I was feeling very mad today, because I was kicked out of my Mom's cousin's house. By some security guard. Because I used the back entrance… IT WAS WIDE OPEN.

So anyway, while I was feeling extremely pissed off, I decided to think of Fuji (because he cheers me up) and it sort of spiraled down into this. Because I WAS running in spirals in the first place.

So this is the product of my annoyances, i hope you will enjoy it.


Ryoma was feeling quite annoyed. As if having his match with Fuji thwarted again wasn't enough, he had been soaked to the skin by the pouring rain, unable to accept the fact that bad weather had cut his game short again.

"Ryoma," Fuji had called out from the sheltered changing rooms, "I know you're upset, but try not to drown yourself."

If he had been giving control of the weather, he would have created a void section right above the Seigaku tennis courts. That would have been perfect.

But now, he stood in front of his locker, the rest of the team having left already, with the exception of Fuji, who had been thoughtful enough to stay behind lest the boy did something drastic. Fuji had once seen the boy slice a ball in half due to its faulty bounce, which had cost him one point. Who knew what he might do in this kind of situation? Tezuka had just made him stand under the awning outside the changing rooms until he dripped dry enough not to create a mess indoors.

And now he stood in front of his locker, eye twitching with unrivalled irritation. The ever defective lamp that hung behind his locker had begun it's blinking routine again. Sporadically illuminating and de-luminating the entire locker room. Ryoma wrung his shirt, letting the rainwater pool onto the tiled floor Tezuka had tried so hard to keep dry.

As he reached into his locker for his shoes, a sudden burst of light reflected on the mirror drilled into the back of his locker and into his eyes, momentarily blinding him and causing him to hit his head on a very solid metal locker door.

His curses echoed around the interior of the locker.

"Ryoma, something wrong?" Fuji said, head cocked to one side whilst he toweled it dry.

"Just how difficult is it to change a stupid light bulb?" Ryoma nearly yelled.

"Ryoma, we've already reported this to the estate department, but they haven't—"

"Then let's do it ourselves then. It's just a light bulb, how hard can it be?"

"You'd be surprised."

"I bet I can do it."

"Then you can go home and find some light bulbs, and rest for a bit. Make sure you don't fall sick."

"But Fuji-senpai! Tomorrow is the practice match against Hyotei, how do you think this light bulb will affect our school pride? We cannot let our locker rooms be seen in such a state."

"Ryoma, I think you're taking this a bit too far."

"How far? How do you think Atobe and his gang will laugh at us for this light bulb? It will potentially affect their playing ability, giving them the impression that they are better than us, which will inherently affect how they play, which will give them a greater chance of winning!"

Fuji knew now probably wasn't the best time to talk sense into Ryoma, seeing as he obviously wasn't going to listen in the first place.

"Okay, Ryoma, we can come in tomorrow morning before Hyotei comes at two, okay?"

"Great. I'll see you tomorrow morning then." Ryoma laced up his shoes and dropped his soggy clothing into a ziplog bag.

Ryoma arrived at the Seigaku courts the next day, for the first time, early. Armed with his tennis bag and light bulb, he stormed into the changing rooms and looked smugly at the lamp which hung from the ceiling.

"Hey Ryoma, you got the light bulbs?"

Ryoma spun around at this sudden voice, interrupting his staring contest with the lamp.

"Yes, I got it." He held it up.

Fuji looked at the light bulb in Ryoma's hand, then back to the lamp, which was located far above the freshman's reach.

"And you're going to get it up how?"

Something inside of Ryoma seemed to snap, and for a moment, the two of them stared at each other, both marveling at Ryoma's lack of foresight. After a full minute, Ryoma dropped the lightbulb onto the bench, turning towards the door and muttering something about ladders.

Picking up Ryoma's precious light bulb, he observed it with interest, having nothing better to do anyway.

"I'm… back…" Ryoma was standing at the doorway, looking extremely small compared to the tall ladder he was leaning against in fatigue.

"Ryoma… did you bring that from home?"

"Yes…" the boy panted, "something… the matter?"

"No, I'm just… surprised."

"Now let's get this stupid light bulb done with." He picked up the ladder with surprising ease and dropped it under the lamp. Snatching the incandescent bulb from Fuji's grasp, he climbed, one rung at a time, until he stood directly below the lamp. He unscrewed the original carefully, turning his wrist in the same circular motions.

"Catch," the amateur lighting technician dropped the original bulb into Fuji's cupped hands below, retrieving the new bulb from his pocket. As his fingers touched the lamp, a small jolt of electricity shocked his fingers, and he jerked his hand instinctively away from the metal, throwing his small frame dangerously off balance.

The ladder wobbled, but left Ryoma perched precariously on the edge.

"Something wrong?" Fuji asked, one hand already on the ladder for stabilities sake.

"Damn, static." He mumbled, resuming the task of replacing the light bulb. He had heard enough light bulb jokes in his life, now resolute in proving that one person, alone, could change a lightbulb.

One hand clutching the ladder, the other holding the glass envelope of the bulb, now inverted, Ryoma lifted the bulb slowly towards the lamp, not wanting another electrical shock. It was only when he held the screw cap to the socket (A/N Sorry, I forgot the official name for the part you screw the lightbulb into) that he realized a problem.

"Screw it!" Ryoma yelled, fighting the urge of squashing the bulb to pieces.

"Nice pun there, but is anything wrong?"

"Damn right something is wrong, this bulb is too small."




"I guess you need a replacement?"

Growling colourful swears under his breath, Ryoma descended the ladder with an unexpected grace, storming out of the locker room, no doubt heading back home. Fuji watched him leave.

That was definitely one determined little freshman.

Ryoma returned a few minutes later, red faced and sweaty, hugging a large box to his chest with a set expression upon his face. No way was he going to let the lamp get the better of him. He was a tennis prodigy, far above lamps.

Hauling the box onto the bench, Ryoma opened it, revealing a wide (dis)array of light bulbs, most of them still in their packaging.

Before Fuji could ask the obvious question as to why such a large amount of light bulbs in his possession, Ryoma explained, awkwardly, "I have quite a large house and we need lots of light bulbs on hand."

He tore open the plastic covering on two of the bulbs, stuffing one into his pocket before grabbing a few loose bulbs and doing the same.

Too big.

Too small.

Since when did he own pink lights?

None of the bulbs seemed to fit, and Ryoma, scowling magnificently, dropped the light bulbs back into the box, not bothering to check if they shattered upon contact.

"Will you pass me another bulb, Fuji-senpai?" Ryoma asked, stretching down a hand to receive the said bulb.

"Sure." Fuji pressed one into his hand, having just grabbed It from a pile in the box.

It was a perfect fit. Teeming with excitement, Ryoma screwed it in, waiting for the satisfying shine of the bulb. As his made one final flick of his wrist, the entire changing room was illuminated by a warm white light. Ryoma, grinning stupidly, stepped down rung, before something gave his mood a complete one eighty degree change.

The light went out, then turned on again. Then off. Then on. And I continued flickering. Ryoma gave himself five seconds to calm down. Neither of the two human beings in the room said another word. Then Ryoma climbed up the ladder again, and whipped the bulb out of the socket with an almost beast-like ferocity.

"Ryoma, do you need hel—"

"No." Ryoma replied shortly, left hand quivering with the sheer effort of not flinging down the light bulb and stamping it to smithereens with his Converses, "Get me another bulb, Size…" Ryoma consulted the bulb, "A15."


"A15," Ryoma confirmed. All notions of light bulb changing being a one man job had just gone up in smoke.

"There you go," Fuji handed another bulb towards Ryoma, which was immediately snatched away.

"You think you won, don't 'cha?" Ryoma hissed to nobody in particular, golden eyes displaying a strangely feral glow which sent shivers down Fuji's spine.

He fitted the bulb into its socket, holding his breath as he watched the bulb burst into light.

One minute passed, and Ryoma felt it safe to descend. Placing one foot on the lower rung gently, as if the slightest movement would put out the light, Ryoma shifted his weight off his left leg and onto his right. The ladder creaked, and Ryoma flinched.

Then suddenly, the light flickered, and flickered, finally dying out entirely. Ryoma froze, brain unable to process what had just happened.





There was a long silence, eventually broken by Fuji, "Well, what do you think about this fluorescent one?"

"AUUUUUUUUGGGGHHHHH!" Ryoma yelled, clawing up the ladder once more. Tearing the bulb from the socket, he flung it down onto the tiled floor, relishing for a few moments, the wonderful sound of breaking glass.

Silence again.

"You're going to be cleaning that up, Ryoma."


"But Ryoma, you never give up."

"Like hell I care, Hyotei can come and scrap this entire room for all I care."

"Be careful, Ryoma, you're still on the ladder," Fuji had one hand on Ryoma's back, the other on his lower thigh, feeling for certain the freshman was going to fall if he continued flailing his limbs.

"Get your hands OFF me!"

"You want to see what will happen if I do?" Fuji chuckled evilly, "Well then," He removed one hand from Ryoma's leg, causing the freshman to throw his arms onto the lockers to keep balance.


"Told you," Fuji put both of his hands on Ryoma's waist and lifted him off the ladder.

"Well, Ryoma, looks like Hyotei is going to find out about the missing bulb now."

"Well, I'd like to see Atobe trying to fix the damn bulb, let's see if he can do it, eh?"

"… I think you'd better get some rest."

How many tennis prodigies did it take to change a light bulb?

Two. One cocky one to fail, and another with sadistic tendencies to keep him sane after the ordeal.

WELL that was strange…

I have been using the computer for two hours straight since lunchtime, and my sister's getting impatient.

Ha, let's see how she likes being kept waiting.

Any problems, please tell me!