Emily had JJ in her arms, it was Christmas eve, they had a packed day ahead of them, with meeting her mother in the morning, the team in the afternoon, and later that night they'd start on their journey to JJ's family's. Even though everyone else on the planet should be happy at the moment Emily just couldn't be. She never really liked Christmas and having it thrown in her face so much was making it harder to accept. Even if she had JJ, and she was truly happy, there was something about this season that she hated. Emily slowly pulled away from JJ and threw her legs over the side of the bed, taking her head in her hands. She felt JJ move and held her breath, after a minute when she knew JJ hadn't woken up, Emily stood up and walked downstairs. Scooter and Socks walked over to her when she sat on the couch, Socks curled up in her lap while Scooter rested his head on her shoulder.

"Hey you two." She whispered, Scooter wasn't her idea but since Emily had brought Socks with her when she moved in with JJ she couldn't refuse to let JJ get a puppy. Thankfully Scooter knew as a puppy to not get in the cat's way, she had beat it into him, literally. Socks had been with her for just around 5 years now, and knew the Christmas routine, get up, throw fits, fall asleep then non-stop family. The first year JJ was over at Emily's for Christmas Socks had glared at her from the bottom of the bed, all night. Scooter could tell when Emily wasn't happy, and even if she didn't really want him when they first got him she was glad they had him now. The big mutt was a big softie for his loved ones, but he was fiercely protective over them too, so Emily felt better leaving the house empty with him and Socks in it, knowing it was protected. Taking Scooter's muzzle in her hand she placed a kiss on the tip of his nose.

"So guys tell me, why do we even celebrate this?" She asked and sighed.

"Cause you have to." A voice answered her and Emily looked up.

"Great… See this is why people think I'm insane. Dad go away." Emily said harshly, her father had died when she was a kid, he was the only family member that truly loved Christmas, he died between Christmas and New Year's, in a car accident.

"Emily, I know this is gonna sound like a joke, but you know the story of A Christmas Carol, but honey you need it." He said putting his hand on her shoulder, Emily rolled her eyes but nodded, it was her dad after all.


"So let me guess past right?" Emily asked and her father nodded. Emily looked around the room, it was the house she was currently living in. "This is last year…" Emily said.

"I'd go back to when you were a kid but I thought this would be better." He said, a few minutes later they watched as Emily and JJ came down the stairs.

"This is gonna be weird isn't it?"

"Seeing yourself, yeah you don't get use to it either."


"Do you remember last year?" He asked and Emily shook her head. "Not a good thing." He watched as his daughter and her girlfriend swapped gifts. Scooter came running into the room and grabbed a bow before taking off again, Socks hot on his puppy heels. He chuckled along with the women. He poked his daughter in the side, "Pay attention." He said and Emily smiled.

"I can't believe…"

"Shhh." He warned and Emily chuckled. In front of them Emily sat there turning a box over and over in her hands, she finally looked up at JJ who was beginning to worry. Emily moved closer to JJ and started to stutter.

"Jennifer… I… I."

"Em, honey it's ok just relax." JJ smiled and kissed Emily who smiled and nodded. Opening the box she looked up at JJ.

"Jennifer… would you honor me, and be my wife?" Emily asked and JJ stared at her and nodded, before launching at Emily and kissing her.

"Ok Em, time to go." Her father said putting a hand on her shoulder again.

"But… no."

"Emily… we are not here to watch that." He said and Emily chuckled but nodded.

"On to present?" She asked and he nodded.

"Just remember you'll be forgetting this honey." He said and Emily nodded. "But you'll be happier."

"Ok dad." She said leaning into him. They watched as gifts were once again exchanged in front of them, but this time JJ looked nervous.

"Honey, you ok?" Emily asked "You're really tense." Emily said rubbing JJ's shoulders, JJ looked up at Emily and handed her an envelope, Emily looked down at it.

"Just open it ok?" Emily nodded, opening the envelope, she pulled the paper out and started to read.

"We're… you're…" Emily stopped talking.

"Emily… honey?" JJ said turning to look at her. "Emily you ok? Honey you gotta breathe."

"We're going to be parents." Emily grinned and kissed JJ.

"I'm guessing we're about to leave again?"

"You got it." Her father smiled and laughed.

"Future, please tell me its further than a year."

"Oh it is, ten years Em."

"Wow." She smiled. Suddenly they heard footsteps behind them, turning her head she saw three kids standing staring at the tree, the tallest and Emily guessed oldest walked over and turned the lights on, lighting the tree up. She smiled, all three kids looked memorized by the glow. Her father poked her and pointed up to the loft. Where JJ and her stood, wrapped up in the moment.

"Alright Em… time to go." He said putting a hand on her shoulder again. The next thing Emily knew she was sitting back on the couch with Socks in her lap and Scooter staring at her.

"What?" She snapped at the dog who licked her face and ran away. "Socks you gotta get up mommy is going upstairs." She said and the cat huffed but got up. Emily walked up stairs, back to her bedroom, getting back in bed she pulled JJ against her.

"Hmmm… mom… I like that idea." She said before giving in to sleep.


a/n: Ok so should I do a follow up to this or not? I'm thinking I may but I just don't know. Insight would be nice, thanks.