Disclaimer: Rumiko Takahashi owns everything involving Inuyasha. All I own is my eternal love for the characters.

Expect the Unexpected Part 4

The meet point wasn't exactly brimming with the usual enthusiasm, which usually radiated from the younger youkai. It was as clear as the early morning sun that something was amiss amongst everyone. Everyone's arrivals staggered, Sesshomaru and Inuyasha making it first, then Koga and Hoshiyomi. Hiten and Tsukuyomaru rolled in fifteen minutes later, with Menomaru and Shippo coming in ten minutes after. Hakudoshi and Takemaru brought up the rear with their luggage strapped to the of their rental vehicle.

When they stepped out of the car, they removed their medallions, morphing from modern clothing to their traditional feudal garb. None of the young ones made a move to greet or shake hands or even acknowledge each other. The air was tense with uneasiness among them. The daiyoukai, as surprising as it was, merely continued to carry on as if nothing was wrong, discussing what the expectations of this trip were and how they'd go about dividing the expenses.

This time around Takemaru volunteered to take care of all the necessities without worry of being reimbursed. Inuyasha kept stealing eye glances at Koga, until he couldn't take keeping his mouth shut. He eventually turned on his heel, making a gesture with his hand for the other youkai to follow.

Sesshomaru stopped short of discussing the schedule for the trip when he noticed Inuyasha missing from his side. He looked around until spotting the two puppy ears distancing themselves. He frowned thoughtfully.

"Inuyasha, where are you off too?"

Inuyasha cut his eyes over his shoulder. The other youkai stopped behind him, looking between that nasty glare and the odd one Sesshomaru was sending. "None of your damn business," Inuyasha snapped. "Let's go." He barked to the other youkai. They hesitated a moment, sharing looks, some angry and others confused before following the hanyou near the forest line.

Hoshiyomi came by Sesshomaru's side, both of them watching their mates depart. "What on earth was that about?"

"I haven't the foggiest idea," Sesshomaru answered, exasperatedly. "As always, my dear hanyou is probably in the middle of a mood swing."

Tsukuyomaru snorted under his breath. "If you ask me, someone needs to be reminded of their station. Clearly, his attitude needs an adjustment… goodness knows that damn youkai of mines does."

Takemaru turned to the bat lord curiously. "Ah, you're having issues with your lover as well?"

"Indeed and it's such damned nonsense," the bat demon sighed. "I've proposed nearly six times and for each one I've been shot down. I don't know why he doesn't want to make our relationship more solid. Shiori deserves better."

"Make sure it's a step you're ready to make before committing," Menomaru added in. "I too have been having problems with Shippo." He ran a hand through his emerald green hair, flicking his antenna. "I was so eager to claim him that I hadn't realized how young he was before we consummated our mating. He's already speaking of wanting children."

"Children? He's still a babe himself," Ryura said as he adjusted his armor chest plate. "He should want to enjoy his marriage for all the good fortune it brings. At least he can. Bankotsu is forced to suffer….my rut season has started. This is the second year he'll have to endure my savagery."

Their conversations floated on deaf ears with Sesshomaru. The entire time he continued gazing angrily at his mate whom brought his posse to a halt not as far as Sesshomaru assumed they'd go. Inuyasha paused at that distance and occasionally would shoot a daring look at Sesshomaru to come interrupt. The elder Inuyoukai was indeed very tempted to march over there and snatch up his mate, but knew he have his chance to talk to Inuyasha about his behavior once they arrived to the cabin.

Inuyasha knew he had every right to be as pissed as he was. For Mother and Sesshomaru to demand he keep his mouth shut over this was ridiculous. All of his friends were clueless as to what was in store for them when they arrived at the cabin. The elders of all times, the world rulers of demons, the taiyoukai were waiting in silence for the arrival of their sons mates.

Inuyasha hated forced put in this role. He despised it. As he folded his hands inside his red sleeves, looking out at the line of pine trees and snowcapped mountains, he internally raged with his conscience on what he thought was best for his friends, and what he was obligated to do as the mated son of the highest ranked taiyoukai.

"So, are you gonna just stand there like a statue or explain why you dragged us away?" Hiten bit off, rubbing up and down his arms. "Who's fuckin' bright idea was it to come out here in the dead of fuckin' winter anyway? I'm about to freeze my sack off!"

"Quit complaining," Koga barked. "It's not that serious. Conjure up some thunder or something."

Hiten gawked. "What for stupid? All that's gonna accomplish is a headache for all!"

"That'll occupy your time while I figure out why my best friend's got a chip on his shoulder." Koga clapped his hand down hard on Inuyasha's shoulder and yanked him around to match his glare with one of his own. "For once, me and Hiten are on the same page. Why did you wanna bring us away from the others if only to stand here sayin' nothing?"

Inuyasha shrugged him off and took a step back. He couldn't stand being so close to any of them knowing he had this secret buried inside. "Listen," he started slowly. "This trip isn't gonna be like all the others." He looked at everyone in turn, one by one. "I know there's something going on with you and your mates—or boyfriends," he quickly corrected for Hiten and Hakudoshi. "So whatever beef you guys have I suggest you grill it and eat it before we take off. Trust me, there's gonna be enough on your plates."

Shippo tilted his head. "What's that suppose to mean?"

"Exactly as it sounds coming from his mouth. Confusing," Hakudoshi rolled his eyes and shoved his hands in his long while sleeves. "But for the sake of saving us the time to figure out that puzzle, why don't you put the pieces together for us? Solving riddles has never been my forte."

"I wish I could." Inuyasha shook his head at them. "Believe me, just take my advice and hash out what's going on between you guys. Seriously, I could smell the stress coming off of all of you when you came." He turned his head around to a specific male with a deep frown creasing his forehead. "Especially you, Bankotsu. Are you sure you and Ryura should be coming at all?"

All eyes swiveled over to Bankotsu. He physically tucked into himself, folding his arms and averting his eyes away from their prying gazes. "Nah, we're good. Everything's peachy," he chuckled nervously.

Hiten wasn't convinced. Not by a long shot. "What the hell is going on between you and Ryura?" He approached. To his surprise, Bankotsu looked like he was ready to take flight. Hiten grew angry. "Did Ryura hurt you?"

"No, no! Nothing like that. He didn't mean too—"

"The fuck—what the hell does that mean?"

"Exactly as it sounds," Bankotsu snapped. He ran a hand over his braided hair and looked up to the sky. "It's not what you're all thinking. Ryu's not beatin' me or anything. It's his rut season. He isn't in his right mind whenever he goes all dragon-y."

"So? Why doesn't he go take care of his dragon rut elsewhere?"

"Idiot!" Bankotsu devoured Hiten with a heated look. "We're mates. He can't just go off rutting with whoever. It'd burn my throat off."

"But you're just a human—"

"Anyway," Hakudoshi cut in before the argument went too far. "Before we get too involved in his business, I think someone else has been smelling a little worried. In fact you're reeking." Hakudoshi lifted his eyebrow down at his small companion. "Mind explaining to everyone why you smell so hormonal? As if—" Hakudoshi neatly plucked up a bit of Shippo's carrot red hair and sweep it under his nose. "—you've been taking estrogen herbs."

Gasps spread around, even from Inuyasha. He stomped up to the youngest youkai and smacked the back of his head. "Fool, have you lost your mind taking that junk? We're youkai! Once that stuff gets in your system it takes a lot longer for it to get out. Does Menomaru know?"

"No!" Shippo nearly shouted. All the young ones peered behind themselves to make sure their lovers weren't coming. They did look over, but none approached, thankfully. Shippo sighed with relief. "No, he doesn't know. He wouldn't smell it anyway. It's masked with Fox Magic, but I expect you to notice."

"Unfortunately, it's because we submitted ourselves to being the Beta of our relationships," Hiten explained. "You kept the scent away from the daiyoukai. We're just youkai level. Either that's why or they haven't noticed. Not that would Tsukuyomaru would. He's too busy trying to place me on lockdown."

Bankotsu gave Hiten a funny look. "What's wrong with that?"

"Plenty," Hakudoshi and Hiten answered at once. The two nodded and Hakudoshi went on to elaborate. "We're on a higher then you, Inuyasha and Bankotsu; that is, me, Hiten and Koga. We have the potential to be daiyoukai, but if we mate to one, we lose that ability. Our instincts dull and our bodies weaken. Koga, no doubt, has already figured this out and it's decision you have to be absolutely sure you're ready to make."

"But what about Inuyasha?" Shippo asked. "He's a direct ascendant from a taiyoukai."

Inuyasha raised his hand toward Hakudoshi before he could answer. "I'm half human. It's automatic that I'm stationed at the lowest of the social ladder," he said bitterly. "But don't let the fact fool you. I've kicked all of your husband's asses with minimum effort." He ignored the pack of growls for that insult against their lovers.

More would have been said, but a signal from Takemaru was given and everyone started to gather. Inuyasha hung back, turning on his heel to glare at the stretch of orange horizon peppering across the pine trees. The youkai had dissipated to their respected lovers. It wasn't long before Inuyasha sensed Sesshomaru coming near and felt the familiar tingle in his belly when Sesshomaru spoke so close to his ears.

"I don't understand what has gotten into you lately, but you'd be well advised to mind your tongue when in the presence of the other daiyoukai." Sesshomaru leaned in closer, tone sharp and chilled as icicles. "Do I make myself clear?"

"Keh," Inuyasha closed his eyes, mildly amused. "Let's get one thing straight, Sesshomaru. We're mates, but as far as stationary levels, that's the extent of it. I'm not going to roll over for you every time you demand it and it's high time you realized that too." Inuyasha opened his eyes and cut his eyes over at Sesshomaru's profile. "If that's the sort of person you expect me to me, I suggest you find yourself another lap dog."

Sesshomaru stepped back, astounded. Suggest another partner? Inuyasha hasn't ever joked about something so ridiculous, yet here he was standing here serious as the scent of it arousing from his emotions.

"Inuyasha, I don't—" Sesshomaru inhaled deeply, thinking to choose his words carefully lest he wanted to continue down this thin path"—this is ridiculous. You've been unnecessarily cold to me these last fortnights. I realize we haven't seen eye to eye lately—"

"You don't realize anything except what you want to see." Inuyasha sniffled, roughly rubbing his sleeve under his nose. "I'm bored with this conversation. Let's get this trip over with." He shoved past Sesshomaru, colliding their shoulders hard as he made his way toward their vehicle.

Inuyasha pulled his medallion over his head, returning to his red turtleneck and black corduroy pants. Sesshomaru stood motionlessly for a while, watching Inuyasha exchange words with Hoshiyomi and Koga before ducking into the passenger's side, folding his arms and turning towards the window. Sighing thoughtfully, shaking his head Sesshomaru replaced his medallion around his neck and returned to wearing his cashmere grey sweater and brown jeans. This trip wasn't going to end as well as he'd hoped.

He thought this getaway would at least help mend the strain between his and Inuyasha's relationship, but the young hanyou wasn't even trying to hint at what's been bothering him. . . Sesshomaru worried that. . . perhaps his younger brother was growing tired of their lives together.

He could only hope that wasn't the case.

"Something's seriously up with those two. Look at 'em," Koga leaned forward in his passenger at the Tahoe in front of his and Hoshiyomi's car, spying the wide gap between Inuyasha and Sesshomaru. "I don't think they've spoken since we started the trip. What do you think is going on?"

That'd been the third time Koga questioned Hoshiyomi a specific question, but didn't receive a specific answer. Koga gave his full attention to his own mate, tilting his head. Not that he could say that they were perfect, but he and Hoshiyomi were always able to chat about anything. He just seemed so closed mouth these days.

"Hey! Yo!" Koga snapped his fingers in front of Hoshiyomi's face, snapping him from whatever mental trip he was in. "Earth to Hoshiyomi!"

The ninja daiyoukai jolted in his seat, blinking as if he didn't recognize a thing. He looked at Koga with a small smile, "Yes, love, what is it?"

Koga cocked his eyebrow. "You feelin' alright? You've been actin' weird."

"Weird? Weird how?"

"Weird like weird now. What's going on with you?"

"Nothing Koga… I've just been a bit distracted is all. Work's been a nightmare with the closing deadline approaching and another company wanting extra services from me and Sesshomaru."

"Oh." Koga wasn't quite caught up with the whole business whoopla when it came to his mate's work, but he could offer support. Koga suddenly grinned and punched Hoshiyomi in the arm. "Idiot, you should have told me you were stressed. I know how to keep quiet. No worries." He went to stare out the window, smiling at nothing and glad he could be of some help.

His hand was softly gathered in a tab larger hand and his fingers kissed one by one. Hoshiyomi smiled at the soft blush spreading over Koga's cheeks.

"I don't deserve you," Hoshiyomi gently said.

Koga said nothing, squirming in his seat as each finger received sweet treatment, one lingering kiss at a time. One thing he could say he had over Inuyasha was an easier relationship to support. There was nothing that could come between him and Hoshiyomi.

Shippo casually flipped through another page of his Forestry Magazine, admiring the lush décor of South American's rainforests and exotic plant life. He'd only ventured through the brilliant jungles a couple of times since his mating with Menomaru. The moth daiyoukai wasn't as particularly fond of the thick canopies and moss covered grounds as Shippo. He preferred the more calm airy flow and tall bamboo stalks of China.

"Hm, how odd. I don't remember the cabin being this far out. Is this another route, Shippo?"

"What?" Shippo peeked up from his magazine to scan around the area before shrugging his shoulders. "Beats me. Sesshomaru's probably trying something new."

"Perhaps." Menomaru flexed his fingers over his stirring wheel, chewing his bottom lip. "Shippo?"


"I was wondering, perhaps, we should discuss this issue about our future children."

That was definitely enough to take Shippo's eyes away from the pictures as he blinked owlishly at Menomaru's profile. "Really?" He started to get excited.

Menomaru held up his hand to deter any misunderstandings. "Don't be so hasty on the topic. I'm strictly wondering why the sudden rush? We've only been mated two years. Shouldn't we spend as much of our time together more before raising children?"

"Tsk, now you sound like Inuyasha," Shippo pouted as he sunk low in his seat, folded his arms and perched his feet on the dashboard. "I'm old enough to know what I want."

"I'm not saying you aren't mature enough to handle the responsibility. Inuyasha wouldn't say it if it was ill advised."

"Oh, so you're on his side?"

"No, not at all."

"You know what Menomaru, why even bring up the idea if you're just going to say you don't want to have children with me?"

Menomaru sighed, visually gripping the stirring wheel. "I'm starting to regret bringing it up as well."

"Excuse me?"

"Why are you picking a fight?"

"Oh my God, you started it! You're the one who brought it up!"

"Only because I want to know why the rush!"

"And I want to know why the wait!"

Menomaru blew out a heavy sigh. "The discussion is dropped for now."

Shippo sucked his teeth and snapped his head towards the window. "You're damn right about that. For now, it's dropped."

Menomaru bit back any further argument, but vowed to indeed bring this topic up in a more private vicinity. There were reasons why they didn't need to rush into having children. Menomaru didn't need that sort of pressure hammered onto him again. He'd already given his parents what they wanted...

"Ok, now I know we've made the wrong turn. Where the hell is he taking us?" Hiten sat up in his seat and looked out at the humping wooden fences and lacking fields of snow he was accustomed to seeing.

"You're sure this isn't the right away?"

"Believe me, I've been there enough to remember. Sesshomaru should've turned right about an hour ago. I still don't get why we can't just run instead of drive. We'd make it there in half the time."

Tsukuyomaru shrugged his hefty shoulders. "Driving provides more of a bonding then running. You can sit and chat and learn a few things."

"Psst, a good fuck and nap can do that."

"Not everyone's as narrow minded as you."

"Not everyone's as freaky as me." Hiten winked. "But something else is buggin' me too. Inuyasha said we should stay on our toes. Something about this trip being different from the others."

"How so?"

"I dunno." Hiten shimmied down into his seat, hands deep in his leather jacket pockets. "Why couldn't Shiori go again?"

"Because your sister and Ayame want practice in taking care of a child before your nephew is born."

"Oh, right. It sucks that she's gonna miss out on all the fun. We could've taken her sledging or snowball fights. . . if there's any snow left at this rate. There's hardly any on the ground now—Jesus man, where are we going?" Hiten suddenly felt uneasy and turned accusing eyes at his boyfriend. "You damn daiyoukai didn't plan anything sneaky did you?"

Tsukuyomaru gave him the dumbest look in the universe. "New to this trip too, remember?"

"That doesn't stop you from plotting other times. If I find out this is one of those lovey dovey romantic getaway bull—"

"And what would be wrong with that?"

Hiten shrugged. "You know me. I'm not that kind of guy. I like to keep it exciting. Prince of Thunder needs it loud and proud! Whoop!"

Thunder cackled outside, shaking the grounds and disturbing the surrounding residence. Hiten ducked down as far as he could in the seat and ignored the surge of text messages filling up his phone. He'd bet all his cash that most of those were from Bankotsu and Inuyasha.

Speaking of which, "Do you what's been going on with the others? All of them seem kinda off."


"Yeah, off balance. The whole gang's a wreck. The youkai are edgy and the daiyoukai are acting like nothing's wrong when I'm sure they sense something."

Tsukuyomaru paused a moment. "It's amazing how deep into everyone else's relationships you are, but can't seem to notice there's something wrong with ours."

Hiten innocently blinked. "There's something wrong with us?"

The bat lord rolled his lavender eyes to the side, praying for strength.

"Ohhh, you mean that whole mating bull. Nah, if that's the real problem, then we don't have a problem."

"You're so damn ignorant."

Hiten sat up right away. "I'm sorry, didn't quite catch that! Say that a little louder!"

"I said you're damn ignorant!" Tsukuyomaru bitterly grunted. "How is it everyone is at least considering the idea of marriage and mating, but you're still stuck in your teenage fantasy of freedom?"

"Hold up, hold up, hold the hell up!" Hiten took a very, very deep breath. "I think it'd be behoove you to change that tone of voice because the last I checked Shiori was back home with my sister!"

Tsukuyomaru took his eyes off the wrong long enough to look Hiten up and down like he'd lost his mind. The conversation would have soured further had Hiten not pointed out the approaching sign on the side of an approaching path of cobblestones leading into a brick archway.

There was a patch of snow in sight. Everywhere the pair turned, they saw glistening green grass, blue snow top mountains and a distant, placid lake as dark green as a sage jewel reflecting all that surrounded it's surface. The cold air fogged the windows as they entered through the archway.

"Where the hell are we?"

Everyone felt the tugging energy surround their bodies and snatch away the power of their medallions. These were sacred grounds brimming with chaotic demon energy. Their swords packed loyally in their trunks began to react without warning.

One by one the giant staffs and blades forced their way out, stabbing through the metal trunks and cracking windows to shoot out, fully erected. Tetsaiga took the lead, aiming straight down the road.

"What the hell?" Inuyasha panicked, opening the car door and jumping out.


"I'm going after it!" Inuyasha cut off before running ahead of the car.

It wasn't long before he heard beating footsteps coming from behind. From above he spotted Hiten flying by on his thundercloud and Hakudoshi behind him. Bankotsu gained up to Inuyasha before the two sped off down the road.

Bankotsu aligned himself with the hanyou. "What the hell is going on with Banryu?"

"Dunno, but whatever it is, it's got everyone's swords going stupid!" Inuyasha checked behind them. More swords came flying past, all of them belonging to the daiyoukai. "What the hell?"

A swishing whirlwind came up tussling their hair up and about before dissolving into Koga.

"What kind of flip-flaming joke is this, Mutt?! Hoshi's back there in damn hysterics!"

"How the hell should I know! He's not the only one with a messed up weapon!"

"Damn right he ain't!" Hiten swooped in alongside the others, hopped off his cloud and ran next to Koga. "This is bullshit! Someone's got a spell on my staff. It knows better than to disobey me!"

Hakudoshi hovered overhead. "We'll figure this out a lot faster without the commentary, gentlemen!"

They picked up speed, Koga taking the lead with Inuyasha right on his heels. The others brought up the rear, growling under their breaths, worried and angry. If this was someone's idea of a sick joke, they probably didn't mind the ass kicking that'd result from said joke. Those weapons meant a world of value to them and how insulting was it to steal the weapons of the daiyoukai as well.

Inuyasha caught a strange scent in the air right the same moment Koga's blue eyes widened. They were coming up to a wider space of grasslands, but in the backdrop loomed an enormous palace, one none of them have seen since the Feudal Era. The gigantic fortress grew in size, the closer they came, and the powerful scent of youki bloomed from the grounds, the sky and even in the air, dense as a heat waves.

Inuyasha saw them before the others, the line of figures standing at the base of the fortress, wearing ancient armor and kimonos from a time far beyond the daiyoukai. When he entered as far as his own hanyou youki could stand, he dug his heels into the ground and stopped, stuffing his hands into his sleeves. His scowl creased deep into his forehead and one by one, he met each of the foreboding taiyoukai with a concentrated glare.

Hiten landed by Inuyasha's side because his thundercloud couldn't sustain itself with all the foreign youki in the air. The force of it dragged Hakudoshi to the earth and caused Koga's own youki to stretch out in wild spurts. Bankotsu, however was pulled down to his knees, stunned breathless, gasping to control the oxygen flow in his lungs. Shippo finally caught up with the others as a transformed Sterling before morphing back. He too felt the consistent jolts of youki coming from the strangers and could barely keep from trembling.

The young ones only recognized one of the taiyoukai, Lady Tsukiko. The others, were all new . . . and very much intimidating. Hiten, Koga and Hakudoshi held back the desire to reach out and absorb the flow of youki as it would fully evolve their own, but doing so would challenge the taiyoukai's position.

Inuyasha's ears twitched as the cars came driving in. Minutes later the daiyoukai emerged, also in their Feudal clothing. Sesshomaru came next to Inuyasha, nodded once and the two started walking toward their mother.

"Inuyasha, what's going on?" Koga whispered as the hanyou passed.

Inuyasha said nothing, keeping his eyes straight ahead. He respectfully bowed his head to Lady Tsukiko and stood by her side. Sesshomaru came to flank her right and together, the three stared at the row of confused eyes, shocked anger and questioning glares.

Lady Tsukiko stepped forward, spreading her arms in a welcoming gesture and displaying the full glorious colorations of her kimono. "Good morning, my dear young ones! I see you're all wondering why the sudden switch in accommodations." She smiled at them all. "At the request of my fellow taiyoukai, I've been asked to have you all brought here." The elder Lady saw the sudden sharp looks being thrown at her son and immediately rectified that. "You needn't place the blame on my boys. They were sworn under a spell to keep from saying a word to any of you. Had they done son, they would have been submitted to very intense punishments. . . Now, then I'm sure introductions need to be done." She nodded at the daiyoukai….

Ryura felt the insides of his palms perspire. He clenched and unclenched his hands, claws pricking his palms. The scent of his father's scales, the feel of his raging youki brought chills to his spine. The legendary Ryuukotsesui allowed the full blunt of his rage to be transferred through the bursts of youki coming from his body. His face showed nothing more than a stoic stare and half-lidded eyes.

He was indeed angry. Ryura has dealt with the full force of his father's rage numerous times and was easily tamed by that deep red stare. He swallowed back the lump of fear and pulled back his shoulders, head held high.

Ryura approached first, eyes level with his father and no show of submission in his stride. He stopped before the taller dragon lord, crossed one arm over his chest and bowed. They were so similar in appearance, it was almost as if seeing his future before him. The older dragon had his fading blue hair in dozens of plaited braids all bound into one large ponytail, set high on his head.

"Father," Ryura greeted neutrally. "This is . . . an unexpected surprise. I didn't think I'd see you for another century."

The older dragon's eyes lowered further. His red eyes took in all his son has grown into, the youngest of his clutch of four. Ryura has grown into a very fine, fine young dragon lord and yet…. the elder dragon lord's eyes snapped toward the young human still down on his knees. "Have him before me," his deep voice rumbled.

Ryura paused half second before leaving to go for his mate. Bankotsu couldn't move if he'd wanted to, the pressure of strong youki was too much for the human to take in. Ryura carefully kneeled down and kissed his mate's temple.

"Be still now, I have you."

Bankotsu sucked in a huge breath, jerkily nodding his head. He took Ryura's offered hand and stood as one with him. Together, they started toward the elder dragon lord.

"Keep your eyes down, not look him in the face and when he asks you a question, only answer with a direct response."

Bankotsu frowned. "Why? I'm family. That kind of stuff is only saved for strangers."

No reply. Bankotsu's eyes grew huge, then he immediately understood.

"He doesn't know about me."

"It was for your safety."

"If that's the excuse you're gonna go with—"

"I mean it," Ryura sharply said. "He's not…particularly fond of humans."

"Right, so imagine how dear old daddy's gonna act when he finds out you mated and married one." Bankotsu snatched his hand away and finished going on his own. Ryura quickly tried to pull his mate behind him but Bankotsu stayed ahead.

Ryuukotsesui's eyes narrowed to thin slits when the young humans stopped before him and only stood there with his arms fold…looking directly into his red gaze. Those blue defiant eyes evenly met with the elder dragon's sights without show of respect or any desire to submit.

The elder dragon lord tilted his head a smidge. "How interesting. You have not a shred of youki in your body, but your sword is pure youkai energy."

Bankotsu frowned. "Did you make Banryu go ape-shit then?"

"Banryu? Ah," the dragon lord smirked evilly, "you named your blade after a dragon. An interesting, very interesting label for such a dull sword."

"I could run it across your hand, maybe your throat," Bankotsu shrugged. "Ya know, just to see how dull it is."

Ryura suddenly sucked in, took Bankotsu by the hand and flew in the air. The human didn't notice it coming before the streak of red appeared before his eyes. It was impossible. Bankotsu looked between the indentions at his feet and the standing taiyoukai standing with his hands cupped behind his back and a calm smile on his face.

"You'd do well to keep that boy from me, Ryura!" The elder dragon lord called up. "I vow if he's left alone for even a second, I'll have his skull grounded into the ground.

Ryura growled…but Bankotsu felt a tick inside his head. He remembered that old feeling from long ago, that nasty urge in the back of his mind. The urge to kill, the desire for blood. That desire wouldn't be tamed until he had his chance at slicing that old dragon's heart out.

Meanwhile….Inuyasha kept his eyes sharply on the older dragon demon with deep loathing….Takemaru may have finished his father, but it was this demon who created the wound that lead to his death. He'd be wise to watch his own back during this trip. The hanyou couldn't guarantee Ryuukotsesui's skull wouldn't be cracked under his feet.

"Don't even think of it, little brother," Sesshomaru said. "He's gotten more powerful since your last encounter."

"Keh, so have I. I don't care who or what he thinks he is, but if he tries anything, I'm stabbing a hole in his gut."

"You won't find an excuse for battle."

Inuyasha rolled his head around to curse his mate, but that look from Sesshomaru ceased all attempts at an argument. Those gold eyes of his flashed with the redness of evil and green of dominance. Inuyasha flashed his own to show he'd meet that challenge and at once, the two backed off.

Sesshomaru sneered and looked away. This may be one trip no one came back from the same again.

Thanks for reading. Please review your thoughts.