"Dear Sidekick," Oliver said aloud, entering Watchtower, and not glancing up from his phone to see what she was doing as he did, "Please tell Santa I want wool socks for Christmas. Love, me."

He paused in the middle of the room then, putting his phone in his pocket. Chloe was sitting at her desk and had opened her mouth to retort when her phone buzzed. She picked it up and looked at it, finding a text message from Oliver, repeating exactly what he'd just said to her. She lowered the phone slightly and raised an eyebrow at him, trying not to laugh. "Really?" she deadpanned.

He shrugged, an amused, boyish grin on his face.

Chloe rolled her eyes. "I don't know whether to address if you now expect me to get you socks for Christmas or if you actually think I know Santa."

"Well it's not the first one," he said, eyes twinkling.

She snorted, and Oliver walked over to the desk to see what she was working on. "Just out of morbid curiosity here, you think I know Santa because..."

"It's you," he pointed out.

Chloe hid a little smile. She still remembered the year a man in a Santa costume had showed up at the Daily Planet and vanished to deliver all of the gifts for a Christmas charity. Ever since that day, she couldn't help believing in Santa, not that she was going to tell Oliver that. Still, his logic was amusing, considering.

"Something amusing?" he asked her, raising an eyebrow.

"Nope," she lied, glancing up at him, abandoning her work now. "What are you up to?" she asked.

He shrugged. "Sloughing off work in favor of seeing your dazzling smile," he said charmingly, only causing Chloe to laugh.

"Do women go for that?" she asked, clearly entertained.

He chuckled himself, "You tell me."

Shaking her head, she let her laughter fade into a little sigh. "You're crazy."

"Probably," he agreed. "So I wanted to know if you're free tonight."

She narrowed her eyes at him. "Why?"

"Jeez, don't be excited or anything," he teased.

"Well, I'm assuming this is work related," she said, but he shook his head.

"Charity gig."


"What does 'hmm' mean?" he asked, raising a curious eyebrow.

"It means 'how can this possibly involve me?' Coincidentally," she continued, "how can this involve me?"

He chuckled. "I thought you'd like to come."

"And you're asking me at the last minute because?"

He rolled his eyes. "Always so suspicious. I'll have you know I wasn't planning to go, but I'm having last minute second thoughts."

"And you want to take me because?" she asked, unmoved.

"Because I enjoy your wit, charm, and eternal sarcasm?" he suggested.

Chloe rolled her eyes, but he saw her lips twitch and knew she was flattered. She didn't commit yet, though. "Am I to understand you're going to use this as an excuse to buy me something overpriced?" she asked.

He smirked. "Am I to understand you think I'm naive enough to think you'd let me?"

She chuckled. "Good man."

"Does that mean yes?"

"It means I'm not sure."

"What would make you be sure?" he asked, wondering how he could ever have thought getting Chloe to spend an evening with him would be easy.

"Knowing what we'd actually be doing," she said pointedly.

"Tree lighting in the park. Santa's there. Big event for local kids. I donated a lot to it, and people are kind of expecting me to make an appearance."

She grinned teasingly. "Will you be dressed as Santa Claus?" she asked.

His brow arched. "If I were, would you go?"

"Definitely," she laughed.

"Well, I'm out of luck then, because they hired someone else to be Santa."

"Oh, relax," she said, grinning. "I'll go. Though the costume would definitely have sweetened the deal, I can't lie."

"Well, if costumes do it for you..." he trailed off, wiggling his eyebrows up and down.

Chloe clucked her tongue disapprovingly. Never mind the fact that she happened to think Oliver looked extremely appealing in his Green Arrow costume, unfortunately.

Oliver stood watching Chloe as she leaned down and spoke to a little girl, her eyes glittering, looking utterly beautiful in the glow of all the twinkle lights illuminating the park, and he came to two important conclusions:

1. Chloe was adorable. And sexy.

2. He had it really bad.

He walked over to join them, wondering what the two were talking about.

"I happen to know he's very nice," Chloe was promising the little girl, who looked uncertain about something. "Isn't he, Oliver?" she asked, looking up when he joined them.

Looking from her green eyes to the round blue ones of the little girl, both looking up at him expectantly, he swallowed uncertainly. "What?"

"Santa," Chloe encouraged, giving him a prompting look. "He's very nice, isn't he?"

"What? Yeah!" he said enthusiastically, cottoning on and turning to the little girl.

"Lena here is nervous about going to see him," Chloe explained for his benefit.

"Ah," Oliver said understandingly. He squatted down so he was eye-level with the little girl. "Do you want me to go up to see him with you?" he offered.

Looking at him with wide, doe-eyes, she shook her head rapidly, not speaking.

"Do you want Chloe to take you?" he offered instead, humor in his voice.

The little girl looked up at Chloe, considering her, then nodded once tentatively.

"Why don't we all go?" Chloe suggested, grinning. "I happen to know Oliver wanted to ask Santa about a pair of socks," she teased.

Oliver chuckled under his breath, but didn't respond. "Do you want a ride?" he asked Lena.

She nodded her head enthusiastically.

Obligingly Oliver picked the little girl up and settled her on his shoulders where she clung to him tightly.

"Just be careful not to drop her," Chloe hissed in his ear.

He shook his head. "Oh, ye of little faith," he accused her as they headed over to the line next to Santa.

They waited together and Oliver eventually noticed Chloe shivering a bit. "You cold?" he asked.

She brushed it off. "A bit. I need to get a warmer coat. This one's no good if I'm standing still this much."

Oliver put his arm around her without any further speech, pulling her into his side to keep her warm.

Chloe breathed a relieved sigh at the immediate flood of warmth that spread through her body, including a slight flush to her cheeks at the proximity. She was also uncomfortably aware of the fact that if this were someone else, she wouldn't be blushing.

Lena, who was apparently painfully shy, said nothing, but watched this interaction through wide, silent eyes.

They eventually reached Santa, who looked strangely familiar to Chloe. She blinked at him as Oliver helped Lena down from his shoulders. She blinked again.

Oh my-

"Hello there, Chloe," Santa winked at her, and Chloe felt her mouth fall open. Oliver looked at her in surprise while Santa greeted Lena as well.

"Are you kidding me? You actually know Santa? I thought I was joking!" he laughed at her.

Chloe was too busy staring as Lena whispered something inaudible in Santa's ear, looking at Chloe and Oliver out of the corner of her eyes. Santa studied the pair of them with an amused, satisfied kind of smile. He nodded. "Hmm...that's very good of you Lena. I'm sure I can see to that. Is there anything you want for yourself?" His eyes twinkled as she whispered in his ear again. "Be a good girl, Lena, and I bet you'll get it. You go run along now, sweetheart. Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas, Santa," Lena said in a tiny voice before hugging him impulsively and planting an affectionate kiss on his ruddy cheek.

Chloe was still staring openly at him.

"Anything for you two?" Santa offered knowingly, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Oliver, I understand you're looking for some wool socks," he said, chuckling deeply.

Oliver laughed in surprise as well. He looked at Chloe, thinking this was her doing. "You're ridiculous," he told her, squeezing her back into his side.

Santa watched this interaction with keen eyes. "Hmm...Anything else you want for Christmas, though?" he asked.

Company, Chloe thought automatically, a little sadness flickering across her face.

Chloe, Oliver thought vaguely in response. "I think we're good," Oliver said aloud, grinning. "Thanks, though."

Chloe nodded absently, still watching Santa with unwavering eyes.

Oliver noted this with curiosity, but said, "Well, we won't keep you. Merry Christmas, Santa," he winked at the man. "Take care."

"And you, Oliver," he said in reply. Oliver started to guide Chloe away, but she broke away for a moment, suddenly seized by the impulse to hug Santa.

"Merry Christmas," she whispered to him, not sure why she felt her voice choking a little.

Santa patted her back sympathetically. "Thank you. Merry Christmas, Chloe," he whispered back to her. "You take care of yourself, little lady. You spend too much time looking after everyone else."

"Thanks," she said back, pulling herself back up and rejoining Oliver. She took his hand absently as they strolled away from Santa, lost in thought.

"Friend of yours?" Oliver asked curiously, squeezing her fingers playfully with his.

She nodded, a slight crease in her forehead. "Something like that."

The next day Oliver spent the entire day in the office, dealing with the holiday rush as well as an overseas issue. He spent the entire night in the office, never getting the chance to go home. At three in the morning, too exhausted to go on in this fashion, he tore off his already generously loosened tie and collapsed on the sofa in his office, where he slept uncomfortably until morning. He remembered having vague thoughts of Chloe in his mind as he drifted almost immediately to sleep. He pictured the smile on her face waiting with that little girl to see Santa. She looked so happy and content and carefree. He wasn't sure he ever remembered seeing her that way. Except at her wedding maybe...though it hadn't lasted long then. He wondered disconnectedly whether she'd missed him today. He hadn't had time to go in to see her or even call. He hadn't heard from her all day or night either, which was comforting on the one hand because it meant that nothing had gone wrong, but was depressing on the other hand because he secretly missed her.

Chloe, on the other side of the city, was clutching her fifth cup of coffee in exhausted hands. She took a long draught of it, draining the bottom of the cup and willing herself to stay awake. She didn't want to go to sleep. She couldn't explain why, but something about the idea was unappealing.

She didn't think much of that anymore. Sleep brought her little comfort these days. There were many nights where she wouldn't sleep at all because for some reason the idea of going to bed unnerved her.

Some small part of her was trying to point out that she'd been sleeping better since Oliver had started spending more time with her. It gently noted that she hadn't heard from Oliver at all today, which was probably why-

She quickly squelched that voice. Of all the men to go for...well, Oliver Queen was probably not the wisest choice. It wasn't that there was anything wrong with him-quite the opposite-It was just that the likelihood that anything would ever happen between her and Oliver was zero to none. Why set herself up for heartache? Unrequited love? Been there, done that. So over it.

She felt her eyelids turning to lead in spite of the coffee cavalry she'd enlisted. Her head nodded and she jolted back awake even though she was standing up. She shook her head at herself, giving a defeated sigh and heading for the couch. Sleep had won. This time.

Oliver woke the next morning with an uncomfortable pain in his shoulders from sleeping on the couch, which really wasn't the best sleeping place. He made a mental note to get a more comfortable one...or maybe a sleeper sofa as he stretched and groaned wearily, trying to reorient himself to the fact that he'd fallen asleep in the office. Something on his desk caught his attention immediately. A small white box with a green bow on it.

Frowning at it and convinced it hadn't been there when he fell asleep, he walked over to his desk and picked it up, looking at the tag.

To Oliver,

For The Man Who Has Everything But What He Needs.


He blinked at the unfamiliar writing before reading it again to make sure he'd registered it correctly. Brow cinched he tugged at the end of the ribbon until the bow loosened and then opened the box.

Inside was an advertisement for Christmas trees being sold at a lot just on the outside of the city.

His brow furrowed still more deeply as he studied it. Was this some marketing scheme? Who would leave him an ad for Christmas trees. If he didn't know his secretary's handwriting, he might have suspected she was hinting that a tree would be nice for the lobby, and anyway, there was a tree in the lobby.

The thought suddenly occurred to him that Chloe would probably be ecstatic if he got her a tree for Watchtower. It might be nice to decorate the place, make it a little cheerier. He smiled to himself at the idea and decided to enlist her help to buy one.

Or, better still, he thought, surprise her with one. She'd be delighted. He could get one of the League to help him get it up to Watchtower easily enough.

Chloe woke with a feeling of depression looming over her. There was no real excuse for it except a poor night's sleep and a lonely day preceding it. She kept her eyes closed for a long time, wondering what time it was and how long she'd been asleep. Should she get up? Would anyone be there soon to discover that she'd spent the night here?


Making a small noise somewhere between a sigh and a faint sob she forced herself to sit up slowly, eyes still closed. Mentally prepping herself she opened them and looked around at the cold, bare room of technology.

Home, sweet home.

At least the stained glass gave it a gentler, friendlier feeling. She smiled ever so softly. Just as she was standing up and deciding whether to brew her own coffee or go to the vendor down the street, something caught her eye on the floor next to the couch. A small white box with a green ribbon wrapped around it.

Frowning in confusion and wondering who had been there while she was asleep a little nervously, she bent down and picked it up. There was a tag.

To Chloe,

For the Woman Who Gives Everything But Asks For Nothing


Chloe started, her mind flashing immediately to meeting Santa at the park the other day, convinced that he was the same Santa she'd met a few years back.

Her suspicious nature rose, asking her to scan the gift for potential explosives or other heinous content.

Suddenly reckless, she told her brain to shut the hell up and pulled the ribbon off, lifting the lid to the box.

She had to smile. Inside the box were three twenty dollar gift cards for the coffee vendor she adored so much. Shaking her head, she muttered under her breath. "Thanks, Santa."

It was nice to be looked after. Even if there was absolutely no explanation for it whatsoever.

Oliver entered Watchtower that morning and immediately searched the premises for Chloe. Conveniently enough she was nowhere to be found. He texted Bart.

All's clear.

Immediately Clark and Bart appeared in the room carrying an enormous Christmas tree. Both men had been totally on board with the idea of a tree for Chloe. It was a nice idea in general.

Chloe returned to the tower, cup of fresh coffee in head and stomach pleasantly satisfied by the piping hot, fresh cinnamon roll she'd devoured courtesy of Santa. When she walked in on the three men admiring the tree and deciding which way to turn it so that it would look just right, she blinked a couple of times. She grinned broadly.

"What on earth are you three doing?" she asked with laughter in her voice.

Bart immediately sped to her side. "Merry Christmas, Chloelicious," he said happily, throwing an arm around her shoulder and looking up at the tree beside her.

She raised an eyebrow, her smile still lighting up her whole face, Oliver noted with satisfaction.

"It was Oliver's idea," Clark said fairly, smiling in automatic response to Chloe's smile.

Chloe's eyes landed on the blond in question. She grinned at him and the pleased expression on his face. "That was really sweet. Thanks, Ollie. Guys," she added, looking to Clark and Bart. She looked at the elegant fir with loving eyes. Then she looked back at the three of them again. "Are you guys going to decorate it for me?" she asked.

"No ornaments," Clark said apologetically.

"Yet," Oliver finished determinedly, looking at the tree. "You and I can get some this afternoon if you want," he added to her, the idea popping into his head and declaring itself absolutely brilliant.

"That would be great!" she beamed at him, and Oliver felt his chest swell up with happiness, having her cheeriness and gratitude directed at him.

"We should round up everyone and have a tree-lighting!" Bart determined excitedly.

"That sounds good," Clark said. "The team could use a little Christmas cheer, don't you think, Oliver?"

Oliver nodded. "Best idea I've heard so far." Except the brilliant one for alone time with Chloe, he added in his mind pleasantly.

"Well, I've gotta get going," Clark said, checking his watch. "I'm supposed to be at the Planet," he added apologetically. He walked over and gave Chloe a brotherly kiss on the cheek. "Merry Christmas," he said before vanishing in a blink.

Bart, who hadn't released her this whole time wiggled his eyebrows at her. "I gotta go refuel, 'licious. Let me know if you need anything."

Chloe smiled at him. "Thank you, Bart." She pecked him on the cheek and he grinned triumphantly.

"Score," he said before vanishing himself, undoubtedly to find some Mexican food.

Wondering how rumpled her hair was from the human tornadoes, she ran her fingers through it idly before turning to Oliver. "What on earth put this idea in your head?" she asked.

He shrugged, a little crease in his forehead as he looked thoughtful. "I...found an ad for trees and it just suddenly put the idea in my mind. Couldn't shake it. Figured you'd be pleased," he added, grinning at her. "So," he added, rubbing his hands together excitedly. "You wanna go shopping now? I'll buy you lunch," he tempted her in a sing-song voice.

Chloe laughed. "Just let me change my clothes. I slept in these last night," she said with a self-admonishing tone.

He frowned at her. "You fell asleep here?" he asked with concern.

She shrugged dismissively. "Happens on occasion. Couldn't unwire my brain," she said by way of excuse.

"I wonder why," he deadpanned, looking pointedly at the cup of coffee.

She looked dramatically offended, shielding the coffee defensively. "What are you implying, sir?" she demanded.

He snorted. "Imply? Me? Nothing at all. Certainly not that you've replaced at least three to four food groups with coffee. And definitely not that that has any health repercussions. Of course not. I happen to value my life, thanks."

Laughing at him, she walked upstairs where she kept her things, eventually finding a nice warm sweater to wear for the day out.