A/N: lol totally didn't mean to go on that big Quinn rant, but w/e XD

OK, I'm planning for the next chapter to be the last; I've got 688 words done so far, but I've got writer's block at the moment, so it'll probably be a while until I get it up. Sorry.

Also, the poorly-hidden joke in the first chapter was the 'come on hemo' line. Because I'm awesome (read: lame).

DISCLAIMER: What? So you think I have suddenly procured Glee in the space of time it took me to update? That really didn't happen. On so many levels did it not happen.

Brittany was on her way... somewhere. She couldn't remember exactly where she was supposed to be. One of the – many – downsides of avoiding Santana was that there was no-one to tell her where to go when she – inevitably – forgot. None the less, she was trying. She probably wasn't succeeding, but she was trying and she reasoned that if she wandered around enough she'd eventually remember where she was supposed to be.

"Brittany!" Artie called, rolling towards her. Oh no. She thought. He was the last person she wanted to deal with. "I was just looking for you." He told her.

"Why?" She asked straightforwardly.

"You've been avoiding me." He replied in an equally blunt manner.

"...No?" The blonde replied. Looking anywhere but the boy's face.

Artie raised a sceptical eyebrow at her obvious lie. "Really?"

"OK." Brittany sighed, defeatedly. "I have been avoiding you."


"Because I need to talk to you."

"That doesn't make sense, Brittany."

"Just come in here." The dancer intoned, opening the door of a conveniently placed janitor's closet. He nodded and rolled himself in.

At the end of the corridor Santana watched the proceedings and felt the remainders of her heart break. It wasn't quite bad enough to make her collapse on the floor right there and cry her eyes out; but it was more than enough for her to skip the rest of the school day and run home as fast as her toned legs would carry her.

Santana burst through the threshold of the Lopez household and used the remnant of her strength to bolt up the stairs and throw herself into her bedroom. She collapsed on her bed and curled up into a ball. Shaking profusely. The tears fell against her will as, now alone, her walls crumbled to nothingness. She lay there, curled up, shaking and crying silently until gradually the emotional turmoil from what she thought she'd witnessed and the physical exhaustion of running full pelt from McKinley to her home caught up with her and she drifted into the arms of Hypnos.

Later that day, in glee, the mood wasn't exactly what one would call... gleeful. Quinn was perpetually pissed off with Finn. Sam was scared and confused as to why his girlfriend was so angry with his best friend. Rachel was also irritated by Finn, as he kept using her as a human shield. Mercedes was still depressed about Kurt transferring schools. Artie was devastated and confused about Brittany dumping him. Brittany was worried about Santana as she hadn't turned up for glee and wasn't returning her texts or answering her calls. Puck was down because Lauren was off sick (something which would've shocked the other glee clubbers had they not all been so caught up in there own dramas). Mike and Tina were in the middle of a (kind of racist) argument about Asian things; and Schue was depressed about Emma marrying Carl and confused as to why his glee clubbers were all in such bad moods.

Maybe there's something in the water. He mused half-heartedly. He wasn't at all sure as to what he should do about the aura of the club. Normally he would get them to do an impromptu group number to inject some fun into there souls. But he wasn't really feeling it, so he decided he'd try talking to them all one-on-one. OR! I could get Emma to talk to them. She is the guidance councillor, after all.

"OK, guys." He said, with a clap of his hands to get their collective attention. "I don't know what's got everyone in such a funk. But, something's got to give. So, I'm going to arrange one-on-one sessions for you all with Ms. Pi- I mean Mrs. Pilsbury-Howell."

In the staffroom the next day Schue was pouring himself a cup of coffee when someone tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around to be greeted by the somewhat irritated face of Emma Pilsbury-Howell.

"Hi, Emma. What can I do for you?" The Spanish teacher asked amicably.

"Will, why did you arrange for me to see the entire glee club in one-on-one sessions?" The councillor asked, cocking her head to the side with warning look in her eyes.

"They've all been in really bad moods lately. And before you tell me they're teenagers and to get over it. I mean all of them. Even Puck and Brittany have were moping the whole way through glee yesterday." He informed her. "I'm worried about them, and I thought you'd be better placed to help them."

The redhead sighed and nodded. "Fine. I'll do my best. But, I'm sure they're fine."

Quinn was the first to visit Mrs. Pilsbury-Howell. She didn't need to go, of course. But, hey, it got her out of maths. She sat in front of the obsessive compulsive councillor with a bored expression donning her angelic features.

"So, Quinn," the redhead began smiling at the cheerleader opposite her. "Mr. Schuester tells me you've been having some issues with Finn lately?"

The blonde merely arched an impeccably shaped eyebrow at the woman by way of response.

"Would you like to talk about it?" Emma asked hopelessly, expecting something along the lines of a snort and/or a roll of the eyes in response.

Instead Quinn sighed. "I know I'm being unreasonable towards him... It's just..."


"Everything he does just really pisses me off, y'know? Like, he's such an idiot. I can't believe I ever dated him in the first place, y'know?" The teen fumed.

"Oh. OK." She nodded sympathetically. "So, why are you expressing these feelings now, then?"

"I dunno. Just got tired of..." Quinn paused, seemingly mulling something over. "I-If I tell you something it can just stay between the two of us, right?"

"That's right."

"Well, there's this... person I really, really like." She paused, biting lip. "And they're with someone else. But, that person is such an ass. And like this person they could do so, so much better. And like I've really mistreated this person in past, 'cos like I didn't know what to do with my feelings or whatever, y'know? And like now I'm sort of being friendly to this person but I think I'm just freaking he—them out. And there's no way they'd ever like me back even if I hadn't treated them so badly, y'know? So, like I guess I'm just taking my anger out on Finn because I can. Do you see what I'm saying?"

"Um..." To be frank, Emma really didn't know what she was saying. In fact, she was quite over-whelmed by the length of Quinn's little soliloquy then there was the fact that it seemed that this 'person' was female; judging by the blonde's use of pronouns. At first she was shocked that Quinn Fabray was apparently a lesbian, but on second thought she kind of wasn't. There were actually many signs now that she stopped to think of it. There was the constant use of de-feminising nicknames. She'd heard all about the pornographic sketches on the wall of the end stall in the girls' toilets and on numerous occasions she was now completely certain she'd seen the blonde checking out fellow female students.

She smiled at the girl consolingly. "Don't give up hope, Quinn. You never know; sh—this person might surprise you."