Hello everyone...i know ...know...its been over an year since i've updated...i'm sooooo..sorrryyy T_T nyaaaa!Thank u all of u who reviewed:D Ok the new readers might think wat i am blabbering...my old readers must know about my "oh so" timely updates of my fics. Anyway no more of time waste . I apologize again and start with my nxt chappy... ...

till now,..

"I'm sorry, Ash" she said feeling guilty of performing such an act. Sure he wouldn't like her, she was still scrawny. She tried to move away but, Ash made his grip tighter on her waist. She up at him , confused. "If it isn't Misty's boyfriend" came a teasing voice from behind. It was Daisy. They both jumped apart and protested aloud, "Its not so." "Whatever you say. But I would like my baby sis to be more in a decent clothing in front of her so-called 'not a boyfriend' ." "Its not so..." she looked at Ash and found him staring and they both looked away, blushing pink. This is gonna be one interesting evening.


Misty left to change her clothes, Ash waited near the pool looking at all her pokemon. Knowing the fact that she was the gym leader it had to be that most of the pokemon belonged to her. He dipped his hand in the pool feeling the cool water. He suddenly felt something spiky nudge his hand . It was seadra.

Misty had it as a baby horsea. Misty sure had a way with all her baby pokemon. Unfortunately it had to be some situation that made them to live away from each other. Like the time when she had to leave horsea at the gym at Daisy's request. She also left togepi at the Mirage Kingdom to look after the other togepis and protect the princess. Her face looked so sad . She was ready to cry. Of course togepi was in the mindset that she was its real mother. She looked after it so well from the time when it had hatched out of its egg. But she makes the right decision and the best keeping others before her. Being far away from her made him think of her every now and then . It made his friendship with her turn into love...along awaited love. A tear rolled down his cheek... realizing his mistake of never contacting her. "Pika .. . Pika..." Pikachu came up to him and patted him, comforting its master. "Its nothing pikachu don't worry about me" he said with a smile and wiped the tear from his cheek that she had kissed. It had felt so good ...so warm...so loving. Tis made him smile. But he wondered why she had kissed him but ...said sorry. Pikachu thought that his master had gone nuts so spanked him an his head.

Ash came out of his sweet thoughts with an aching pain."What was that for pikachu ?"he cried out. "Pika pi...pika pikachu pi.."it complained."I said you not to worry about me...i was fine ...now you are asking for it my dear electric rodent..."and he got into his boxing position. Pikachu was not of the kind who would stay back and watch...he got ready too...the instinct to fight shining in both of their eyes.

"Misty we have to go shopping at the cerulean mall...take care of the gym baby sis..."Daisy called out to Misty and our champs were dragged into reality."Ok...but come back before it gets dark.."Misty replied from her sensational sisters sweatdropped on seeing them. They started giggling suddenly in the most girlish...freakish way...that freaked Ash out. Then they left with their flashy clothes on...they were the sensational sisters after all.

Ash shook his head...as though wanting to empty his brain..He looked at the clock and found it was 5.30. "Wonder what's taking Misty so long.."

"Ahh..." his thoughts were cut short by by the loud cry from Misty's room. "Misty is everything ok in there?" no sound..."Misty?.." Better go and check on her. He thought to himself. But what if she was in a state he should not see her in..after all she had gone in there to change...it would be embarrassing. While he was thinking of all these things ..his legs had minds of its own. He found himself right in front of Misty's room.

'Huh !'he was confused but came into reality in an instant. She is my friend and I should help her and he knocked at the door. "Ahm...Misty you ok?"

"Asshh... I'm stuck ...can't move...mmph...my bikini top won't come off... " she cried out exasperated.. this brought an instant blush to Ash's face. Oh come on ..Why was God playing games with him ?..it was only moments back when her sisters left...couldn't she have realised it then ...but..oh ..no!... she had to realise it only now...only when he had to be there...

"Ash..help me out!"he held in a deep breath and entered the room. "Wha.."he had to keep his words in his mouth seeing Misty's situation. She had marked herself red trying to remove her bikini top. She should not have worn the bikini which she had bought when she was 20. Years had done good to her womanly assets and she should have known it.

"Ash! ..are you all right?" "Waaaaaaaaa...aah" and he quickly covered his eyes blushing hard. "I'm sorry Misty... I'm so sorry..I should leave." Misty turned a few shades of red herself while saying, "Ash..". Heck ! why does she call his name in such a tone ? "Ash c-could you help me to..to remove the clasp i-its hurting me...". Gaining courage and in a resolve to help his dear friend ..Ash peeked through his fingers. She had her back facing him. Her orange tresses dripping with water., the drops which was soaking her feminine figure, cascading ever so slowly, lining each of her beautiful curves. The bikini shorts holding her tough bottoms just perfectly. Her long lean milky legs..well toned and taunting him to touch them. 'Hmm...nice..' he thought in agreement to his peeking eye.

"Ash? could you just speed up? its hurting a-and its j-just so embarrassing!" she said turning just her head to look at him. The look she saw in his eyes made her catch her breath. He followed the instruction and opened his eyes to get over with the problem... quick. When she felt him standing just behind her ..she reached her hands to her back..showing him the cause of her uncomfortable state. He proceeded to undo it when his fingers brushed against her smooth skin and fingers ..she shivered under his rough fingers and quickly retrieved her hands to her sides..closing her eyes tightly ..her lips open ever so slightly.

Ash's eyes took the advantage of him being tall and was secretly enjoying her reactions. His fingers dedicated and meddling with the clasp applying strategies to make it give way. They were touching her very often..both felt chill run down their spines and happiness unknown. After numerous tries he was getting frustrated. "Misty!..its so damn stubborn.." she felt his breath on her shoulders making her jerk. She could only let out a small "oh..". "What?..all you can say is an 'oh'? Don't you real-.. ". 'Tick' a sound was heard and both realized the tries paid off. His attention now away from the clasp, Ash noticed that his face was really close to hers..so close that he could smell the fragrance of her shampoo.

He didn't know what was the reason but he felt the need to slightly blow at her cheeks. He could see small ripples on her cheek..she looked...cute. Misty was astonished and all wide eyed noticing his face so close to hers. Both blushing madly. He smirked. She smiled shyly. He found his hands travel to her waist letting go of the bra ends. He moved her orange locks making place for his chin at the nape of her neck. His lips so near to her jaws. He traced his his fingers along the muscles of her taunting legs..to the front to her stomach her navel..she moaned close eyed..in total bliss. He held her close to him and felt water seep through his shirt. Her bra straps were slipping dangerously off her shoulders. Making his fingers so happy. She suddenly turned around and both stared into each others eyes, sadness of not meeting her in years was clearly seen in his eyes and her eyes reflected that of years of loneliness. But beyond all there was this expression of love that only they could understand after the blissful reunion ..a small smile plastered on each of their divine faces.

His hands travelling south from her hips to reach her bottoms other one caressing her newly exposed skin. Her lips were talking more then they normally did..pulling his towards itself like magnet. When they met he felt that they could not mold more perfectly. His dominant ones over her small and slender ones made his mind spin in toxicity.

He probed her lips open using his tongue. She granted him entrance and involved herself in a mind blowing battle which made her doubts of him being a good kisser vanish instantly. Her hands reached his neck after a course of path over his well built body which made him moan in the kiss making her feel proud of being so privately special to the pokemon master. She smiled and continued kissing lacing her fingers through his unruly black.

Feeling that they were running out of breath they pulled apart and stared into the pools of each others eyes. She still did not snap out of it and was breathing heavily staring through half lidded eyes with a satisfied smile. Her state made him want to engage her in another passionate kiss. But he decided against and just gave her a peck on her lips and retreated before she could deepen it making her pout. He just smiled at her and pulled apart saying, " you need to get dressed ..I don't want to force ourselves into situation for which we are not ready yet ...though I will not offend by saying that I don't want you after this fantastic episode ". Sure he had become a man of words making it difficult for her to understand his last statement. She followed his eyes and found him staring at at her now more exposed cleavage and her bra which was threatening to fall slip off any second. She blushed instantly as it struck her what he meant. She quickly turned around facing away from him pulling her bra straps up. "O-Ok, t -then I..I n-need pr-privacy" she stuttered out.

He smiled and nodded and prepared to leave not before bending his head low to reach her bra-less back and left a chaste kiss there and murmured ," You are beautiful..love you..thanks for the welcome kisses...I wonder if you are going to be stuttering the same way even after marriage." She turned darker shade of red and felt as if she was surely going to faint.

'Did he propose to me?..Oh my Gosh! what should I say? I 'm so stupid I didn't even say that I loved him and nor did I congratulate him on becoming a pokemon master!'..She turned clutching her bra to her chest ready to speak out her mind..but was cut off by Ash ,"I know ..thank you.."as if he had read her mind. "I will propose to you in a more formal way tomorrow...coming on a date with me?" he asked blushing. A make up for her absence in the party he thought. She was out of words she only nodded and snapped out to give him a grateful and excited smile.

With that he felt happy and nodded back in agreement and closed the door with a smile and a warm feeling aroused inside him. Misty could not help but smile warmly as she began searching for best clothes to put on to make herself look special for Ash. The thoughts of after marriage that he had put into her mind made her imagine happy and beautiful embarrassing moments to enter her future life.

That will be the end of this fic . Thank you all my readers and reviewers for following my fiction. Just wanted to ask if I should do a sequel(maybe about the date and proposal) for this, as I felt it had an abrupt ending. I tried my best in not putting the phrases that I have read in the numerous fictions of this site and being original. As if a punishment for my late update, I had written in my first two chapters and had to refer my own writing

=_='(I know embarrassing!)

Please bring into my notice the mistakes that may have showed up or something irrelevant to the first chappys( I didn't do re-reading -_-').Thanks for reading and please do express your feelings about the chapter and my fic :)

- love ya all,

:) IJNeptune :)