly as he continued to look into Francis' dark blue eyes.

Giving a relieved smile, Francis shook his head. "No, I am all yours. No one to take me away." Well, besides an occasional business trip, but those only ever lasted at most a week. This was great. Much more than he had hoped for going to that restaurant.

"You're going to think I've gone soft, but I can't help but think this happened for a reason." Arthur paused to take a drink before narrowing his eyes in thought. "You didn't happen to feel anything strange outside the restaurant, did you?"

"Anything strange? Like being abducted by aliens?" Francis asked with a laugh. This was such a good day!

"Never mind, it isn't important." Arthur said, still not quite sure about just what they were planning. "Does... Does this mean we're dating again?" If their mediocre relationship before could have been called as such.

Smiling, Francis put his hand on the others leg. "I guess. Next time I can take you out on a real date." Because he wanted this to be a date. That would be great. Dating was a commitment, so that they would be together. So they could always be together... And eventually fall out of love and break up, most likely.

Returning the smile, Arthur finished his drink despite the pit of unease in his stomach. What would make this time be any different than before? Sure they were now adults, but adults did stupid and careless things just as often as teens. "Then I'll pay for the drinks. I am a gentleman after all."

Shaking his head, Francis smiled. "Non, I will pay. To make up for... Well, everything." It was the least he could do, after all. He would just feel horrible, being the one that asked for a drink but letting Arthur pay for it.

"I still don't completely forgive you. Though, I am willing to be shown otherwise. For being a poncy git I couldn't seem to forget about you." Giving one of his rare smiles, Arthur stood up after their drinks were paid. "So, when shall we meet again?"

"Do you work next Friday? I could pick you up somewhere." Or they could just meet up, but this way he would be able to see where Arthur lived. They could go to a nice restaurant, and then maybe see a movie.

Thinking, the Brit answered. "Only until seven." But it would be nice to have time to shower and such. "It would just be easier if you came to my house." This was all very random, but how could he give up the chance to at least talk with Francis after not having done so for ten years?

Smiling, the Parisian grabbed a piece of paper. "Well then, write your address here, and I will pick you up at eight."

Alright, so new story, yay! Most likely, it will be updated every Monday. And, just to let everyone know that loves the Bad Touch Trio, they probably won't be in this story again, we basically just used Gilbert and Antonio to get Francis to that restaurant. Anyway, enjoy, and see you all next Monday!