Hey guys, this is the last chapter of this first part of the story. I wanted to end it here and start the second part because some people only read completed stories and this could go on and on so I felt this was a good place to break. Look for the second part of this story under the name ((Making it all Worth it: Part 2)) I know creative right? But at least this way there will be no confusion. Please enjoy the final act in Part 1.


I flew straight to Ludwig's office and landed without losing my stride, running straight to Lily. I burst into the room and saw her looking pale and weak with her eyes closed. She appeared to be sleeping, but I could feel in the bond that she was awake, just too weak to open her eyes or move. I walked over to her and knelt next to her, taking her cold little hand in mine. I asked, "How is she?"

The little doctor frowned and said, "She will survive. Give her some of your blood… I was able to remove most of the toxin before it did too much damage." I looked at her and bit my wrist, holding it to her. I noticed a bright red streak in her white hair… that must be a result of the poison.

"What of our son?" I asked.

"Only time will tell. As of now, she is still with child." I bit my lip and for the second time tonight choked back a sob. I rested my hand on her stomach, praying to any god who would listen that they allow my wife to carry our child to term and have him be healthy.

I sat on the bed next to her, holding her hand for hours. I vaguely recognized people coming or going, but all I could do was focus on our bond and send her as much strength and love as I could. I must have slipped into down time when I registered the mermaid nurse addressing me. "You're Majesty? The dawn approaches."

I turned my head slightly in her direction and replied, "I feel the pull of dawn, but do not have to acquiesce to it." She nodded, placing a hand on my shoulder before leaving with a bow. I guess the news of my new self-appointed position travels fast.

I watched the sun rise for probably the first time in 100 years. I felt my vampire instincts running high… Even though the sun doesn't harm me, it still makes me really nervous. I got up to lay behind Lily with my body facing the window. It may sound weird, but blocking the sun from her made me feel a little better, like she was safer away from the sun's rays. I had to wonder that if my Dad was ever able to see the sun without bursting into flames if he would be as squirrely as I am about it.

Days passed before there was any change in her condition. My parents had come and gone as well as Pam, Amelia, Claude and Claudine… Others tried to visit, but I made it strictly family only. I heard that Mary, our human from the Alliance died in our service which was especially sad because it turned out that she took a blow from an iron sword to save Claude. Lily will be particularly upset about this because she considered Mary to be a friend and the loss of her life makes me even more sure that we need to take care of the zealot problem plaguing the humans, if for nothing else than just to avenge Mary and her family.

Dr. Ludwig had Claudine put Lily's mind in stasis so that her body could heal and be in pain without her having to suffer too much. Word on our son was tentative… no news is good news. But today I was laying on the side of her protecting her from the sun light (even though I know it won't hurt either of us, stupid vampire instincts) when the Dr. came in.

"You know… the sun won't hurt her." She said with a chuckle.

"I know." I said with an indignant tone.

"Well, I need you to sit up a bit so I can perform some tests." I reluctantly released her… but soon realized I could still shade her with my body if I leaned back and to the left… it is awkward and uncomfortable but seeing sunlight on her makes me really nervous and it is better if I'm not nervous. The little doctor chuckled at my awkward stance… I chose to ignore her.

"I think we are out of the woods… put your ear to her womb, you will hear your son's heart beat." I reluctantly allowed the sun to shine on her beautiful face as I leaned down to listen… sure enough.

Thump… Flutter… Thump… Flutter… Thump… Flutter… Thump… Flutter…

I was in awe… my SON is a warrior! I felt the pink tear escape my face, but I didn't care. I just clutched my tiny wife closer, thanking all the gods and devils in Heaven and Hades that she survived.

"We're going to have the fairy bring her back now… she will need to rest and eat… a lot. She cannot let her energy wane again. She may not be able to die by blade, but the child can draw so much of her energy that if she does not eat enough she could perish."

I nodded in agreement, making a long list of foods to have delivered to the house, as well as having a small kitchen installed in our room. I was still making big plans when Claudine walked in. She smiled at me and said, "You can't touch her while I remove the spell."

I growled and reluctantly removed my body from hers… still using my sheer size to block as much sunlight from touching her as possible. "Please hurry," I replied and took a step back.

She just let out a melodious laugh and started chanting. I felt the magic in the room lift from around her and as if a switch had been flipped, Lily's eyes shot open and immediately darted to me. I rushed to her, pulling her tight to my body, her black tears mixing with my pink as we cried together for what we almost lost… this was close, this was too close.

"Is…is… our baby….." she trailed off, not wanting to say the words if it was true.

"Sheldon is fine. He is a little warrior." She smiled weakly and snuggled into me. I can't say how much I have missed this. After the room cleared out and it was just the two of us, I decided to broach the subject of Mary's demise because she would never forgive me if I kept something like that from her.

"My Flower?"

"Mmm?" she said, as she snuggled closer, if that was even possible.

"We suffered some losses after you were poisoned."

"I expected that. How many?" she replied.

"The number is inconsequential, though Mary perished at the tip of an iron sword when she took a blow to save Claude." She was silent, but I felt her tears falling onto my chest. I held and rocked her until she fell asleep. If I have it my way, I will spare her anymore pain for the rest of our immortal lives.


"Lily and Alex are coming home today." I said to Sookie who was sitting at her laminating machine sealing today's note.

"So soon?" she asked.

"Yes, it seems that Lily was eager to get home to her own bed and see her family."

Sookie smiled and said, "I have missed her and Alex. I don't know what we would do without them and I can hardly remember life before her." I chuckled and nodded my head in agreement. Lily has most certainly brought a certain amount of excitement into our lives.

"Hey, Eric?"

"Yes, Lover?" I replied in my most sultry voice.

"Let's make a baby." I was standing before her naked and ready to go before she even had a chance to turn her head.

When she saw me she laughed and said, "Eager much?"

"Oh yes, Lover, baby making is one of my favorite activities!" I picked her up ripping her little blue sundress right off of her. I also made short work of her bra and panties because I wanted no delays… I hate underwear, they slow me down, but it seems no matter how much I protest she still insists on wearing them.

"I know! We practice a lot… are you sure your ready for the big leagues?"

I laughed and nipped at her before replying, "Lover, I was born ready." She laughed, but soon stopped after my kisses started to trail down her body. I need to take my time and worship her properly first because I am very excited about this and if I don't "warm her up" she might not get as good as I am sure she will give.

I kissed all the way down to her promised land, the oasis of her womanhood that had sated me for 150 years and will continue to do so for eternity. I spread her lower lips with my fingers, eliciting a moan from her, I love that I have that affect on her… I have barely touched her and she is already writhing for me. I slowly run my tongue up her slit, never breaking eye contact. I slowly start to work her nub in my mouth, sucking and nibbling. She is thrashing her head back and forth before moaning.

"More, Eric, please!"

I gladly comply by slipping a finger into her, pumping in and out. She starts to breath heavy and I can tell she is getting close so I take her nub back into my mouth and flick it with my tongue. Then I insert a second finger, increasing my pace. I curl my fingers and feel her fall to pieces around my hand. She is moaning and screaming my name… I can't help but give myself a mental pat on the back. I, however, am even more revved up than before.

She roughly pulls me up to her and breaths into my ear. "Let's make a baby." I smile my biggest shit eating grin and capture her mouth with mine, trying to pour every ounce of love I have for her into that kiss. When she breaks the kiss to breathe, I take that moment to position myself at her entrance. I pull her body close to mine as I slide into her… if it is possible it feels like she is tighter and warmer than usual. I hold her close to me as I slide in and out of her slowly, truly making love to her. We whisper words of adoration and love back and forth to each other.

I feel her start to get close so I capture her mouth with mine and pick up the pace, slowly moving my thumb over her nub. She places her mouth on my shoulder indicating that she is ready to bite so I do the same. We bite at the same time, and our mutual orgasms explode around us. The blinding white light from the Fae magic we are using encompass us. I feel it coursing through the two of us… and I can't wait until our child is born.

I roll over, placing Sookie on top, never extricating myself from her… I am just not ready to leave her body yet. I hold her close when I feel her tears on me. I pull her up and ask, "Are you okay?"

"Oh Eric, I just love you so much. I'm overwhelmed… we're going to have another baby!" she says, as she rubs her face on my chest, scenting me like a kitten. I pulled her close and whispered my confessions of undying love for her in Swedish, just like I know she loves until she falls asleep on my chest. While I stroke her back and nuzzle her, I feel her breathing even out so I roll her to her side and remove myself regretfully from her tight warm space. I lay my head on her womb whispering to our child just as I did for Alex, telling him/her just how much I love them already.

I don't know what is in store for us next, but at this moment everything seems to be going right. Our first grandchild is on the way, our second child also on the way, one of our biggest threats was eliminated, Alex has taken his role as Supreme King with no opposition and even though we lost Mary… she will not go unavenged. The humans have no idea what they have done by attacking one of ours. All in all, right now it is pretty quiet; but as I already know, quiet never lasts for long.