Alright, before we start, here's a warning.

This part is Rated M, for a gentle lemon at the end.

If you don't like it, then don't read it.

This minor porn is dedicated to BARBARA, because she's a slut.

JK I love her and she's one of my OCs 33

Alright, you've been warned.


DISCLAIMER: I do not own Pokemon, Pokemon Adventures, nor the characters I have used.

Crystal drove the two back to her home in Violet City in silence. Gold was grinning and staring out the window; Green was smiling and twiddling her thumbs. Crystal smirked, automatically thinking the two had a good date... a very good date. She pulled into the driveway, the three exiting the car and walking into the house. Green went to the living room and plopped on the couch. Crystal grabbed Gold by his shoulder and pulled him aside, a big grin on her face.

"Soo, how'd the date go?" She asked, eagerness dripping from her tone. Gold smirked, shrugging.

"It was... it was nice. Very nice." Gold said. And he meant it. He enjoyed himself.

"Oh, was it really? How nice?"

Gold rolled his eyes. "It was nice Crystal. That's all you're getting."

Crystal pouted, taking his hands and bouncing up and down. "C'mon, at least a little-"

Gold snatched his hands away from her, shaking his head and smiling. "I'll never tell." And he walked away before Crystal could nag any longer. He sat on the couch next to Green, looking down at her and smiling. She was still wearing his sweatshirt.

Green looked up at him, raising an eyebrow at his grin.

"...What?" She asked.

Gold shook his head. "Nothing. Just had a really nice night."

Green blushed, chewing on her thumb nail. The sleeves on the jacket were too long, so they covered her hand. "I did too."

Gold leaned down so their faces were inches apart, making Green blush deep. "I have to admit," He whispered, "You're a really good kisser."

Green was blushing so hard you couldn't see an inch of her pale skin. She smirked, letting go of her thumb nail and biting her lower lip. "..One more time?"

Gold's face flushed red, surprised her response. He looked over the couch; no one was in the kitchen, Crystal was upstairs, and so was Silver. He took a deep breath, looking back into her blue eyes.

"I'm up for it."

He leaned in and pressed their lips together, his face feeling hot. His fingers touched her cheek gently, feeling her shudder until his touch. Gold slid his tongue in, feeling bold. Green didn't object, so he explored willingly. Green slid her tongue through, a small wrestle in the middle, sliding past his teeth and around his gums. A small moan left her lips, making Gold even more cocky about his kissing. He ran his fingers through her dark brown hair, thrusting his tongue in farther. Green broke the kiss, opening her eyes and locking into a gaze with Gold's sparkling gold eyes. She blinked, her lips pursing, unaware of what to say. Gold smirked.

"I..uh.." Green stuttered in a whisper. Then, there were foot steps. Gold untangled his fingers from her hair, his sweet touch leaving her cheek. She bit her lip as they shifted farther away from eachother. Silver walked down to the kitchen, not noticing the two on the couch. She looked at Gold, smiling.

"Go get your boyfriend." She whispered. Gold smiled, kissing her forehead gently.

"Thanks, Green." He whispered back, getting up and walking to the kitchen. Green leaned back on the couch, sighing heavilly. Maybe in another life, Green, Gold may want you.. She thought, tuning back into the television.

Gold walked into the kitchen, walking up behind Silver and wrapping his arms around his waist. Silver jumped, sighing in relief.

"God, you scared me, you asshole." He laughed. Gold kissed his cheek softly, eyeing the food he was making.

"...Why is it ironic that you're making me a sandwich?" Gold asked.

"Because I'm not a woman?" Silver said. Gold pouted, ticked that he couldn't finish his joke. "I know your humor too well, Gold." Silver chuckled. Gold rolled his eyes smiling. His arms were still around Silver's middle, so he nipped at his cartiledge gently. Silver gasped, dropping the knife he was using to spread his mayonnaise on the counter. He rolled his eyes, sighing. "Green is right there, knock it off." He hissed uneasially. Gold spun him around, looking into his metalliac silver eyes. He smirked, fingers tracing down the red head's sides. He leaned in near his ear, his smirk growing more cocky with every breath.

"Then we'll have to finish this.. upstairs?"

Silver blushed, looking down at the ground.

"I'll take that as a yes." Gold said.

Gold grabbed Silver's wrist and led him up the stairs in Crystal's house. He couldn't describe how happy he was. His date with Green went smoothly, and she finally knows about himself and Silver. Gold smiled wide and he opened the bedroom door, tugging Silver in and closing it with his feet. It clicked softly under the ball of his foot. He turned back to Silver, grinning wickedly.

Silver raised an eyebrow as Gold pulled Silver close into his chest.

"Gold, are you okay? Did your date go really well or something?" Silver asked. Gold shook his head.

"I'm perfect. I'm just glad to see your beautiful face." Gold kissed him with all the passion in his body, making Silver blush.

Silver broke away, a smile against his face. "I've never seen you this…energetic before."

Gold just smiled wider—if that was possible—and laid Silver on the bed, adjusting himself on top of him.

"I love you," Gold said, his fingers running through his lover's red locks. "You don't even understand." He leaned down and kissed Silver's neck, sucking tenderly. Silver didn't object, enjoying the feel of Gold's tongue on his pale skin. Gold broke away, slipping out of his black shirt with ease. He propped Silver against the headboard, peeling off his maroon shirt. Silver shivered under the warmth of Gold's bare chest on top of his. Their eyes met, metallic silver meeting sparkling gold. Silver smiled. Gold leaned down and kissed him, his fingers sliding from Silver's sides, down to the belt loops on his black jeans. Silver, again, didn't object, so Gold searched around for a zipper while he explored the red head's mouth. Gold broke the kiss, unzipping the jeans and sliding them down, a stiffening erection greeting him through his boxers. Gold smirked, glancing up at Silver. Silver blushed, crossing his arms over his chest.

Gold's fingers wrapped around the waistband of the purple boxers, sliding them down little by little. Silver bit his lip, already fed up with Gold's teasing. A mixture of a groan and a moan left Silver's lips, making Gold smile. He yanked off the boxers, Silver's hard member springing up. Gold wrapped his fingers around it hungrily, jerking it slowly. Silver clenched the sheets in his fingers, biting his lip harder. Gold's touch drove him crazy.

"You like that, huh?" Gold murmured seductively. Silver nodded quickly, clutching the bed sheets so tightly he would probably rip them.

"I bet you'll love this, then." Gold said softly, flicking his tongue against the tip of Silver's member. Silver groaned, a thousand volts of pleasure coursing through his veins. Gold smirked, a very cocky one. He was enjoying the love sounds jumping out of Silver's mouth.

Gold continued to lick the tip slowly, Silver still belting out agonizing moans. He then knotted his fingers in Gold's dark hair and lifted his head up, furious silver eyes narrowing at him. He was trembling, and there was already pre-cum oozing from the head.

"Quit your damn teasing and get on with it." Silver said firmly, letting go of Gold's head and leaning back against the headboard.

Gold smiled, engulfing the erection in his mouth. Silver yelped, melting into the bed sheets. Gold's head bobbed up and down against Silver's member—which was much bigger than he expected. It was almost as big as his, which is pretty damn large—still enjoying Silver's screams of ecstasy. It was incredibly salty, but he loved every suck just as much as Silver did.

"Gold…fuck…I'm gonna…" Silver bit his lip hard, shutting his eyes. Gold knew what was going to happen, so he pulled the erection from his mouth and jerked it furiously. Silver screamed out Gold's name, his seed spilling out onto Gold's fingers. Silver curled up in a ball, trembling and panting. Gold looked at his fingers laced with white, licking them fondly. He went to the bathroom to finish himself off, and cleaning up. When he exited the bathroom he jumped on the bed and laid next to Silver, who immediately nuzzled into his arms. Gold smiled, kissing Silver's head lovingly.

Silver's breath began to slow, his eyes closing.

"I love you, Gold." Silver uttered softly. Gold smiled again, laying his head on the pillow.

"I love you too, Silver."

Alright, there's your porn. It was quick and to the point, so I'm sorry if you expected full on BUTT SEX.

I have yet to gather the courage to write butt sex yet.. Maybe as time goes on, I'll be able to write it~

I hope you liked this story o' mine, this is probably my favorite so far.

I won't be updating on stories for a while, since I want the newer stories at least half written.

Thanks so much for reading!

You've read it, now review.

Bye everyone~