Hey I know I haven't updated in years literally but I've been swamped with everything. So I'm trying to make up for it by updating now.



I'm so excited. The months have gone by so fast and now it's time to head back to London for Christmas. I'm excited for mom, dad and my siblings to meet everyone back home. They're gonna be at Hogwarts with us. We just landed at the Airport in London so I'm looking for

Hagrid now. I got up on the bench near us and immediatly saw him. I mean how do you not notice a huge 8 foot giant. I waved at him and he started over towards us. I jumped off and ran over to him. He picked me up and spun me around.

When he finally put me down I was laughing. I said,"Hagrid you seem bigger."

He said,"I think you're gettin' shorter Belly button."

I said,"Stop calling me that."

Mom, Dad and the others came over and Dad said,"Hello Hagrid. I'm Carlisle Cullen. You must be the one taking us to the castle."

He said,"Yep. By the way we gotta get goin' the trains coming."

We ran over to the train station conveniently places next door. Hagrid said,"Belle why don't you show them how it's done."

I said,"Alright."

I went up about 20 feet away from the port and ran into it with our cart. I went straight through and looked up at the magnicificent train I had been riding since I was 11. My siblings one by one came out first, then mom and dad and then Hagrid. Hagrid took our things and we got on the train.

(I'm gonna skip how they get to Hogwarts because I'm hoping you all know.)


Wow! That's all I can really say about this place. It's huge and the paintings talk. It's just really strange. Bella seems excited about being back. She's talking to all the paintings and most of the students. Then an older woman came us to us and said,"Isabella would you mind leaving us alone. You're other family will be here in a little while. You might want to change."

Bella said,"Yes Professer Magonagul."

She turned and ran up the stairs that started moving. She stopped half way and then ran down the stairs when they stopped. Once she was gone. The Professor took us down the hallways and started explainging things to us. About an hour later we knew about everything there was to know about the houses here. When we were done we ended up at the mess hall. Bella came into view wearing one of her shorter skirts and her uniform.

The Proffesor said,"Bella you don't mind having them sit with you at your table right?"

She said,"Not at all. When's Aunt Molly and Uncle Arthur getting here. And what about Teddy. I missed him."

Again with Teddy. I still don't know who he is. Or more importanly who he is to Bella. It's driving me crazy.

The Professor said,"Teddy's here with Remus and Tonks they're on their way down. The Weasly's will be here tomorrow with all your other friends."

She walked away and we sat beside Bella at her table. We heard a large loud pitched squeal and looked back. Bella got up and started running to a little 3 year old baby. She picked him up and swung him around kissing his cheecks.

She said,"Teddy. I missed you."

Emmett said,"That's Teddy. I thought he was a grown man she was dating."

I said,"Me too."

Bella came back with the little boy and said,"Guys this is Teddy. He's my godson. Teddy this is my mom and my dad and all my siblings."

Teddy said,"Hi. I Teddy. I Three. Look what I do."

He closed his eyes and his hair changed from brown to blue. He opened his eyes and clapped his hands. Bella Clapped along with him to encourage him. A man and woman came up and Bella hugged them. She said,"Remus, Tonks, this is my mom and dad Carlisle and Esme, and my siblings Edward, Emmett, Rosalie, Alice and Jasper."

Remus said,"Hello. Nice to meet you. Bella we have a special surprise for you. Merry Christmas."

He took a package out behind his back. Bella looked at him and took the gift. She said,"Remus you didn't have to get me anything."

He said,"Yes I did. You're family."

She smiled and tore off the package. She opened the book underneath and stopped. She looked at him. He smiled and asked,"Do you like it?"

She threw the box on the table and squeezed him as hard as she could. He hugged her back and rubbed her back. I looked in the box and saw a necklace. It was golden with a little hourglass in the middle. It had what looked like roman on the sides.

I asked,"What is it?"

Bella pulled away and said,"It's a travelers necklace. It can teleport you anywhere at anytime. So I could come home for a an hour anytime. Or be in china in the blink of an eye."

Esme said,"Well you'll tell us when you leave right? So we don't panic."

Bella said,"Of course mom."

The doors burst open and 10 people walked in. Bella ran up the boy with the scar on his head. Harry I think his name was. She jumped on his and hugged him very hard. Harry stumbled but stayed on his feet. She let go and started hugging everyone else. An older woman came over to us and sat down. She said,"You must be the Cullen's I'm Molly Weasly. I've been very excited to meet you."

Carlisle said,"We've been excited to see you too. We've really looked forward to seeing who raised our daughter."

Bella squealed and I looked over. Two twins were holding her on their shoulders and Twirling around. She was almost falling off. The Twins let go of her legs and she fell off. I dashed over and caught her. She was laughing and said,"Thanks Edward. Usually I land on my head when they do this."

I set her down and she stumbled and grabbed my arm. She shook her head and said,"I'm okay."

She walked over to Molly and sat down. Molly was scolding the two twins and she stuck her tounge out at them. They laughed and Molly looked back and Bella closed her eyes and layed her head back quickly. Molly turned back around and Bella winked at them.

Hermionie and Ginny came over and asked Bella,"So are you dating anyone over in the States?"

Bella said,"No. All those American boys are just the same. They don't want a relationship they want sex."

Hermionie said,"Oh. Like most of the guys here."

She nodded and said,"Exactly. There are very few men who want a relationship without expecting sex."

Emmett said,"Yeah like Eddie here. He's old fashioned. He likes to date 'em, marry 'em, then have sex with 'em."

She said,"Yes but he was born in the early 1900's he was brought up that way."

I said,"Well yes but I could have thrown that out the window a long time ago."

She asked,"Well then why didn't you? Why haven't you had sex with anyone yet."

I said,"I'm waiting for the right person."

She asked,"Person?"

I said,"Woman."

She said,"Okay bro."

Ginny dragged her out of the room following a ghost. I sat their dumbfounded. I asked,"Emmett what just happened?"

He said,"Bro. That is called flirting. You suck at it."

A/N: Hey so that's the end of the chapter. I'm sorry for waiting so long but I'm having serious brain blocks right now. Please review and give me some Ideas.