Now you get to see what Ryan's surprise is and why he had help from others and again sorry for the delay

Chapter 14: Surprises For Your Love

A few hours later Natalia had woke up on the couch. She saw Ryan kneeling down next to her, his thumb rubbing up and down her cheek.

"Hi," Natalia smiles.

"Hey," Ryan replies kissing her nose. "You're a heavy sleeper."

"Am I really?" she asked sitting up, taking in her surroundings. "Um... Ryan, what does it look like all your things are in my house? What exactly happen when I was sleeping?"

"Half the team went over to my house, and towed everything over here."


"Yeah, I called a real estate and my house is officially on the market."

"Ryan, you did all of this just for me?"

He shook his head, "For us. I love you and never letting you go because it hurts too much."

Natalia nods, "You got that right. So am I going to help you organize?"

"You can, while you were sleeping I was already making a list as to where what specific items will go where."

"I love you and your OCDness," she grins, finally sitting up, Ryan sitting on the couch next to her.

"I love you," Ryan grinned his lips nuzzling her neck.

"You don't know how much you're turning me on right now."

"I take that as a good thing," he smirked.

"Very good," she leans forward capturing his lips against hers. And within seconds they had sex on the couch.

After minutes of heated passion, they snuggled together. Ryan's hand on her side.

"So what do you say we get on the organizing? The team wanted to help, but I was afraid they would mess something up."

"So you trust me to help?" she asked.

"With my life Natalia," he answered, handing her her clothes and him putting his back on.

"Okay, so let me see your list."

Ryan nodded and soon their organizing was underway, a couple of hours later they finished the list. Natalia grew tired.

"I think I'm going to call it a night Ryan."

"Alright, I think I'll um… put this list into action and organize the house up. And then if your up to it was can figure out things you do or don't want."



"When they came over what did they say when you were moving your stuff into my house?"

"They still don't know you're pregnant all they told me was it's about damn time."

"That sounds about right," Natalia grinned. "Well good night Ry."

"Night hun," he kissed her lips gently and watched her head up her stairs. The smile never left his face as he started moving his things into the places they were supposed to go.


It was about 3 in the morning, Ryan was done organizing and then slowly entering the bed with only boxers on. Natalia snuggled close to him, and looked up at him opening her eyes.

"What time is it?"

"3 o' clock."

"You're now just getting to bed?"

"Yeah, I got so caught up in organizing I lost track of time."

"Well good thing you're here now."

Ryan smiled wrapping his arms around her naked waist. "What exactly are you wearing on you?"

"Nothing but my underwear," she smirks.

"Nice," he smirked, kissing each of her breasts and then below her ear. "Let's go to sleep."

"Good idea," she whispers and they both closed their eyes not opening them until morning.


The next morning came quicker than planned it was about 10 AM, Ryan asked Horatio if he'll give them two days off for getting their house situated.

Natalia lay in Ryan's arms, her lips tickling his ear. His hand lay on one breast his thumb running up and down her warm skin.

She moans as his lips nibbled on her neck. Her grip on his waist tightened, he saw her slowly open her eyes.

"Morning," she smiled.

"Good morning," Ryan grins, wiping her hair out of her face, kissing her gently right below the ear.

"Thanks for coming to bed last night."

"Wasn't a problem at all Talia," he replied, his teeth gently nibbling on her ear.

"Um, Ryan," she moans as his hand was moving slower.

"Yeah?" he looked up.

"I think I'm going to take a shower."

"Alright, I'll make you some breakfast."

"You're such a gentleman."

"Does oatmeal, a jelly bagel and a banana sound good?"

"Is this a pregnancy diet?"

"It's healthy."

"Thanks for caring about me," Natalia smiled, getting out of the bed. Ryan looked at her licking his lips.

She shook her head and then headed for the shower, and Ryan got out of bed and went down to get her breakfast, he himself settling for some cereal, which he had alphabetized the night before.

He was almost done with his breakfast, when he felt soft hands wraps around his waist, and soft lips gently kissing his neck.

He turns his head around and Natalia kissed his lips, grabbing her food and sitting down at the table.

Once she was done with her breakfast her fingers were fiddling with the spoon.

"Ryan I think it's about time to tell them we're having a baby," she brings up looking at him.

"You sure you want to do it now."

"Positive, they all should know."

"Alright, let's get dressed and go to the lab."

Natalia nodded and they both went to the bedroom to get dressed and head to the lab where they would tell everyone who didn't know about them having a baby together.