TheDarkestShinobi: A request by Dragemenian Jew that's was overdue. I hope you all enjoy. Review too!

Story start

"It had been a girl's night" Lei fang muttered under her breath as she walked down the dark lonely street. She crossed her arms. "Not bring your boyfriends and make fun of the single Lei Fang night."

She passed underneath another streetlight and huffed. The light illuminated her as she passed under it. She was wearing a red shirt and a nice black skirt she had gotten to celebrate her most recent victory against Jann Lee at the forth DOA tournament. Her hair was worn in a half ponytail that Mei-ling Chou had insisted she wore. Her heels were black and big and she didn't mind them in the least.

She passed another light when she narrowed her eyes. It wasn't as if their boyfriends were really that great. None of them practiced martial arts of had a job of any subsequent value. What they lacked in strength was not made up for with intellect so they were normal boys. Her friends may have been happy with normal boys but she wouldn't be. Probably why she was still single, she mused to herself and kept walking. She had quite a way to go being as the drive took twenty minutes, but she'd rather spend her night walking home than with them all.

She looked up towards the moon and sighed. A perfect night. She felt the Goosebumps rising against her skin and her fingers twitched. Adrenaline flowed through her and she walked faster.


Jann had simply told the man that if he didn't leave he would have to be escorted out. The man smirked as Jann forced him out the door.

It was an ambush.

Jann would have been fine, if not for the fact that the first attack was a metal pipe to the back of his skull. As it stood now he fell to the ground groaning.

He could only feel a pounding in his head and the steady drop of blood from his most likely bloody nose. He wanted to let himself black out, but he knew he was going to die. Either he blacks out and they slit his throat or he fights until they kill him that way, and anyone who knew him already knew how he would go down.

They laughed.

The twenty of them had taken him down.

And then they laughed?


All of them were just scum.

At least he mused. He would die in a fight. And no one would be able to call him a coward.

He looked up to see a foot flying towards his face. He almost winced but his arms moved on their own accord and the man was sent hurdling to the ground as he lost his footing. Jann slowly rose, until a kick to his stomach turned him over and he let out a cry of pain.


The voice hurt his ears. It was a loud shrill cry. Go away he wanted to tell her. They would probably kill him and then go after her. They might even rape her, the dirty pigs. He knew that they would do worse to her than that and he twitched in pain.




Those heels were getting closer.

"Leave him alone."

That tone was darker than the others and he wondered just how stupid this girl was. Noble, yes, but stupid as well.

There was more laughing. Jann wondered if they were laughing at him of her, or the awkward pair that they were.

He wanted to know her name for some reason.

It would seem fitting that he at least know her name if she was going to die to protect him.

He rolled his head over not knowing why. All of the sounds he heard were muffled by the pounding of his heart. Everything he saw was blurry and all he could smell and taste were his blood. The girl was in red and black. She had long hair.

He watched the first move towards her and then, to his utter surprise, the girl kicked him and he fell, completely unconscious.

Jann wanted to cheer and he felt silly thinking that. He blamed his concussion.

The woman settled into a stance he could remember from somewhere and the others rushed her. The first was stopped with a hand strike to the neck and the second found himself thrown over her shoulder. She ducked to avoid a punch and at the same time extended her leg so he tripped. Two swift kicks knocked him out as well. Jann had felt it then, a warm stream of blood. It was going down his neck and he was filled with fear. He really was going to die. Here. Alone.

He felt two warm arms around him. Then he felt warm everywhere. Then he felt the blackness take him.


The last of the men had fallen even easier than the ones before him.

A wonderful adrenaline filling fight under the moonlight.

A perfect night indeed.

Lei Fang dusted off her skirt before remembering why she was fighting in the first place and rushing to the man who was slumped against the wall like a corpse. She really hoped he wasn't dead.

She lifted his torso up gently and gasped as he fell limp in her arms.


"Jann!" She wiped the blood off of his face with her hand and shook lightly. She could feel tears prick her eyes and she looked up.

"Somebody help me!"





"Hold on."

"… waking… "

"Miss… wait… please."






His ears were having a field day, but as they were the only part of him that seemed to work he didn't complain.

"Jann Lee can you hear me?"

He nodded once and wanted to grab his head at the pain that erupted there. He groaned out instead.



It had been a few days before he could move slightly without any pain. His eyes were bandaged as one of them was sliced with a knife. He might never see out of it again. The damage was light, the nurse said, so that was unlikely. It was still a scary thought to think about. He had wondered about the mysterious woman that seemed so familiar to him but dismissed her for now in favor of sleep.


He had a habit of groaning when he awoke, as it was always from some pain from some injury. He felt a cool hand touch his forehead and almost sighed in relief.

"I guess you still have that fever. The nurse said one of the stab wounds got infected."

He had been stabbed?

"You saved me."

"Yeah," I just repaid the favor, she thought, but kept the thoughts to herself, maybe if he knew it was her he wouldn't like it. Maybe he would be mad like she had been.

"Thank you."

She raised her eyebrows and almost gasped but instead uttered a small 'you're welcome.'


She was there too much. She was only worried about her sparring partner she would tell herself. If she didn't have him to fight anymore…

She didn't want to lose him.

When the hospital staff looked at him she could feel her heart clench. They looked morbid. Thankfully one of the best doctors took him right from her hands and placed him on a stretcher. She fell to her knees right after that. Her heels were somewhere on the street behind her and her feet were in Jann's shoes so she could run. Her red shirt was stained with blood and so was her skirt. There was sweat all over her face and maybe, just maybe a tear or two.

One of the nurses had kneeled next to her and asked if she was okay. 'help him' was the only thing she could say. It was the only thing she did say. She was asked to fill out paperwork a few hours later and she did.

She stayed at the hospital until he woke up.

It took seven hours. One of the nurses had taken her to a place she could shower and change, and even offered her her spare set of clothes. Lei was grateful and had returned them the next day with her sincerest thanks.

For both the clothes and for Jann.


He had gotten used to her being here. She would check on him every day. He knew her, well he had gotten to know her anyway. She was still in school, she was studying law. He told her more about himself then he thought anyone knew. They smiled, they laughed and joked.

Neither really felt alone anymore.

He wanted to know her name.

She refused to tell him.

So did the nurse.

He knew her voice and her touch but that was it, and he couldn't place her. Was she one of the regulars at the club? Somebody's sister? He couldn't figure it out. But he knew her. He knew he did.

He also knew he was starting to love her.


"Today the bandages come off." Jann gave a fist pump and a 'yes' before hearing a small 'oh' behind him.

"Hehe" he laughed "Don't worry, I'll still love you if your ugly."

She let the love slip because, knowing Jann, he was kidding anyway.

"I'm not ugly" she whispered under her breath as they left. She grabbed her arm with the other. "I'm Lei."

When he got back she was gone.

He was released a week later.

Physical therapy lasted for six months.

He still hadn't seen her again.

Chapter end.

TDS not sure if there will be another chapter or two or if this will be the end.