AN: Hi everyone! :D Well, first off, I haven't written too much in good while, so please excuse me if it isn't stellar. However, I am rather happy with this thus far. My goal is to make them as in-character as possible, so if something seems off, please let me know.

This is set assuming Ciel is almost fifteen and lives in his mansion and whatnot. I don't know, you can call it an AU if you like.

Anyways, enjoy!

Disclaimer: If I owned Kuroshitsuji, Ciel and Sebastian certainly wouldn't just be an implied pairing.

The tiny ebony haired boy's spine was suddenly stiff as a board as he bolted up straight, panting. He could feel his shoulders trembling slightly, his clammy hands curled into tight fists from the tension. He soon became all too aware of the shameful state he was in, and Ciel began to will himself to calm down, beads of sweat dripping from his forehead onto the white folds of his sheets as he caught his breath. After a minute or so of deep, shaky breaths, he decided he was alright for the moment, and forcibly set himself on solving his next problem, no matter how much he would have loved to just ignore it. He glanced down and groaned in distaste.

The physical evidence of his arousal was more than dismaying for the young earl, dashing whatever faint hope he had harbored that when he awoke, that he, for once after having that wretched dream, wouldn't have this issue. But, just as every time before, his nether regions had decided to stand at attention upon his awakening from...whatever that was.

The earl fell back onto his pillow, silently bemoaning the fact that he had let this happen once again. He was nearly fifteen, he knew, so it was perfectly normal to be having dreams of a more questionable nature, but these? They were a far stretch from normal, these monstrosities that plagued him almost two or three nights a week now. He tightened his lips in disgust, recalling the latest one, how he howled in agony as he slowly burned, but moaned in pleasure as hands larger and more pale than his own stroked and held and pleased him, as a tongue barely too long be human sucked and licked him, as teeth too sharp to be natural pierced and grazed and scraped him, as crimson eyes stared in overwhelming lust and sadistic mirth, as a voice all too familiar and calm slipped into his ears with a slight chuckle-

"You are hardly the master here, Ciel."

Ciel's eyes snapped open. It was doing him absolutely no good to lie here and voluntarily run himself through the twisted scenario again, and it was only making his erection worse, no matter how much that fact annoyed him. Judging by the speckle of blue-gray morning light peeking under his drapes, it was nearly time for him to wake and Sebastian would be here to get him up in twenty minutes, at the most. Trying not to think much more about why he had to do it in the first place, the boy set about ridding himself of his erection.

From the very first time this had occurred, which was now about a month ago, Ciel had decided that he would absolutely not pleasure himself in order to get rid of such a thing. It was below the position of being the Earl of Phantomhive to touch himself in such a disgusting way, and the nightmare preceding his all too common problem was sinful enough as it was. Ciel had once heard that dousing yourself in cold water would get rid of it, but unfortunately there was never any to be found in his bedroom. Instead, he had found that the only method that was effective was to slap the offending object, repeatedly if necessary. Oh, it was painful, certainly, but it worked, and that was all he really cared about, for while the erection would probably make a great conversation starter, the conversation it would start was not one he wanted to have, especially with Sebastian for that matter.

So, mentally bracing himself, the boy pulled down all the blankets and sheets, and yanked away his night clothes and undergarments. His erection now bare, Ciel inhaled deeply, pulled back his arm, and slapped the offending body part. The earl gasped sharply at the pain that followed, but, after a moment, he was very much relieved to see that his efforts had indeed worked, and his body was back to its normal state. He glanced at the speck of light on the ground. It had turned more of a yellowish color, signifying it was now about the time Sebastian was supposed to come and wake him. Ciel yanked his clothing and blankets back into order, and lay back down, feigning sleep while waiting for the demonic butler to arrive.

It wasn't long before he heard a gentle rapping at the door, and soon there was a slight creaking as the door swung open.

Sebastian knocked for the formality only, really, Ciel knew, and he could never decide whether he found that to be perfectly acceptable behavior, or whether the act annoyed him. On the one hand, it was something a butler was expected to do, but on the other hand, it meant nothing. Regardless of whether or not Ciel gave his approval, Sebastian would always enter the room after knocking, which almost made the act of knocking seem deceptive, as though it was not really a way for Sebastian to ask permission to enter the room but instead was a way to announce his presence. It was one of the many things the butler did routinely that Ciel was positive were meant on some level just to frustrate him.

This morning was no different in that respect. No more than a moment after the soft, woody knocks rang throughout the room, Ciel felt a slight rush of cool air against his face and a short creak resounded as Sebastian opened the door. Ciel heard light footsteps slowly growing in volume as they approached, and a large warm hand fell upon his shoulder, shaking him gently.

"Young master, it is time to wake up," a deep, smooth voice directed softly.

"You have a busy schedule today."

Ciel groaned in grogginess that he hoped wasn't too obviously feigned and began to slowly separate his eyelashes as though his eyes were still adjusting to the light. The mismatched orbs followed his butler as the demon strode over to the drapes, pulling them open with a swoop of his arm. Warm, yellow light flooded the room and Ciel found that all too quickly he didn't just have to pretend his eyes were still adjusting to the light . He gave another groan of discomfort, a real one this time.

Sebastian whirled around to face the boy and bowed from the hips gracefully, smiling, though the ebony hair hanging in front of his face covered the expression partially.

"For breakfast this morning, I have prepared a fine Earl Grey tea as well as crepes. The young master may, of course, choose what to top the crepes with. The options include a medley of berries, hand-whipped cream, melted chocolate, and powdered sugar." Sebastian gestured over to the awaiting plate of crepes with a hand covered by white cloth, and Ciel couldn't help but be reminded of the contract that bound the demon to him. If their contract somehow expired this very moment, would Sebastian take his soul with the same fake smile and etiquette he displayed now? Was there even a point pondering it?

"Put everything on the crepes but the berries," Ciel instructed firmly.

"Of course, my lord." Sebastian set about covering the thin pastries with the toppings Ciel had requested, not a bit of any of them falling out of place. The boy pulled himself up until he was sitting upright on the bed, his back leaning against the wooden headboard. Sebastian handed him the gleaming silver tray upon which rested a white porcelain plate with the artfully prepared crepes and a tea cup and saucer decorated with beautifully hand painted red roses, milk already mixed in with the tea in a manner that was quintessentially English.

Ciel dug his fork into one of the crepes and brought a bite up to his mouth, inwardly delighting in the crepes that were, like any other food Sebastian made, unquestionably perfect, not that he would tell that to the butler in question. Sebastian was cocky enough as it was. In any case, Ciel had a feeling that Sebastian already knew all too well how flawless his cooking was.

Sebastian gazed down at the small boy, reddish-brown irises fixed on his master. His eyelashes were long and thick enough that Ciel thought to ask his butler if he had taken to painting them with mascara like a woman. The thought of Sebastian painstakingly applying the dark mixture to each eyelash made the corners of the young noble's mouth tilt up ever so slightly in mirth. His butler took notice of this, and raised a thin, perfectly arched eyebrow.

"Is there something amusing, young master?"

Ciel instantly forced his expression to return to a neutral state.

"Of course not, Sebastian." The boy daintily took another bite of the crepes, and then handed the tray of exquisite half-finished food back to Sebastian.

"I'm done." Ciel often made a point of not finishing the food Sebastian prepared, no matter how badly he wanted to. It was another way he attempted to keep the butler's ego in check. Through the action, he implied that the breakfast wasn't even worth finishing, and he was sure the demon picked up on that. Such a habit was getting difficult to maintain, lately, as his appetite had almost tripled. He assumed it had something to do with puberty and growth spurts and the like.

Sebastian elegantly set the tray on the corner of Ciel's desk.

"Well then, young master, I suppose it is time for you to get dressed," he noted. Ciel nodded, though he could feel his stomach grow heavy with dread. This was a perfectly acceptable routine, he knew, but for the past month it had grown excruciatingly agonizing, especially the morning after he had dreamt such...things.

The problem, he reminded himself, was that such terrible nightmares always involved Sebastian removing his clothes as well as burning in the fiery depths of hell. Therefore, he had come to associate the two. So, it was perfectly normal that as the he stood and Sebastian began to remove his night gown, he would seek distraction from the large, fabric-covered hands that were in reality doing nothing but attempting to dress him for the day.

"What, exactly, do I have planned for today again, Sebastian?" Ciel inquired in as steady a voice he could manage as the butler in question began to dress the boy's nude body once more.

"Young master, have you forgotten? It is the start of the social season and we are, accordingly, traveling to your home in London," Sebastian reminded, a slight bit of what most people would take for concern in his eyes at his master's forgetfulness. Ciel, however, knew better than to take the expression at face value.

"Ah yes, of course. You have, I trust, made the necessary preparations?" Ciel couldn't believe that he had forgotten about the impending social season, after all, he dreaded that time of year so much. The pointless parties and dances and the like only served to irritate him, but they were necessary to attend if he were to truly fulfill the role left to him by his parents. He tilted his chin up slightly as Sebastian finished dressing him by tying a deep blue silken ribbon around his neck.

"Of course, my lord. Your belongings have been packed for the trip, and the carriage should be ready to leave within the hour. Is there anything else young master would require for his stay?" It was another formality, Ciel knew. Sebastian had made sure that everything was in order, just as he always did, and just as he always would up until the moment of his master's demise. Despite this, the demon gazed down at him as though he were actually expecting another request.

"No," Ciel replied, "that will do. Go and prepare the carriage." He attempted to stare his butler down, but at that moment couldn't bring himself to look him directly in the eyes that burned into his very being in those hideous dreams.

Sebastian covered his features with that cruel imitation of a smile once more, and bowed.

"Yes, my lord." The masquerading demon stepped out of the room, the tray of half-eaten breakfast in one hand. He pulled the door to a close behind him almost soundlessly.

Ciel collapsed onto the bed the moment he was sure Sebastian was gone, though he knew it would more than likely wrinkle the fine clothes his butler had painstakingly dressed him in. He sighed in exasperation. He simply couldn't put up with this anymore, he just couldn't. Somehow, he would find a way to restore his proper mindset. It didn't matter how damned he was, he would not allow himself to be subjected to such terrible sin on a regular basis. He sat up straight once more and promised himself that he would make this end. He would not put up with this. He was the Earl of Phantomhive.

Somehow, he would find a solution.

A/N: A bit short, I know. Reviews are love, though! ^.^ I really can't express how much I appreciate them.