Hey, everyone! It's been a very, very long time since I've even logged onto this site, much less written any fanfics, this one being the only one I have left unfinished. When I first started out writing fanfiction, I started with the full intention of never repeating what I was so annoyed with in the first place, which was engaging stories suddenly cutting off. Unfortunately, this story is going to have to break that intention.
I fully enjoyed writing the story, and it helped me develop my writing skills quite a bit. Going by the number of reviews and favorites, a lot of others seem to enjoy it too, which is absolutely fantastic. Unfortunately, going into college and beginning to go into a more design-based art form over literary meant that it fell to the wayside, just a chapter or two short from when I would've been ending the first segment of the story.
Part of why I will be discontinuing this story is that I lost my notes on where I intended to take the story a while ago, and without that, I can't remember my intentions for the plot based only on reading what I've written out. Adding to that is the fact that I've since lost a lot of my passion for the particular anime I based the story in, and without that, I would probably not write the rest of the story well.
I always have been and always will be a writer, no matter what other art forms I take on, so this will likely not be the last fanfiction on this account for people to enjoy, but I think I need to move on from this to do so, and it's only fair to let the various others who enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it know that it will not be continuing as a story.
I do apologize, and I am incredibly grateful in regards to all of the words of encouragement, as well as the critiques, both of which helped me become a progressively better writer.
This hopefully won't be the last you see of me.
Witch of Swords