A/N : Sorry, but this is more of flashback than the next chapter. Sorry if it doesn't meet your expectation! (T-T). Though, tell me for any grammar mistake. Enjoy! Hopefully... It was dark. The only light source was coming from the television showing a movie being played. A pair of boys ; twins by the looks of it was staring transfixed as the hero in the movie was saving his love one from the bad guys. The younger twins with light brown eyes was smiling and giggling happily. His eyes shining and his mouth wide opened in a big smile. The older twin however was just smiling as the hero fought. His eyes transfixed on the move he used and his mind copied the move for him to practice later. A petite woman with long dark brown haired entered the room a moment later. She was carrying a bowl of popcorns and drinks to the table where she immediately grabbed the younger twins to be put into her laps. He was a rather messy eater and clumsy thus she proceeded to hold on to him as he squirmed and jumped.

"Nana!" A shouted was heard coming from a yellow short haired man with a goatee. He looked desperate and scared, which was an unusual expression from the usually smiling man. "Grab Tsuna and Tsuki and run now! Go to this place," A paper was shoved into the mother's hand, "And no matter what happen , know that I love you and Tsuki and Tsuna!" He yelled before pushing the woman out of the back door and giving her a brief kiss but there was so much emotion contained despite how short it was, a small gun was also pressed into her hands. The twins made gagging noise, not knowing what was going to happen, not knowing that it was going to be the last time they would ever saw their father. The brown haired woman, Nana had tears falling out of her eyes confused and scared at the expression on her beloved's face but she relented and ran stopping a taxi.

The moment the car left his sight, Sawada Iemitsu groaned and dropped to his knees, blood leaking out from his shirt unseen by his wife due to the dark light. Footsteps were heard behind him and he smirked as he stood up, his eyes gleaming in anger.

"You are going to pay for daring to endanger my wife and kids." He smirked before rushing forward and into his death. The man in front of him started to cackle, his long red hair flowing dangerously behind him as he looked at the injured man with a crazed look in his eyes.

"Interesting, interesting~ Hahahahaha! That was so sweet of you but useless effort. Edelstein are chasing after them, but don't worry we will make sure to burn all of you together! Aren't I considerate~" He smirked! Iemitsu glared at him and charged promising himself that he must injured this man before he died! He would. Not ten minutes later, Iemitsu was laying on the bloody floor and he was surrounded by the red liquid. He could feel himself getting weaker and his eyes were getting blurry. But a Sawada would always fulfill a promised. Even to themselves, with that thought he stood up and charged at the crazy redhead catching him by surprise. That distraction was all he needed to do his final move, knife flashing and sticking the redhead left eye. The redhead angry started screaming.

"How dare you? HOW DARE YOU HURT ME?" He screamed before taking his gun which was surrounded by a red flame. He proceeded to shoot at the man, not stopping until not one feature was recognizable. As he was shot, Iemitsu thought was filled with nothing other than his beloved wife's happy smile, their wedding days, their babies… 'I'm sorry i couldn't stay with you Nana. Tsuki, Tsuna, Papa loves you okay, be a good boy and help your mother. I will be expecting you to protect your mama from now on. Papa couldn't do that anymore. Made lots of friends that you could trust and Tsuna, be a good boss. Be a responsible man and last but not least please be happy. Goodbye, my family. I hope to see you much much later on okay.' And he smiled even as his life's end brutally, Sawada Iemitsu gave the last smile for his family.

-With Nana_-

Sawada Nana grabbed her chest as a horrible feeling envelope her. "Darling ," she whispered before she cried and she hugged her kids closer to her as the taxi moved further along, away from her husband. The twins as if infected by their mother started crying, calling for their father. "Shush Tsu-kun, Tsu-chan. Everything is going to be fine. Your papa is busy packing our stuff okay sweatheart, he will be coming later love." She cooed, kissing he children cheek but the children as If knowing the truth kept sobbing.

Nana kept reassuring her children until the sobbing ceased to whimpers and wet cheeks. Not a few minutes later the car skidded to a stop as the window broke. The taxi driver was shocked and screaming he helped his passengers out and ran away. Nana unsured of what to do grabbed the twins close to her. A thud was heard and an applaud as a man started walking towards them.

"That was a rather brave action for a normal civillain miss Sawada. " The man murmured, his eyes glinting behind his spectacle and his face solemn. He was looking at them as if he really was impressed with Nana. Nodding his head he took out his a large scythe and raised it above his head ready to aim.

The woman stared scared and immediately dived to protect her child from the oncoming blade. "Please! Kill me if you want but please spare my children! They're too young, please!" She screamed as the blade was raised. He was about to respond when his phone vibrated. He sighed and rubbed his forehead, an annoyed expression crossing his face as he flicked the phone open.

"What do you want?" He growled out, eyes flashing. As he listened to the respond on the other end his face turned from exasperated to interest where his eyes flash to the cowering family in front of him and he smirked before saying alright with whatever they were talking about. Flipping his phone shut, the bespectacled man grabbed the women and put her atop his shoulder while he grabbed the shirt of the two 'brats' as he called it than he jumped.

They finally stopped in front of the house they just left. Their home. Though, instead of looking warm and homey like they used to, the house was dark and broken. There was blood splattered and body littered around their home. The two children screamed and started clawing at the hand holding them causing the man to frown and threw them toward the grass. Nana screamed at the rough treatment of her children and struggle to be released but the man tightened his hold and carried her toward the house.

The twins watched frozen and only moved when their mother were out of their sight. "Mama!" They screamed running into the house. They froze at the sight that met them. The body of a butchered man was laying on the floor surrounded by blood and guts. Tsuna the younger twin paled and immediately puke on the already soiled floor. The older twin froze and quickly hid his younger twin to protect him from the sight of their mama. Her head was displayed on the table and her body was filled with a knife with the symbol G on it. He was shaking but he glared at the guy who did it. He was the only in the room twirling the same knife with dark blue hair and narrowed eyes. The few others were squirming uncomfortably. They didn't like this. The only person they need to eliminate was the father but their boss guardian like to torture people and when the target wasn't enough they would be the one tortured.

The man smirked when he saw the pair of eyes glaring daggers at him and walked confidently towards them. 'Two down, two small fries to go' He thought excitedly. He noticed the braver twin shielding his little brother from him and smirked. 'Like mother like son.' He thought. 'Just as Edelstein said'

"Hello little boys!" He greeted them happily.

"GO AWAY!" The older screamed punching him futilely while moving his brother behind his back. The man smirked and in the blink of an eye, he grabbed the older's throat and raise him while choking him to stare at the younger terrified look.

"Hey cutie! You miss you mom, look there she is…" He exclaimed, pointing towards the women's head. The boy screamed and started crying more.' Ahh, the sound of misery. How I love it.' The man thought happily.

"Tsu-chan…Do-don't look!" The older croaked out. "Run! Tsu-c-chan! Ru-run n-n-now!" He screamed desperately. The younger looked up and started screaming and puching and yanking, trying to save his brother but the man just laughed at his attempt finding it amusing. Oh he loved it when it happen. He's such a sadist~ he thought happily.

"Now for the finale!" With that he threw Tsuki up and then the many knife he brought with him. The younger screamed and then there were just flame.