Secret Love-Confusion

Pairing: Callie/George/Arizona

Summary: A/U –Callie is married to George and is unhappy. But she doesn't get why until a perky blonde moves into the house next door.

Disclaimer: None of the characters are mine. No infringement intended

A/N: This is not following the Grey's Anatomy storyline AT all. None of them are doctors. However there might be a few of the Grey's Anatomy characters might show up as the story comes along. And I hope that this story doesn't confuse you too much=)

Callie is married to George since 9 years. They live in a house in the suburbs and they have 2 kids, Sophie 8 and Lukas 6. Callie is unhappy but don't know why because she has everything that she should possible need. But it wasn't until the Robbins's family moved next door and she meet Mrs. Robbins that she got why she's been so unhappy.

Callie's Pov:

My life is pretty ordinary. I wake up as I usually do, at 06:00 every morning. I wake the kids up. I give them breakfast and drop them off at school. Then I go home and clean the house or do the laundry before I pick the kids up from school again. I'm a writer so I do all the work from home. Which I love. Then I usually go home and start making dinner before George comes back home from his work. And once a week we have the poker-night with the women on this street.

This day started like all the others do. I did everything as I usually do. But when I got back home from dropping the kids of at school I saw this truck on the house next door drive way. Our friends Susan and Matt lived in that house before but they had to sell it when Matt got a job offer in California and they had to move. I watched how people unloaded boxes after boxes and furniture's after furniture's. I guess we're getting new neighbors I thought while pouring the coffee. I hope they have kids in the same age as Sophie and Lukas. I started to clean up in the house and doing the laundry. That's when I heard a knock on the door.

"Hello. My name is Arizona Robbins and I, my husband Brad and our daughter Kate just moved into the blue house over there and I thought it would be appropriate to introduce myself" the woman right in front of me said. I shook her hand and smiled. Oh my God. She's so beautiful. So sexy. Stop it Calliope! I'm are a married woman, and so is she. And I'm not a lesbian. And neither is she. Now I'm just rambling. I stared at her and started to blush when she showed me her dimples. I realized that I haven't said something yet "Uhm, Oh, Hi. Nice to meet you. I'm Callio…Callie O'Malley" I said with a big smile trying to hide how nervous I got. "Callie O'Malley huh? Cute…Do you and your husband have any kids?" she asked. "Yes 2. Sophie who's 8 and Lukas who's 6." Just thinking of them made me smile. But when I looked into the beautiful blue eyes in front of me I felt how my heart started to beat faster. "Oh great. Our Kate is 8 too. Then maybe we can arrange some sort of playdate or something? Since Kate doesn't know anyone here yet…"

"Yeah. That would be great. Oh…I'm sorry; do you want to come in for some coffee or something?" I asked embarrassed not to have asked it sooner.

"Oh that would have been nice but I have a lot to do, the house is a mess. I'd love to do it another time"

"Yeah sure. Oh you know what? Why don't you and your family come over for dinner tonight? That gives us a chance to meet everyone" Why did I ask that? What's wrong with me? I can't be around this woman. She makes me too nervous. Why does she make me this nervous? What's wrong with me? I love George.

"We'd love too. That would be really nice. Thank you." she smiled

"Is 7 o'clock okay?"

"7 o'clock is perfect." she said and looked at her watch. "Oh my, I have to go. I have to pick up Kate from school. But it was nice to meet you. I guess we'll see each other later. Thank you for the invite"

"It was nice to meet you too. Yeah seeya' later" I said. I followed her with my eyes through the window while she walked towards her car. Ugh. Why did I react like that? She's a woman. A WOMAN Calliope! I shook my head of my own thoughts and drove to the grocery store to get some supplies for tonight dinner. But the whole drive to the store I just tried to calm down. To breathe. To think about something else but that woman.

21:40 later that night

"You were awfully quite tonight" George said when we got ready for bed.

"I'm not feeling very well" I lied. The reason I didn't say much tonight was because I was stunned by the woman sitting on the other side of the table. Which is VERY wrong. I don't understand it. It has never happened to me before. Felling like this for a woman. That my heart beats in a way that it never has when I'm with George.

"Maybe you should just relax a little. No one will die if you don't do the laundry one day or if you don't make dinner. We can always get take outs or go out for dinner" he said and kissed me on the cheek. "Thank you" I whispered while he walked toward the bathroom. He looked at me over his shoulder "I love you Calliope" he smiled. "I love you too George" I said when he closed the bathroom door. For a minute or two I just sat there in the bed staring into the wall. What does this mean? Is this some early midlife crisis? Am I going crazy? When I heard him flush in the bathroom I just lay down, turned the lights off and closed my eyes. Hoping that he wouldn't ask for sex tonight. I'm too confused. He didn't he just went to bed and fell asleep. But I couldn't sleep. It was too hard. So I went downstairs to my office and started to write on my book. It wasn't until I heard George's alarm go off upstairs that I realized that I'd been up all night.

11:00 the next day

Arizona's Pov:

I hadn't gotten that much sleep last night. I had been having this weird feeling all day since I first saw the hot Latina in the house next door. I've been married with the same man for almost 11 years. And I really love him and my family. And I'm not questioning that. My big question is why I feel this way. I'm married to the best man in the whole wide world. But he knows about my past. He knows that I am a bisexual. That I have been with women before I meet him. But that doesn't change the fact that I shouldn't be feeling like this. Not that I'm married. I'm a grown woman I should be able to control myself. And I will. I have to stop thinking about Callie's curves. Her golden brown eyes. Her smile. Her laugh. Stop it Arizona! Just stop it! Don't go there. Don't you dare!

I grabbed the trash and went outside. I needed the fresh air. I pushed the trash down in the can. I turned around so quickly that I didn't notice the person standing behind me and I bumped in to her. I felt her perfume. That her hair smelled coconut. I felt her softness against my body. My heart started to beat faster. I looked up and there she was. "Oh I'm sorry" I said while taking a step back from her. "No I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snuck up on you like that" she apologized. There was a moment of awkward silence. Say something Arizona. SOMETHING! I looked into her beautiful eyes"Uhm, Thanks again for last night. The food was delicious!" Good save Arizona. She started to smile. "Oh thank you! I'm glad you liked it!" she said with a pleased look. Form words. Don't just stand here and look at her like a total moron! "Brad is the chef in our family. I'm not much of a cook" I laughed nervously. Callie started laughing too. "You should come to our cooking-nights that we have twice a month. We are a few ladies on this street that cook together. It's fun" she said. Oh my God. She's SO beautiful. She's like a drug. I can't take my eyes off her. Wait. Did she ask me something? Oh my God. What did she ask? "Uhm, yeah don't worry about it. I have to go. Seeya' later" I said. I took a quick look at her as I walked away. "Okay. Seeya' she looked confused but tried to hide it with a smile. Crap. It wasn't the right answer. Great Arizona. You ARE officially a moron!