Ostagar Battlefield from Alistair's point of view…

Alistair groaned as he began to sit up; he gazed around the battle field, and stared in amazement as he watched Belyssa kill the ogre in spectacular fashion.

"That was amazing, Bel." he said as Belyssa looked his way. He opened his arms as she ran to him, and then became confused when she ran right by him. He let out a startled cry as saw his own body lying in the snow, with what he could only assume was his own blood everywhere.

"Am I dead?" he thought to himself. He thought back to the fight with the ogre; he remembered pushing Bel out of the way of the ogre's hands when it bent down a second time, he also remembered flying through the air as if all of sudden he learned to fly, and then everything went black.

"No, no, I can't lose you too. Please mi cuore, I need you!" he heard Bel say as she began to pour healing potions down is throat. Alistair felt his body tingle, a part of him hoped to they would help; but he could tell that his injuries were severe, and only magic and lot of it would save him. That is when he felt someone else run past him; he realized that Bethany was now kneeling beside Belyssa and she immediately began to pour healing magic into him. She was then followed by Wynne, who started to make a comment but she never had a chance to speak because the look Belyssa threw her way scared even him. So she too began to help Bethany heal him, and then he thought he was dreaming when Morrigan came over and began to pour her mana into Bethany adding her strength into the spell. That tingle he first felt became stronger and then he let out a scream that no one heard, as he began to feel all the pain that was inflicted on him and once again everything went black.

Sometime later, Alistair woke again and saw no one. That made him wonder; Bel wouldn't leave me here alone. Alistair called out her name, and when she didn't answer he began to call out to the other members of their group. After starting to develop a horrible feeling in his stomach he decided to take a good look around. It didn't take him long to figure out that he was in the fade, especially when he looked behind himself and still saw his body lying in the snow. He then let out a gut wrenching shout, and fell to his knees crying.

Alistair had no idea how long he sat in the snow crying; he cried at thought of Bel going through a loss of another person she loved, and so soon after them finally admitting their feelings to each other, at the loss of the chance to make to love to each other, and how now she was the only Warden in Ferelden, with the responsibility of stopping the blight was on her shoulders. He looked around at his surroundings again. Why am I in the fade? Didn't the Chantry say when we die we will rejoin the Maker? Only mages should be in the fade. And then he heard the faint sound of someone crying. For a moment he thought it was Bel, but that can't be right. His thoughts were interrupted by someone approaching.

"Why am I here?" he said out loud.

"You are here because I thought it was time we talked in person," said a robed figure. Alistair immediately grabbed his sword and turned to face the person.

"And who in the black city are you?" questioned Alistair

"Alistair you know me. I have been a part of you all your life," said the robed figure as he held his arm out with palm facing up, as a show of surrender. Alistair didn't trust the robed figure and slowly began to gather his will.

"I am pretty sure that I would remember meeting a creepy robed figure," responded Alistair.

The robed figure let out a chuckle, which sent shivers down Alistair's spine. "Are you so sure? I have been there in the shadows watching you, giving you guidance when you needed it."

"Is that so?"

The figure again laughed, and nodded.

"In the wilds I helped you against the darkspawn, and then again at Redcliffe I helped you defeat the demon there." Alistair knew that Red helped in the wilds and Bethany fought the demon at Redcliffe.

"I know I have never met you." Alistair stated again. The robed figure sighed.

"Let me show you." With a wave of his hand an image began to appear in the snow. Alistair looked over to it and saw himself in the wilds with Daveth, Jory and Bel. Though something didn't feel quite right to him, as he watched the events unfold he realized he and the others are not calling her "Belyssa" but "Elyssa" and she was fighting with a dual weapon style that mirrored Zevran's. Alistair didn't respond, and just watched as he began to realize who the robed figure was. The images reached the point that Erebus was talking about earlier, and as Alistair watched he knew now more than before that this was not his memory, but that of the other Alistair.

"By the look on your face, I see he hasn't told you everything yet." Now Alistair was very confused.

"He?" asks Alistair

"This is getting tiresome. Yes, he, as in another you. Don't pretend you don't know, because I know you do." Now Alistair was curious, because Erebus was right Red hadn't told him everything; in fact Red hadn't said much to him at all.

"And what is it, exactly, that he was supposed to tell me?"

"He was supposed to warn you about that woman."


Again Erebus sighed.

"Don't play coy with me boy, we know what woman. She isn't good for you, you know; she will betray you."

"She would never do that," argued Alistair

"I see you are falling in love with her, which was faster than in previous times." Alistair stayed quiet.

"Here let me show you all the times she has deceived you." Once again images appeared in the snow; this time it showed Elyssa with other people. Alistair saw her with the other him, as well as Leliana, Zevran, Dairren, and Teagan; the image of her and Sten just baffled Alistair. However, he had to hold back the bile that rose up from his throat as he watched the last image. Erebus smiled as he watched his reaction.

"You see, she will even lay down with Loghain."

"No, she would never do that."

You see it there with your own eyes, she will!"

"NO, she is not like that woman. She would never do what you say!" exclaimed Alistair.

"If you will not do what I want willingly, then I will make you," stated Erebus.

Alistair knew that he was about to cast a spell, and he was ready for it. He waited until right before Erebus was ready to strike, and then he used the will he had gathered and unleashed it all at once, knocking Erebus to the ground. Before he could rise, Alistair was standing over him, and was about to strike when Erebus hit him with lighting. Alistair screamed in pain, but continued to run him through with his sword before falling back in the snow. Oddly, he fell right back into his body, and by the time Erebus was standing up again, Alistair's body disappeared from the fade. Now it was Erebus' turn to cry out in vain as he too left the scene.

Outside of Bodhan's Wagon…

Fergus was staring at Bodhan's wagon. Inside was his sister. She was arguing with Wynne and Bethany. He didn't know what he should do. After retrieving Cailan's body, and leaving him in what was left of the Royal encampment, everyone proceeded to cross the bridge to the Tower of Ishal. Somewhere in the middle of the bridge they ran into a strange genlock. Oddly the genlock didn't attack, but cast a spell, causing the bodies of the dead on the bridge to rise and fight them.

When that fight was over he heard Wynne and Morrigan explain that the genlock must be a necromancer (someone who can control the dead). No one in the group was particularly happy about that. As they fought their way back to the genlock, both Belyssa and Alistair commented on how the route they took was the same as when they were headed towards the Tower to light the signal that Loghain ignored, leaving Cailan, the Wardens and everyone else fighting to die.

The only difference this time was that instead of going up the tower, they went down a very large hole that they'd seen the last time. This was the hole they suspected the darkspawn used to gain control of the tower. Once they were all underneath the tower, they encountered huge spiders; some were poisonous, others just extremely ugly. When they finally reached the battle ground of Ostagar, they again met up with the necromancer; he once again brought some of the bodies back to life.

Much to his horror, one of those bodies belonged to Duncan. Fergus had noticed how upset Alistair became; however instead of letting him fight the re-animated Duncan, his sister fought the creature. She directed Alistair to fight the necromancer; him being templar trained, that made sense. Fergus knew from conversations with Alistair and the others that he was the best equipped to counter the necromancer's spells. That left the other fighters to deal with the re-animated ogre, while the mages in the group handled healing and back up fire support. The fight was tough, but they were succeeding in eliminating their opponents.

Frankly, Fergus wasn't sure how it happened; he was told by the others that Alistair killed the necromancer with some help from Belyssa. Both of them joined the fight against the ogre, and this was where things got a little hazy for Fergus. He remembered fighting the ogre, then at some point it picked him up. He was told by Zevran that his sister picked up the shield he dropped and started ramming the ogre in its leg; Alistair joined her, and together they caused the ogre to drop him. That was when Zevran and Leliana pulled him out of the fight; with the attention of the ogre turned onto the Wardens, he then went after them. Alistair realized it first, and pushed Belyssa out of its reach; instead of picking her up next, the ogre grabbed him.

According to Zevran and Leliana, that's when Belyssa went crazy; she was already yelling when the ogre first grabbed Fergus, however, when it took Alistair she began screaming louder and instead of ramming the ogre with a shield she began to slash at its legs. Once more she attracted its attention; however, this time it threw Alistair away like a toy, and went to grab her. Instead of grabbing her, she slashed its wrist and then ran and leapt up onto the creature. With its leg injuries, it was unable to stay upright, so it fell back, and she stabbed it in the throat, spraying its blood everywhere.

Once the ogre was dead, she ran over to where Alistair had landed; there was blood everywhere. The ogre had managed to punch his face and squeeze his body. Luckily for him, Wynne had cast a healing spell that regenerated his health, so he was still alive but barely breathing. Belyssa started pouring healing potions into his mouth; however, with the damage from the ogre's punch it didn't seem to be making much of a difference. Bethany, who had just finished healing Fergus, came over and began casting spells on Alistair. Wynne tried to argue the futility of her action, however, whatever she was going to say was stopped by the look his sister gave her, and she began to help Bethany to heal the worst of Alistair's injuries. It took some time before they could move him without causing more harm. Shale was the one who offered to carry him back to camp, where Bodhan offered the use of his wagon.

Which was why Fergus felt conflicted, now. He knew in his head and heart what he should do, however, he was still plagued by his own guilt leaving him feeling conflicted.

"She is an amazing woman." said Zevran, who was now standing beside him.

"She has been a handful, from the day she was born."

"Oh?" inquired Zevran

Fergus smiled at the memories. "Yes, she gave our mother a hard time coming into the world. The midwife thought at one point we may lose them both. Mother and Bliss had a different opinion on the matter."

"It would seem so." Fergus chuckled at Zevran's comment. Then their attention was diverted to the loud voices coming from Bodhan's wagon; Wynne was arguing with Bethany as they exited. Fergus sighed and walked over to the ladies.

"You are no more a Grey Warden than I am, don't tell me what she is saying makes sense to you," argued Wynne

"I am saying there is no way to know what she says is wrong, so why argue with her. Especially when she is that upset," countered Bethany. Fergus became annoyed at Wynne for arguing with Bethany.

"Ladies, what seems to be the problem?" he asked.

"Your sister has some foolish idea, and she will not listen to reason."

"Why must you always be so dismissive of others? Are you so enamored with yourself that other people's thoughts and opinions are not as important as yours?" argued Bethany.

Wynne looked shocked at Bethany's statement, while Fergus felt a strange sense of pride for Bethany. Wynne said nothing further, and turned to walk away from them both. Bethany turned her attention to Fergus.

"Can we talk?"

Fergus nodded and began to look for someplace around the camp for them to sit.

"No, I want to stay near the wagon in case Alistair is needs more healing."

"I thought you and Wynne healed him, and that he is going to be fine."

"We managed to get the worst of the damage healed, and cast spells for all the broken bones to knit back together. But he isn't out of the woods yet; there are several small fragments of bone floating in his blood, and they could get trapped in his heart and cause it to stop."

Fergus was unaware that he sat down as Bethany explained Alistair's injuries; the description brought back the memory of when his sister was hurt badly as a child, and he and their parents thought they might lose her.

"Fergus are you alright?" asked Bethany; she unconsciously touched his face. The heat of her hand brought him back to reality, as he raised his hand to enclose hers.

"What? Yes I am fine. No, that's a lie. Bliss had an injury similar to Alistair's when she was only ten, and we almost lost her; the memory of that time came back to me."

Suddenly they were both startled by a loud scream coming from the wagon. Bethany ran to the tent, wondering as she ran why her hand felt so warm. When she arrived at the wagon, she found Belyssa trying to hold down Alistair's body as he convulsed.

Bethany turned to shout at Fergus, "Get Wynne!" she then gave her focus to Belyssa. "Warden!" Belyssa looked up at her, with more tears falling down her face. "Hold his head, so he does not cause more damage, I will heal him." Belyssa just nodded and moved over so she could hold his head; she also bent down to whisper in his ear, that movement reminded Bethany of when her own sister. "Nonie" was badly injured and our father told me to talk to Nonie too. I still don't know if Nonie heard me; she never said, and now it is too late. Bethany's thoughts were interrupted when Wynne entered the wagon and both tried to figure out what caused Alistair to convulse.

While Wynne and Bethany were working to find the cause of Alistair's convulsions, Morrigan entered the wagon to once again add her strength to either woman if needed. Bethany could hear Belyssa whispering to Alistair.

"Wake up, mi cuore. Fight and come back to me. I need you!" Belyssa waited for Alistair to stir; the longer she waited the more tears fell until she was crying on him. She couldn't look up at the women with her as they fought to help save his life; she could hear them whispering among themselves but she wasn't listening to what was being said. Her main concern was that Alistair wasn't responding, and she couldn't imagine gathering the army they needed on her own; more to the point she didn't want to do it alone. Belyssa was lost in her thoughts and never heard Bethany calling out to her; it wasn't until she felt a hand in her hair that she tried to raise her head, but the hand stopped her. Her eyes then flew to Alistair's face, and there were those amber eyes looking at her.

"Don't ruin those beautiful eyes with tears," he said weakly with a smile. Belyssa was too stunned to speak, but she did manage to give him a kiss as Bethany and the other ladies left the wagon. Belyssa then settled down beside Alistair, to eventually fall asleep while listening to the steady rhythm of his heart.