A/N: I did this when I was supposed to be learning at school which was two months or so ago. I'm not too sure if I will continue this story but I might change my mind. This is Alternate universe by the way.

Disclaimer: I do not own Katekyo Hitman Reborn!

"Hayato Gokudera!" A guy with silver hair stood up and walked to the teacher. "100, Excellent as usual!" The teacher beamed. Gokudera just scowled and yanked his paper away, making the girl swooned at his bad boy attitude.

"Sawada Tsunayoshi!" At the mention of my name, the teacher face turned angry. The usual. I walked to the teacher and get my paper. "You should be ashamed of yourself! 25? You fail at this easy test! You should work harder to achieve above 50 at least." The teacher grumbled under his breath and shoved me the paper.

I winced. That's harsh! I get back to my desk and started my doodling again when I heard my classmates snickered. My eyes were filled with tears but I won't let them fall. When school was over, I was really happy that torture's finally over. I met up with a seething Gokudera and a frowning Yamamoto.

"Damn that stupid teacher for making tenth cry and insulting him!" Yelled Gokudera.

"Yeah… no matter how bad it is a teacher shouldn't say that to a student." agreed Yamamoto. My sadness dropped a bit, hearing my friend defended me. Gokudera had called me tenth because the first time we met we were both ten. At that time Gokudera was alone and didn't have any friend. He was always fighting, and one day he was gang up on by a group of teenagers, about four of them. I am the one who help Gokudera then- By shouting for help and when the teenagers were distracted took Gokudera's hand and ran with him- Since then, we had been best friends and Gokudera started calling me tenth to remind him of that time.

Yamamoto became my friend when I stopped him from jumping of the rooftop when he broke his arm. He thought he could no longer play baseball- his favourite sport- if his arm's broken. When I managed to talk some senses into him, he was happy and decided to take my advice and rest from baseball for a while. In a few months, his arm was healed and he can play baseball again, he becomes my best friend starting then.

"It's okay guys! It's not the teacher's fault!" I exclaimed trying to calm them down. "Anyway, I'm sorry guys, but I need to go home right now. Bye!"

With that, I ran towards my home, leaving my two best friends behind, tripping on the way and injured my right knee.

As soon as I get to my warm home, I breathe out in relief. I dropped my backpack on the couch and ran upstairs to my room; in my haste, I didn't notice the figure sitting on my couch watching TV. But I definitely notice it when the figure spoke.

"I just came back and you didn't even greet Me." the figure spoke in a teasing tone. I turned my head slowly, not believing my ears. "Long time no see Tsuna, I miss you…" A smile was sent. A smile that warmed me from the inside out. Happiness bubbled up from inside my heart causing a grin to make its way into my lips.

"Tsuki… Tsuki!" I yelled running at top speed towards my one and only twin brother. We both dropped to the floor with me crushing him in a tight hug. "Tsuki! Tsuki!" I chanted.

"Hey! Hey! Chill out Tsuna!" We both started laughing. I raised myself of him, using my hand as a lever.

"I miss you too Tsuki…"

"I know. Now get up or I can't cook dinner!" Tsuki scolded happily. I just smiled and stood up, offering my hand to him before pulling him up.

We ate dinner while telling each other about what happened when we were separated six years ago, when we were ten. Tsuki and I were identical with each other except for our eyes and our personality that is. And well, our brains. We have the same brown hair but our eyes are different. His are slightly narrower and they were blazing orange colour. Mine are big and hazel. He was a few inches taller. A few inches only! So it's not that noticeable unless we stood next to each other. He was a very smart and athletic person. He's also very friendly and has a lot of friends. I on the other hand, am called Dame-Tsuna. I was laughing stock at my school and the teachers don't like me, some even hate me. No one, not even Gokudera and Yamamoto knew I had a twin brother. Not that i was trying to hide it; I just don't like to reveal personal things about my family. I started going to Nanimori middle two years ago as a freshman.

While I was talking about my life when n I told him I was used to being bullied. Tsuki looked angry and he even emitted a killing aura when I said it and calmed down a bit when I told him about my friend saving me when I was bullied.

It's normal since he was the overprotective brother type. When we finished eating and the dishes had been washed, we go to my bedroom which will also be his bedroom. It's a big room with a queen size bed, big enough for three to four people. It fit both of us perfectly. I snuggled towards Tsuki and his warmth enveloped me. I felt protected with him around me and for the first time since six years, I was able to sleep with a nice dream.

A/N: uuh… I guess there's probably a lot of grammars mistake. Oh Tsuki is Tsuna in HDWM if you haven't figured it out yet. But I'm sure you guys know it already. Don't know if I should make this a yaoi fic. Though I wanted to. Read and Review!

Ayumu: Yeah! Another story!

Tsuna: (sigh) you should really update Vongola's children you know.


Hibari: Herbivores...

Tsuna: Anyway, review please!