So it's been forever since I've written. I've been missing it lately though so I decided to get back into it. What better way to do it than to pick up where I left off? Forgive any spelling errors please, the computer I'm writing on is absolutely horrid. No space for microsoft word so I'm on wordpad. Not only that, but this keyboard is so clunky it's completely ridiculous. Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

Sakura's POV

When I woke up I could feel two things.

The first thing was this awful second was that I wasn't alone.

I froze at the arms around me. Had I done something stupid? My clothes were certainly on but had they been that way? I shifted slightly, trying to get a better look at the person without waking them but I heard a soft sigh and they moved slightly.

I froze.

It was definitely a girl by the sound and the size. But Naruto should have been watching me right? He wouldn't let me do anything stupid.

Would he?

As I bit my bottom lip in frustration, a habit she had started what seems like so long ago, I felt the stranger move and snuggle herself close to me. Sirens screamed inside my head to get up, to get away from this physical affection. No one should touch me. No one should hold me. I didn't even know who this person was!

Then I felt her gently nuzzle my neck and breathe tiredly across it.

"Are you feeling any better Sakura?" The voice spoke quietly, as if she spoke any louder she'd scare me away.

I chewed my lip in concentration. I recognized that voice. I knew who this was.

As I attempted to fight through my rabid monster of a hangover headache to retrieve my answer she turned my face gently, answering my question for me.

"I'm fine Ino. What are you doing here?"

Rolling over to face her, she rested her hand on my hip, rubbing it softly and absent mindedly.

"I knew you needed me Sakura. That's what friends are for. Are you not happy I'm here?" She questioned, her delicate blonde eyebrow raising in dissaproval as her lip twitched, fighting a smirk.

I chuckled softly, trying to shake her hand off that was now traveling up my sides.

"I'm fine Ino. I'm a big girl. I can take care of myself you know."

She rolled her eyes at me and pulled away, stretching before standing up and looking at me with a lazy look in her baby blue eyes.

"You certainly are a big girl Sakura. But I think you need some help with the taking care part."

I growled lowly at her bluntness and she shrugged, turning to open my closet and go through my shirts.

"I'll call someone to fix the wall downstairs and I'll have breakfast ready in about an hour. How does that sound hun?"

I growled again, slightly louder this time.

"I said I can take care of myself. I don't need your help. I don't want it. I can do things on my own. I'm fine."

My hand with twitching slightly with anger, but my old friend simply smiled at me.

"Whatever Sakura. You don't see what I see."

I scoffed at her and gave her the most irritated glare I could possibly muster through this headache. She smirked at me and winked before pulling her shirt off and tossing it aside. I blushed a deep crimson and covered my eyes.

"My god Ino! I'm gay! Don't do that in front of me, are you mad?"

She giggled lightly and when I opened my eyes she had pulled on my "Linkin Park" T-shirt.

"Yeah and I'm bi. What difference does it make? We used to change in front of each other all the time Sakura."

With a laugh she left my room and I groaned, aggrivated. I'd never get her to leave. She was so stubborn.

I pulled myself out of bed and rumaged around my closet until I found something halfway decent and quickly stepped down the staircase and wandered into the kitchen where Ino stood, making eggs.

"If I remember right, you like the scrambled. And both jelly and butter on your toast. And your coffee black."

I laughed as my old best friend had just named my likes all correctly. I didn't have the heart to tell her I didn't have much of an appetite; I had been vomiting my food since I had gotten dumped.

I settled myself behind her, watching as she cooked. Turning for a moment, she met my eyes, her face nearly an inch from my own.

"You know watching isn't going to help them cook any faster."

I rolled my eyes at her cocky sarcasm. That stupid smirk on her face.

"I know that."

Irritated with her I plopped down into a chair, pouting slightly. She gave a soft chuckle.

I watched her silently as she moved around in what seemed to be an everyday thing for the woman. She busied herself with making my toast and served me my plate while she seated herself with her own and began eating.

We ate quietly in a sort of akwardness until she seemed to find something to say.

"So what are your plans for today?"

"Nothing I guess."

She smiled at me and winked.

"Not anymore! You're going to spend today with me!"

I raised an eyebrow at her and almost chocked on my eggs.

"The hell I am."

She scoffed at me and got up to throw away her plate.

"The hell you are. I am not having you stay in this depressed house all day then go out and drink all night. It's not right."

I shifted slightly, irked at her persistance.

"What are we going to be doing?"

Smiling in satisfaction she wrapped her arms around me from behind and kissed my cheek in happyness.

"Oh a little of this, a little of that. I need to pick up some things at the store... and I suppose we could rent a movie if you wanted? Or go out to eat?"

She looked at me questioningly and I shrugged.

"Whatevers fine. I'm your prisoner anyways since you're making me do this."

She pouted all cute and stepped closer to me when I stood to rid myself of my plate. She wrapped her arms around my waist and pulled me close, looking down at me with big blue eyes.

"Awe, don't be like that. I'm doing it for your own good hun."

She continued hugging me until I softly shrugged her off.

"Yeah yeah, just don't do that again."

She frowned and her brow furrowed.

"Fine. But hurry up and get ready kay?" She giggled and left the room.

I watched her go. Stupid girl. Just shows up at my house all worried about me. Holds me while I sleep. Makes breakfast for me.

I gritted my teeth and my hand bawled up into a tight fist. Clenching and unclenching I calmed myself down slightly. Sighing, I leaned back against the wall closing my eyes tightly.

Why did I do this to myself? Why do I always seem to get myself into stupid situations?

Ino's POV

Slightly dissapointed, I left Sakura to her own doings in the kitchen.

I had always had a little crush on the girl. We had always been flirty towards each other. Thats why when Sakura started dating that girl we stopped hanging out. She had hated me. She was always telling Sakura that she was practically cheating when she hung around me. That made my heart break. Making her choose between her best friend and girlfriend.

I knew Sakura had loved her so much so I didn't make her choose. I chose for her. I thought that if maybe I left them alone then for once in my best friends lifetime she could actually be happy with someone.

How wrong I was.

I had missed her like crazy and now I couldn't stand the fact that the girl had left her like she did. Not only that, but now she didn't give two shits about poor Sakura.

And here Sakura is, bawling her eyes out every night over this worthless, ugly, cheating bitch. I wanted to punch her face in and scream profanities in her face and make her feel like complete and utter shit. Thats exactly how I wanted her to feel. Hurt and hopeless. She deserved it. Hurt my best friend. I'll kick her ass.

"Are you ready to head out Ino?"

I turned to see the poor broken girl and put on a fake smile. Had she not been so broken she probably would have noticed. I loved the girl to death. I couldn't bare to see her in any pain.

I wanted to make it all go away. I just had no idea how to do it yet.

"Yeah Sakura, we can head out."

She followed me quietly out the door as I silently ran things over in my head.

I loved this girl to death. I'd do anything to make her smile again.

R&R and I'll have the next chpater up real shortly :)