Disclaimer: FIRST; I do not own Glee.
SECOND; There will be no baby-mama-drama between Rachel and Shelby in this.
THIRD; The timeline of this story starts very, very early though it does not follow canon. Perhaps around the fourth episode, when Glee Club is only *just* beginning to blossom.
FOURTH; Quinn isn't pregnant. Or isn't pregnant yet? You'll find out as the story progresses.
Author's Note: Hello, hello, hello! It has been quite awhile hasn't it? Oh boy, I've got some major catching up to do, it's not even funny. Alright, all I have to say for now is that this chapter is pretty short, but it's an introductory to the characters of Vocal Adrenaline. They'll be playing some major roles in this story and to the relationship of VA-ND. It's going to be a wild ride of clashing personalities and egos when the two teams meet as these kids are conflicted enough with each other. Then again... families will tend to be that way. I hope you enjoy their dynamicism. You can be sure to expect more in chapters to come.
Don't forget to READ, ENJOY, and REVIEW. Hugs (that suffocate) and kisses (that smother) from me to all you lovely people! =)
Summary: Jesse St. James, star of Vocal Adrenaline and Rachel Berry, the oddly exuberant loser of McKinley High could not be more different. What happens when these two team captains clash horns once VA and ND are forced to share an auditorium for an entire year? Will you be Team St. James or Team Berry? Well, there's always a fine line between love and hate... one could never tread it carefully enough.
Rating: Rated for coarse language and sexually suggestive themes. Hence, rating changes as story progresses.
Pairing: Heavy on the St. Berry, most definitely. But, also features other pairings to be revealed in future chapters.
"Go fuck yourself!"
Jesse St. James pinched the bridge of his nose and shut his eyes carefully. The shrill voice of Jenny Sweet's continued to ring in his ears. He lowered himself in his seat, allowing the battle to ensue between the rest of the team and the junior attorney.
"My daddy's lawyers will not be happy with this! How am I supposed to grow if I don't even have a fucking stage to grow on?" the short, pale brunette's voice escalated about ten octaves as she stamped her feet impatiently.
"Keep inhaling those doughnuts after practice and you won't stop, Jen," Evan Drake remarked coldly, a humourless smile on her face as she regarded the stormy figure in front of her.
Before Jenny could lunge herself at the tall ballerina, Nick Mitchell immediately intervened. "Cut it out, Evey. And you need to cool it, Jen. In case you've forgotten, it's our auditorium too," he held his hands out on each side, in case he needed to ward off either girl.
"This is flat out, pure, unadulterated WHACK. Who the hell would've done this anyway? It's totally out of the blue!" a senior with spiky blond hair burst out with from his seat, his navy blue eyes flashing.
"Out of the blue?" Cary Yeung snorted, a look of disbelief crossing her Irish-Japanese features. The said boy looked over his shoulder and to the girl with an exaggerated arch of his eyebrow. "People hate you, Tristan. A lot. Who's to say your dumbass horsing around didn't set some loose cannons off?" she continued, her long legs straightened out in front of her as she leaned casually back in her seat.
Tristan glowered at her before turning to snipe at Michael Jones who was busy dipping his head low, shoulders shaking as he stifled his chuckles from beside Cary.
"Okay, you know what? All I have to say is: fuck you and you have a... small dick," Jenny reclaimed the conversation once more, directing the jab at the silent attorney at the front.
"How do you know how big my dick is?" he frowned, his voice finally being heard amongst the whole hullabaloo.
"OH MY GOD. Jenny, it's getting late. And you have a lot of make-up to remove. Maybe you should leave and we'll resolve this without your constant bitching on our backs," Andrea Cohen placed her hands on her hips, approaching the small girl casually as if the language of 'insults' were her native tongue.
"Woman, we are a team. You've got to stop grabbing the reigns and bossin' people around as if you own them," Nick sighed, turning his attention to his girlfriend.
Andrea drew back, her mouth agape wordlessly as she stared at Nick in disbelief. "You did not just say that to my face. First of all, I hate it when you call me 'woman'. Secondly, why do you always have to be so politically correct? Who employed you as the team's 'peacekeeper' anyway?" she growled, waving her hand dangerously close to Nick's face, almost smacking him.
"There go Ike and Tina again," Oz Corasani sang under his breath, pushing his shades further up his nose as he rested his combat boots-clad feet on the seat in front of him.
The arguments coming left and right died down when Jesse slowly rose from his seat, his single exclamation still hanging in the air. He stood up to his full height and moved to the front of the room, watching his team stay at a standstill as they awaited his spiel.
"Look around you. Do you really think tearing each other's throats out is going to resolve what's happened here?" he gestured to the thoroughly trashed auditorium of theirs. The instruments were ruined, most of the costumes were torn, the lights were smashed... the whole works. To add insult to injury, toilet paper, garbage and glass were littered and strewn about the huge hall. According to the police, it was the act of rogue miscreants and that they would look into it. But, so far the attorney had explained that there was nothing they could do without the evidence they needed.
Hence, the clash of the divas and mivas had ensued.
"I know this adds a glitch in our schedule, but that's what being the best is all about. Employing the belief of the show going on no matter what," he continued steadily, his voice hard and firm as he regarded each and every member staring back at him in that moment.
"We'll just get this cleaned up and we'll be back in business in no time," the roguish team captain clapped his hands together once to accentuate his point with a half-smile.
"Negative," came Shelby Corcoran's voice as she walked into the auditorium, the senior attorney by her side.
Jesse looked over his shoulder and furrowed his brow as the team director approached the confused VA members. He sat himself on the head of a plush seat as Shelby slowed her steps to a stop. He kept quiet, allowing her to continue and explain what their current predicament would be.
"I've just spoken with your principal, Mr. McMahon and Mr. Hoyt, our attorney. It seems that our only option right now would be to rent the Lima Youth Centre for after-school practice every day while this hall is renovated. The only snag would be that a matter of sharing said auditorium with another show choir team will come into order," the older woman spoke crisply, crossing her arms over her chest as she stood in between the two lawyers.
"We're what?" Jesse straightened up in his seat; a look of pure shock and disgust twisted into a snarl upon his handsome face.
Shelby Corcoran didn't flinch.
"Due to our recent misfortune, it's only logical that we'll be holding our rehearsals at there. It's going to be perfect and you're going to love it so much, you won't want to go home. The facilities are excellent and the management responsible for their stage are extremely accommodating," the director paced in front of her students, hands poised upon her hips as she addressed each and every one of them sternly.
"Miss Corcoran, with all due respect... Hold the phone and rewind, girl," Nick Mitchell's voice rose a few pitches towards the end of his sentence, still trying to absorb the information Shelby had sprung upon them.
Their superior arched an eyebrow.
"This isn't a democracy. You'll do what I say, when I say it. And you'll know damn well why too," she spoke her words carefully, an underlying danger hidden beneath her seemingly calm exterior.
"Evan," Shelby looked to the blond seated gracefully in the middle of her teammates.
The girl didn't need to get the message twice. "Because we're the best. And being the best means having the discipline to follow orders from a superior who has been majorly responsible in steering us that way," she answered evenly, a well-rehearsed response everyone on the team has spewed out at least once in their high school lives as a VA member.
"Exactly," Shelby snapped her fingers in approval before turning her attention to her captain.
Jesse set his jaw, not wanting to let any words said in the heat of the moment slip out as his brow was set in a deep frown.
"What do you have to say, Jesse?"
There was a brief silence before he finally asked, his curiosity getting the better of him.
"Who are these people, anyway?"
Shelby pressed her lips together with a slight nod of her head as she answered to the entire team.
"McKinley High's New Directions."
Author's Note: The next chapter will feature the first VA-ND meeting, I reckon? We shall see!
Before you press that button to review (which I am sincerely hoping you do. I enjoy feedback. Because when I don't... it's like I'm talking and rambling and spewing out all these illustrations to a wall. And then I start to feel like I'm talking to myself. And then I start to question my sanity. And then I start to sink into my chair and writhe in distraught over my compromising mental state until I'm unable to function as a human being and odd things begin to breed around me and... well, you get the picture)... I'd like to share with all you wonderful people some future St. Berry stories I have in mind and would genuinely like to know what you think about them.
When Rachel Met Jesse: I will obviously be continuing this, do not fret.
LoveStrange: A dark story centred about the sexual evolution of Rachel and Jesse's secret relationship. Will be set in a future AU. It will be rated M as it is to be filled with twisted themes, strong language, our questionable society and sexual scenes/situations. The story will be written around the theme of 'The Seven Deadly Sins'.
Centre of Attention: Unseen St. Berry moments in Season 1 of Glee.
Don't Let Me Let You Go: Okay, I know that this has been done to death, but I feel like I have some ideas for a St. Berry-esque Season 2 of Glee that hasn't been seen before. So, I'll try my hand at it.
His Limitless Star: Rachel Berry goes to spend her summer on her grandfather's vineyard in California. Who else just happens to be there? You guessed it. A St. Berry summer romance like you've never read before.
So, check back in and get me on your Author Alerts list for constant updates on what I may be up to in the future. I aim to please. Until next time, lovelies!