"Please... please... spirit that I have another chance... and... huh?" Mr. Burns said as he was on the floor in his bedroom covered in his blankets. "Where am I now? Wait a minute. It's morning... I'm alive!... And... it's the day before Christmas!... The three spirit's gave me another chance..."

Mr. Burns went to the window of his bedroom and said, "You there boy!"

"Aren't you that bad man who took away all my daddy's drugs, than he went crazy and stole drugs, than daddy arrested the nicest guy for drugs and a hamburger?" Ralph Wiggum asked as he was holding a sled on top of snow.

"Uh... no... Anyway, I have cash here. I want you to buy the biggest turkey from the Kwik-E-Mart and send it to The Simpsons!" Mr. Burns said.

"What's in it for me!" Ralph said.

"Uh... how about a buck?" Mr. Burns said.

"A quarter! Take it or leave it!" Ralph said.

"Sure. Sure. Just follow my instructions and you can get many quarters you want!" Mr. Burns said as Ralph quickly headed to the Kwik-E-Mart.

"Oh boy! I'm getting a quarter of pie!" Ralph yelled out in the streets of Springfield

Later at the church

"Man, we still don't have enough." Ned said as he counted the money to 700$.

"What are we going to do?" Reverend said.

"I heard that Smither's is making a novel. If he turns out rich we could ask him for..."

"That won't be needed gentlemen." Mr. Burns said with an evil grin.

"It's you again! What do you want now!" Reverend said.

"What do I want! All you people asking questions that can drive the elderly insane, asking for free money which you need to work hard for it, and think that someone else is going to do the work! Because of this! I am going to give you a large donation!" Mr. Burns yelled at them angrily.

"Uh... what?" Ned said.

"You heard me!" Mr. Burns laughed. "A large donation."

"This could be a trap..." Reverend whispered to Ned as Mr. Burns gave them a check.

"Hmm... strange, your signature isn't fake, the paper isn't written on toilet paper, and it doesn't have that explosive plastic on it like last time. Are you up to something?" Reverend Lovejoy said to the man.

"No, no. I have a change of heart all because of three spirits!" Mr. Burns laughed as he walked away.

"The man really has a change of heart or he's probably been to the mental hospital." Ned said.

Mr. Burns was at an apartment building as he was knocking on someone's door. The door opened revealing a familiar man who worked with the old man for many years.

"What do you want now Burns. I'm working on a novel and I need peace and quiet." Smither's sighed.

"Novel, eh? Anyway, I'm a new man Smither's. How would you like it, if you got your job back? This time, will celebrate like ogres." Mr. Burns said with a smile as he stared at Smither's.

"I don't know..." Smither's said as he looked at Mr. Burns smiling. "Oh... what the heck. Sure I'll take back my job. Anyway, I should get some party hats for this celebration."

"Oh, and don't forget eyeballs and flies." Mr. Burns said.

"Huh? Why do we need that?" Smither's said.

"I said were celebrating like Ogres..." Mr. Burns said angrily. "Just joking, joking. Anyway, I have to have a visit a family member."

The next day, Dec. 25th.

Mr. Burns was at the door of a mansion, not as big as his but it was big. The old man knocked on the door as a butler opened it.

"Hello. I'm..."

"Yes I know. You must be Mr. Burns, the guy who stole Christmas somewhere in 1981 to 1985. Larry told me all about you." The Butler spoke in a British accent.

"Yeah... good times... but anyway, I came here to visit my son Larry..." Mr. Burns said.

"Fine. Come this way sir." The butler said as he showed him the way.

Mr. Burns was about to enter the living room until he heard voices through the door. Familiar ones during the visit of the Ghost of Christmas Present.

"A Tiger Shark?" A lady said.

"It's not an animal, but he's bald." Larry Burns said.

"The mafia in Asia?"

"He's crooked, cares about money, and a big jackass sometimes."

Mr. Burns entered the living room seeing a bunch of people.

"Mr. Burns?" A child said from the couch.

"Your right it's... Mr. Burns?" Larry Burns said as he saw his dad in the living room.

"Uh... I came here... to join in the party... it's not too late is it?" Mr. Burns asked.

The party guests stood a little speechless for a few minutes until Larry Burns smiled.

"Of course not! Meet my wife and the rest of my family!" Larry Burns spoke as he showed Mr. Burns his wife, children, and other family members that the old man hasn't seen before.

Mr. Burns was in his office as Smither's was waiting for him.

"Should I tell the employees to get to work?" Smither's asked.

"Smither's? How dare you say that? It's Christmas morning!" Mr. Burns said.

Suddenly Smither's dropped his jaws as Mr. Burns was acting like a daisy rather than a tyrant.

Mr. Burns held up a microphone and spoke through the speakers.

"Hello everyone! I had a change of plans today. You will all have Christmas Bonuses." Mr. Burns said cheerfully. "Your paychecks are now full, you know what! Your Paychecks have been increased! Not only that, you can all have a day off... Oh, though I wish to speak to uh... Smither's? What's his name again."

"Homer Simpsons sir." Smither's said as Mr. Burns was still on the speaker.

"Simpson, eh." Mr. Burns said.

"Sir. Your finger is still on the speakers."

"Who cares. It's Christmas. Anyway, I wish to speak to a Homer Simpson right now." Mr. Burns said.

5 min. later in the office.

Homer Simpson entered Mr. Burns's office as the old man looked angry.

"Simpson. You're in big big trouble for all the... Wait a minute... What did you do here..." Mr. Burns said as he looked at information about Homer Simpson. "Ahh... you're in big trouble for Twenty Two Meltdowns... TWENTY TWO MELTDOWNS?... I mean, Twenty Two Meltdowns..."

Homer was acting nervous thinking he would be fired.

"Because of this... I'm going to have to double your salary and others who have children." Mr. Burns said angrily.

"Oh please don't fire me. I work hard and... What? Double my salary?" Homer realized what he just said.

"Yep. I will do everything I can to help your family and others who have kids to health." Mr. Burns said as he pushed Homer towards the exit. "Now go on then. It's Christmas."

Mr. Burns closed the doors as Homer was in the hallway of the building.

"Cuckoo." Homer said as he thinks Mr. Burns was in a mental hospital.

Later in the streets of snowy Springfield, there was a crowd of people smiling as they were in joy and happiness.

"Yep, yep. The three spirits sure have changed him." The Cameraman said as Mr. Burns smiled with Maggie on his shoulder. "Today, Mr. Burns has became a new man... well, pretty much just December. He's still evil in the other months, but hey, he's helping the orphans, gave Smither's his job back, and helped Maggie Simpson nursed back to health and..."

"Hey? Who the heck are you?" Moe said to the Cameraman.

"I'm the narrator ever since Matt Groening quit."

"When the heck do we need a Narrator? We never had Narrator's before!" Homer spoke

"But I was told to narrate after Matt Groening!" The Cameraman spoke as many Springfieldians were ganging up on him.

"Just who do you think you are?" Bill Clinton said.

"Come on! Let's beat this guy up!" Barney Gumble said.

"I would, but this baby is so heavy." Mr. Burns said as half of his body is in the snow as Maggie was still on his shoulder.

"Dude. Why am I still in this costume?" Ian said as we was wearing the clothes of the Ghost of Christmas Present.

And a Happy Merry Christmas to you All.

"Rip his legs apart!" A man said.

"Scratch his eyes out!" Another man said.

"Break his bones!" A lady said.