They all thought that he came from the Roman camp. Jason even thought that at first. He only believed it, though, because he couldn't come up with a more logical story. He never truly believed it. Then, it became clear that this wasn't the truth. None of this story was true. There was something else. The whole idea was a lie. He wasn't from this Roman camp, as everyone believed. In truth, the life people were convinced Jason had lived wasn't real. Answers that had been given were incorrect. Jason knew he was a different hero, a dead hero. Luke.

AN: I based it off a prediction-type thing I had at the beginning of the book. I thought that Luke had chosen rebirth and returned as Jason, and that memories were altered to fit this. Another 100 words (no more, no less) to see how awful I am at those. When I saw the Heroes of Olympus section, I wrote this.