I saw Elena soon take her prey outside back. "I gotta go keep an eye on her and clean up when she's done" I told Klaus pulling away from our slow dance that we were in the middle of. "Fine but you owe me a dance later" he teasingly as he kissed my neck softly and let me go.

I pushed through all the crowd growling slightly in irritation. I sneaked out to the back alley watching Elena take her first meal by herself. After getting the man very aroused she attacked him gulping away his life one longing sip at a time. He groped her more aroused than ever from the bite. I felt the hunger in me start to build up inside of me.

Like clockwork, Elena was able to sense the hunger in me. She pulled back giving me a bloody inviting smile. "Come on Bella there is plenty for two" she said convincingly. Without another question I blurred over the other side of the man biting into his neck swiftly.

Me and Elena held hands as we continued to kill this man slowly. Soon enough his heartbeat slowed as he finally died. We both pulled away at the same time still high. "Time to clean up, do you want to learn" I asked her smirking slightly for no specific reason. "Hell yeah" she said excitedly high on the blood and high from the hunt.

"Ok follow me" I said grabbing the guy's leg dragging him across the ground emotionlessly as Elena followed me in suit. We reached the forest as I dropped the body carelessly on the ground as I pulled out an extra liter that I always had with me. "First make sure to always have one of these with you at all times" I said waving the lighter in her face.

"Than all you do it just burn them" I told her simply as I threw the lit the liter throwing it to the ground as the body burned to ashes. "Thank you" she told me lowly her voice thick with thankfulness. "No problem you're my child I help them out through this" I told her smiling understandingly at her.

"Let's go find Klaus" I said dragging her back into the club. We looked around I soon knew Klaus was at the bar downing his scotch on the rocks. Me and Elena walked over to him to see a blonde tramp trying to hit on him. I felt my jealousy spike highly as I glared at the girl wanting to kill her. Elena stood back scared by the look on my face.

I walked up to the girl and stood behind the girl. I grabbed her by her hair yanking her head back causing a startled gasp to escape her. "Leave before I snap your neck like a twig" I growled in her ear ready to paralyze her from waist down.

She ran away gasping for breath. Klaus was staring at me with an amused smirk. "Hope you enjoyed it" I breathed out pissed as I went out to my car with them following me silently. We sped off back to the house we were walking until we heard people in the house.

I stopped all of us in front of the house. "Vampires are in the house" I told them quietly knowing they wouldn't be able to hear it. "We can take care of them" Klaus said cockily. "Elena the fighting will come natural to you and if you're having trouble I'll come in and help you" I told her reassuringly. She nodded quietly not wanting to say anything.

We came in through the door when we were attacked. Rose came behind me trying to stake me. I ripped the stake out of her hand and stabbed it just below her heart not wanting to kill what I created. She fell to the ground groaning lowly. I saw Elena and a blonde vampire battling it out. Klaus was facing the two vampire brothers.

I growled and grabbed the dark head one from behind pinning him to the ground. Soon enough I saw Rose was up and we had the others in our grip as they tried to struggle. "How may I help you all" I asked sarcastically.

"We were trying to kill you" the blonde vampire blurted out choking on Elena's grip against her throat. "Well to bad not going to happen it would hurt Elena, you don't want to hurt her do you" I asked tauntingly.

I looked at the other 2 and nodded for them to drop them. We shoved them against the ground as they backed away from us prepared to attack again. "No, no, no I wouldn't do that if I were you" I said teasingly.

"Listen we do not mean any harm no one will get harmed Elena is safe and turned we call a peace treaty" I said softly speaking for all of us. "Why should we trust you" they all quipped at the same time. I than saw Elijah blur in with a straight look on his face.

"Ask him, he knows all about me and us" I said motioning between me and Klaus. They all turned their attention to Elijah waiting for him to speak. "You can trust her she is really nice and protective once you get close to her" he said cracking a small smile at me. I smiled at him happily and went over to pull him in a brotherly hug.

I pulled away and walked close to the Salvatore brothers. "Truce" I asked holding my hand out. They smiled at me and they each shook my hand nodding silently.

Elena went to Damon and hugged him with a sigh escaping her lips. I looked around to see Damon and Elena together. Stefan and the blonde vampire hugging each other tightly. Rose and Elijah staring at each other lovingly.

I felt happiness swell inside me. "Aw this is going to be such an awesome family" I screeched happily jumping up and down. Klaus settled me down with his hands planted on my hips. "I think you owe me that dance now" he whispered in my ear smirking. I grinned at him dragging him out to the backyard. He grabbed my arms as we twirled around elegantly without any music playing.

Suddenly it started raining hard. Me and Klaus were smiling happily as he twirled me around in the air. I wrapped my legs around his waist as we stood a stand still looking into each others eyes lovingly. "I love you" I whispered to him as my lips were reaching for his. He smiled at me as he inched closer but stopping a centimeter away. "I love you too" he whispered lovingly to me, as he pulled me into a passionate slow kiss. I love the rain now, and I finally have something to live for.

Iight it's over sadly this was one of the best stories I enjoyed writing I hope you all enjoyed it also, I am also glad I was the first author ever to come up with this pairing I love to think of pairings never written about before I might write another Bella/Klaus story depends if you guys would want me to I love all the nice reviews from everyone thank you so much


Songs inspired

In the end by Linkin park

Crazy Possessive by Kaci Battaglia

We are family by sister sledge

Headstrong by trapt

Kiss The Rain by Yurima

Can I have this dance by Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens