Disclaimer: I do nnot or will ever own the night world series. They belong to the wonderful L.

A group teenagers were standing in a small shop full of witchlike objects.

"Are you ready?" said a boy with cat like grace to a small elfish girl with copper hair.

"You do know most people in that room will try to kill each other right?" said a girl with yellow hair falling lose around her and soft brown eyes.

The boy sigh, "Yes well, that's why we're going to be there."

"Hurry up! I don't know how long this spell will work." Said a voice from the back room.

"alright, lets go"

2 years earlier...

James Rasmussen and Poppy North were walking home from school on the last day of school when suddenly they were surrounded by a mystical mist that blocked their view.

"Jamie! What's happening?" said Poppy worriedly.

"I don't know, just stick together and don't let go." James replied as his mind whizzed with possibilities.

Poppy on the other hand was thinking how she wish she could not let go of James forever. They arrived in a strange white room with only bean bags on the floor which were already occupied with twenty-two teens aging between 17-18 years old.

Two groups were formed and the tension was clear in the room.

"Where are we?" said Thea Harman, a girl with blond hair and brown eyes.

"Why don't you tell us, witch." Said Rashel Jordon, a vampire hunter.

The two groups raised their shackles like a pair of dogs. Jez Redfern and Morgead Blackthorn was ready two rip Rashel's throat out when a lanky boy said only two words, "Sit down"

"Okay take a sit and lets introduce ourselves." Said the boy.

So everyone said their name, some grudgingly, but they gave their names nevertheless.

All right, you probably guess who we are, well, were from the future and were here to read books about us. All of us." Said Ash as he pointed to his accomplices Quin, Morgead, Poppy and Thea.

"Why?" said Ash (past) "why do we have to read about vermin?"

"We just have to okay. Now shut up and read." Said Poppy (future).

"Okay, I'll start first. It's called 'Secret Vampire'." Said Thea (future)