(Author's Note)

Yeah, I do feel bad about writing this instead of working on 'Silent Treatment' or the other Danny and Steve one-shot I have planned, but the muse waits for no man. Or fangirl.

Disclaimer: I don't own Hawaii Five-0. The only thing in this fic I own, is the story plot. And the shameless slash I incorporated.

It was the shock of a lifetime that Danny found on his office desk one fine morning. It was a hand-written poem. Unsigned, but he knew who it was from.

"Steve!" he yelled from his office. Steve looked up from a case file he was looking at, and walked to Danny's office.

"What's up, Danno?" he asked casually. Now, normally Danny would take offense that Steve had called him 'Danno,' but right now he was too interested in the piece of paper in his hands.

"What the hell is this?" Danny held the piece of paper up to Steve's face.

Steve smothered a laugh. "I have no idea what that is, Danno." He had decided to call the man by his nickname as many times as he possibley could..

"Oh, yeah. I totally believe you," Danny replied sarcastically.

"Great, so I'll be going now." Steve walked to the door and was about to step out when a hand grasped his shoulder.

"No, I don't think you're going anywhere. Honestly! Why would you write such a thing?" Danny raged on for a few more moments while Steve just listened.

"Danno, hold on. How do you know I wrote it? It could have been someone else," Steve interrupted.

"Of course it was you! Who else would have written a poem with the words 'Danny, I love you' in it? No one else would have written it! I am pretty smart you know! I can figure out this kind of stuff!" Danny glowered at the man he loved, yet hated at the same time.

"Don't jump to conclusions. It could be from Grace." Steve knew Danny had him, he just liked arguing pointlessly.

Danny rolled his eyes. "Uh-huh..Would Grace have written 'There are so many things I want to do to you'? I don't think so."

Steve grinned. "You know I love you, Danny. I was just listening to my creative genius and that," he pointed to the paper, "was formed!"

Danny, once again, rolled his eyes. "You're an idiot." But in those 3 words, Steve knew all was forgiven. He also knew that Danny loved him too.