I don't own Teen Titans, though that would be pretty fricken awesome... and I would've made a 6th season...

The waves crashed around the edge of the dock, a storm was coming...

The top of the roof hung over the ocean, waiting... waiting for it's next victim.

"Look at it!" Slade yelled at Raven, his voice didn't hide the pleasure he felt knowing he was slowly helping destroy her life, "This is what your precious city will become!" His dark laugh broke through the cold night air. Raven gazed down at Jump City. The city she'd come to know so well over the years. Her purple cloak billowed out behind her like the waves in the ocean below her.

"You foolish girl, you're friends will die, and there is nothing you can do to stop it!" The vision that he was showing her became increasingly real, she could focus on the flames and ruins and they seemed to gaze back at her with great clarity. This is what would happen soon, she knew. She'd known it all of her life, but she'd found no visible way to stop it.

"NO! It's just a vision, it won't happen, this CAN'T BE REAL!" She clutched her head in agony, trying to get rid of the images tormenting her.

"OH, but it is Raven. You know, I was actually quite surprised when I found out about your destiny. Wow, you're going to help destroy the world." He smirked. "It's always the quiet ones." Her eyes widened and she tried to run to the other side of the building, and jump off.

"Oh,I know what you're thinking, maybe suicide will stop this, but no, it won't. Your father told me tell you that resistance is futile, my dear girl." He frowned and suddenly became serious. "Enough messing around. I have a message for you, and it will be delivered." She tried to skirt around him, but he grabbed her the hood of her cloak, ripping it off of her, her back now showing.

"Skies will burn,

Flesh will become stone.

The sun will set on your world, never to rise again!"

"This can't be real!" She yelled at him.

"But it is, birthday girl, it is quite real. Now lets get down to business." He threw her three stories down, onto the dock below, which swayed when she hit it. She struggled to sit up, but Slade's hands grabbed her forearms. She was now facing the ocean. When her eyes widened, he laughed.

"Yes Raven," he said menacingly, " I've known about your fear of water for quite some time now." She was about to hit him with some of her dark energy when a searing pain raced up her arms. She screamed in agony, her back arching as the unseen flames crossed it. Her violet hair grew steadily longer, the tendrils thrashing behind her in the wind. The sleeves burned off of her leotard. The pain sapping the strength out of her.

"It's a pity your father told me not to harm you, it would be so much fun." Suddenly, she cried out, and a large black Raven formed around her, a sign to ward off evil. She fainted, the last of her strength now gone. "Oh, look at the time, I better be going." He laughed, and dropped her into the foamy ocean's clutches, where she wasn't alone.

A certain person, who you can probably guess, will be coming in the next chapter. But before I write it, I need at least 2 reviews... I know, I've got some pretty high ambitions, right? Like anyone would like my storu! I would like to add that I love all of you People who love the Aquadad & Raven pairing. It made me sad that there aren't that many stories about them... :[