Great, just great. Another fucking day of school. I had already lost track of the days, simply looking forward to the weekend. A weekend of doing nothing and everything, at the same time. And possibly homework on Sunday night, if I'm up to it. And by no means am I alone on weekends.

There is always a certain boy by my said. Not so much a boy as a young man, really. Anyway, his name is Harry Potter. And, yes, he is my boyfriend. I've decided that I don't even care what people think of us anymore. Let them talk. If they end up getting… er, injured, you can't blame me.

I suppose I should introduce myself. My name is Draco Malfoy. You may or may not have heard of me, but that's irrelevant. As I said before, I'm dating Harry Potter. How could I not? Have you seen him? If you have, that's wonderful, and there is no need for you to continue looking at him.

What day is it? I think groggily to myself and I roll out of bed. Thursday? Fuck, I never remember these things. I look around, seeing if anyone else is awake. I am, fortunately, the only one. I stumble to the showers, rubbing my eyes. Turning the handle all the way to the left, look at my reflection in the mirror. It's not the most pleasing sight in the world, obviously.

I shower and dress, noting the number of people awake as I finish. Not many. I don't care, really. It's not like they speak to me, or anything. Not since I started dating Potter. At first, a few of them had joked and asked about it. Now they just averted their eyes.

I head down to the Great Hall alone. As I entered, my eyes scan the Gryffindor table. Spotting Harry, I stride over and sit beside him. I do this every day, now. Nobody makes a big deal about it. The teachers allow it.

"Hey," Harry says to me, and his stupid friends nod. I don't very much enjoy their company. I'd rather be with him alone.

I wrap my arm around his waist, not bothering to eat. I hardly ever eat breakfast anyway. I honestly don't see the point.

Soon, Harry has finished, and we leave together. There is still a short while before lessons began. Since we cannot go to either common room or dormitory, we simply wander about the corridors, hand-in-hand. We're quiet for the most part.

"You know what?" I say, having stopped walking. "Mm?" he replies, not yet looking at me. "I think…" I start, not sure which words to use. "I think… that I love you." Now he looks up.




I say nothing else, but instead press my lips to his. He stumbles backwards but catches himself. I put my hands on either side of his face as I pull away.

"Yeah. Pretty sure I love you."

He flushes, looking away. A grin sneaks its way up to my mouth. "Oh, c'mon," I say, "how could I not?" He mumbles something. It seems like he's always mumbling. "Oh, Harry, use your big boy words."

"I…" he starts, and does not finish. I press the back of my hand to his cheek. "It's okay…" I mumble. "Draco, I-"


Today's lessons go by in a flash. I'm certain I do absolutely horrible in everything, but anyone who offered help simply received a snarl and a cold shoulder.

Soon enough (though indeed not soon enough), schooling is over. I go straight to my dormitory, not wanting to see Harry or eat or anything of the sort. Indeed, I'd just told him that I loved him, and for the most part he said nothing in return. It wasn't exactly pleasant, and I'd rather not repeat it.

(A/N: Ugh, gosh, I suck at writing. Kinda got lost after the main chunk. So, err, yeah. I hope the next chapter will be better -coughlongercough-)