Author's Note: Hello lovely readers. It seems as though I have some spare time on my hands. I am on Holiday from college and can use my laziness to my advantage. Write another story that has more to deal with Miss Alice and Mr Tarrant. This story does not comply with any of my other stories, nor do I want it to. This can be seen as yet another alternate ending to Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland.

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters or the world of Underland/Wonderland. I only share these ideas with other Halice fans that wish the final script still contained the kiss and Alice had stayed.

"You could stay." he sort of whispered behind her as if it were a secret. The champion of Underland swiftly turned to look at the mad hatter. She smiled, her face with the look of revelation that there was actually a choice.

"What an idea. A crazy, mad, wonderful idea." she replied to her dear friend. You could see the elation in the Hatter's eyes and the slow turn ups of the corners of his mouth. Success.

However, Alice's face faltered and she thought about what she left back home, her mother, her sister, Hamish. All of them were just waiting at the gazebo, waiting for her already planned out "Yes." in their minds.

"But I can't" she said, almost apologetically. As if there was a switch, the Hatter's face was the example of disappointment. "There are questions I have to answer" she took an intake of breath "Things I have to do."

Alice popped the vial open, looked at the purple liquid that was her only way back to the world of corsets and stockings, of codfishes and disapproving looks, of an engagement that was unwanted. She raised the vial to her lips, almost certain this is what she should do, time has already escaped her here in her Wonderland. Just before it touched her mouth, a black mist appeared beside her.

"You can answer those in but a few minutes your time." Chess's voice chimed beside her. Alice turned to look at him over her shoulder. Her face showing confusion. "My dear Alice, our days here go by as meaningless minutes in Upperland. Can't your party wait but an hour...or two" Chess offered the option.

Alice had no idea how he knew of her party, but did not question the odd cat for where he had received his information. "So, according to my time, I have only wasted about five minutes in the garden?" She asked, now capping the vial full of the precious blood.

"Precisely." was all the cat answered in return.

An hour or two would mean about a year to Underland. She could simply stay here for a while, enjoy everything that her Wonderland has to offer, and be back to the engagement party right in time for dinner.

As Alice began to think about the idea, it then made her wonder if years, or decades had gone by down here since she had been gone. "If it is merely minutes for Upperlanders, then how long has it been since I have been away?" she asked, worried that she had kept them waiting far too long.

A soft chuckle came from the crowd. They could sense her worry. "Love, it has only been five years since you were a young one. Time does not transfer the same. When in Underland, days are only minutes in Upperland. However, in Upperland, years go by much faster then they do down here." Alice opened her mouth to simply question the logic behind the thinking of this mad time change when she was cut off by the smiling cat. "Do not question magic dear Alice, it has not been explained, and neither of us want it to be."

The bottom line of this whole ordeal was, she has a choice.

Thoughts swirled in her mind. Voices suggested things. 'Your mother will not know you have been gone for years, it will just be seen was two moves of the little hand on a watch.' 'But, it would be better the finish things that need to be finish and then return.' 'Maybe that chance will never come back again...relish this moment while it lasts you fool.'

Again, she looked at the vial. Should she reopen it?

A/N: I think I shall stop there, but do not worry, I will continue this (unlike One Fine Spring Day...umm yeah). The story will not be long, there is no set number, but I am only aiming for three or four chapters. Do not be surprised if it surpasses that.

If you are a fan that wants FINISHED Halice stories, check out my two other stories "The Hat Maker" and "My Muchness".

A new chapter will be up shortly, do not fret.