A/N: Blah blah, this took all summer because I was so busy. Not a huge chapter but a nice place to stop. With fall semester starting up soon, I should be able to get on some sort of writing schedule and finish this thing up!

Thanks to those who alerted the story! And thanks to those of you who left wonderful reviews on the last chapter: Dark Void Princess 21, KagHieiLuver, Kira Kyuu, Bloodcherry, sousie, Cosmic-lover, midnight98, Lozenger12, mistressofdarkness962, InuBroken, The English Miko, Blackmoon OniOokami, & Mers Bug.

Disclaimer: I do not own Death Note or Inuyasha.

A Strawberry for Your Secret

Chapter Seven

"How much longer?" Kagome whined impatiently, her hand held lazily out the window as the car drifted through the countryside.

"You'll know when we are there, Miss Kagome." Watari's aged tone held a hint of a smile. His small eyes peeped over his thin-rimmed glasses and through the rear-view mirror to gleam at her.

She rested her head next to the open window causing her hair to whip around her. With an arm stretched outside of the car, she listlessly opened her hand to the wind, admiring the rolling, golden country as they slipped away from Tokyo. It had been so long since she had ventured this far from home. She remembered visiting the graves of her ancestors, which were nestled in the hills outside of Tokyo, when she was seven but had not left the city since.

The sun bathed her skin, prickling it with its tepid beams. She slipped the hand back into the car, feeling like a child as she watched the world fly by. The car smelled of fresh leather, with glossy black seats and polished wood paneling. They lapsed into a comfortable silence as they drove through the bounds of the great city.

She slid her eyes shut, immediately recalling L's angry face. The sun blinked through treetops, causing her memories to appear like an old silent film behind her pink lids. Kagome had been surprised when she returned to the hotel, practically dragged there by Watari, and faced with an extremely irritated detective. I didn't know he could get so worked up…

A couple of days ago, she had talked Watari into taking her out of the dark, gloomy base that she was constantly confined to nowadays. She needed air and L wasn't letting her out of his sights after her feeble attempt at escape a week ago. With the boredom came plenty of time to think. Her thoughts had been clawing at the edges of her mind, like the razor claws of a frightened cat. She needed council. She missed her mother, her friends…

She was going out of her mind with no one to talk to and nothing to still her restless thoughts. Her drive to save her friend from the dark demon that now lurked behind him had her traveling across Japan. She needed answers that only another miko could give. How can someone kill a shinigami? Are the death gods invincible?

Watari had been surprisingly easy to convince, even with knowledge of how far he would have to take her. He was such a mysterious man, always silently fulfilling his duty to help and watch over the legendary detective.

Trying to convince L was another story. He insisted on going with Kagome, which she adamantly refused. L shouldn't get too involved. Not that way at least. A cart of treats and a word with Watari seemed to change his mind.

Kagome had dozed off, jolting awake when she heard the driver-side door slam, feeling it gently rock the noiseless car. She wiped the sleep from the creases of her eyes and tried to erase any evidence of drool that lingered around her mouth with the back of her sleeve. The sun was fading on the horizon, dusting the treetops with the last of its balmy rays. She stood on a gravel road, staring up a set of steps. The steps of her shrine paled in comparison to the stone stairs that were nestled into the immense hillside.

The hill faced the west, blocking out any remaining light and casting a cool shadow over Kagome and the surrounding area. She could make out the known red-framed entrance amongst the trees and greenery that seemed to consume the hilltop.

"Do they have an elevator?" Kagome laughed weakly, beginning to march forward to climb the expanse of stairs before them. The rocks gave a soft crunch with each footfall.

She paused; turning to look at the older man whose widening eyes still lingered at the top of the entrance with despondency. "Wait with the car; I'm just going to talk with the head priestess. There is no way I can escape this place!" She gave a small, nervous laugh.

With a short nod, Watari excused himself and plucked a phone from his pocket, returning to the car. Kagome gave a short sigh as she made her way to the heart of the shrine.

A while later, she stood in front of an ancient shrine that resembled those from the feudal era. The old, traditional architecture, the scarlet red paint - it all had flashbacks of the shrines she visited with Inuyasha, 500 years in the past, bombarding her brain. She felt as if she was walking through a veil. On one side was reality and on the other was the feeling of traveling 500 years in the past once more.

She drew a deep breath between her dry, parted lips and made her way through the silent shrine to find one of the only remaining mikos in Japan. The shrine wasn't very big. It held three buildings that she could see from the entrance. The grounds seemed to be poorly kept and the forest seemed to be taking over the sacred grounds. Weeds were growing through the small fissures in the stones, tickling her ankles. She walked hesitantly over the cracking stone walkway.

With no one in sight, Kagome headed into the largest building, which was nestled in the center of the shrine. The edifice was noticeably old and the paint was chipping off in large chunks, exposing the decaying wood beneath. She slid the paper door open and slipped into the dimly lit halls. Her soft footfalls filled the small hallway as she made twists and turns through an endless maze of rooms and halls trying to find someone.

The sound of a door sliding opening had her jumping out of her skin. She let out a small yelp and turned to see a woman clad in the traditional miko garb that she had worn herself, standing in the doorway.

The woman was elderly. Her skin was sagging and covered in deep wrinkles. Each movement was purposeful and methodic and her hair was pulled back and tied with a white ribbon. A few stray, gray hairs fell from the ponytail and neatly framed her face.

Kagome gave a low bow, "My name is Kagome Higurashi. I'm here to see the head priestess called Setsuna; do you know where I may find her?"

"Yes, child. I am Setsuna," said the woman with a small nod of her head. "I could feel you approaching from miles away. Why is a young, fellow miko like you seeking the council of an aged woman like me?" The woman's eyes twinkled with humor as she waved Kagome into the muted room from the doorway.

She gathered her legs underneath her and sat across a small table from her elder. "I was never trained properly and am unaware of the history of our people. I sought you out to hear stories of the mikos and shinigami from long ago."

"Shinigami? Now that is something I haven't heard of for many years…"

The dull, white halls glimmered as the sun danced off the precious stone resting in her palm. It was bathed in deep blue-greens and dark violets. Kagome juggled the stone as she made her way to the main chamber to find L, who was surely bent over his computer or a piece of cake. The light caught her eye and she brought the stone into view.

… "Wear this on your endeavor, my dear." The woman said as she hobbled from the chest nestled in the far corner of the room, holding something in her frail hands.

Clutched in her hands was a smooth stone saturated in the purest color of turquoise that Kagome had ever seen. It was like looking through etched glass that held a radiating light from within. The stone was no larger than a grape and it was smooth to the touch. It felt cool against her skin, but Kagome could feel a sort of warmth radiating from within the stone.

"What is it?" Kagome's brow furrowed in question as she examined the jewel.

"This stone will serve you well, Kagome. It will protect and enlighten you on the dangerous road ahead. I hope you heed my warnings and I wish you would give up on that plan of yours but I sense an unwavering determination in you."

She closed her hand tightly over the stone. It gave off the same soothing energy as the Sacred Tree; her soul felt at peace and her mind clear when she sat beneath its branches. The little pebble gave a fraction of that but it was better than nothing.

"…They are the darkness to our untainted light. They serve the God of Death, Kagome. We use our power for the good of the people and the world. We serve the Light. We are natural enemies of these selfish creatures. They are the darkest of demons, child. Light and Dark have always violently clashed. Peace between the two spiritual realms always lies on the edge of a knife." The woman's ragged voice gave an audible shudder.

"Why would they be on Earth? Why did they leave their world to walk through ours and wreak unimaginable havoc in their wake? Why would they choose my friend?" Kagome's voice rose as anger and confusion bubbled inside of her.

"They follow their books, dear. Wherever their notebooks are, they are close behind. I know not how to expose them but I'm sure if their book is returned in some way, they are obligated to return to their world."

Kagome selflessly decided that the stone would be of more use to someone else. Protecting those she cared for is something she cherished above everything else. She fastened the small stone onto a bracelet and decided to slip the wooden charm from her phone on it as well. She held up the string of the bracelet and admired her handiwork. The bark of the Sacred Tree looked incredibly dull next to the gleaming depths of the gem. Please, let this protect you…

She bounced into the dark quarters. The room was lit by the artificial glow of televisions and computer monitors that gave off a low buzz that hummed throughout the room. The only person was a pale figure perched in a chair with his back towards her in the heart of the room. Right where I left you, she laughed to herself. The place was usually buzzing with activity at all hours of the day. People were flipping through paperwork, typing away on their laptops or talking amongst themselves. There was a long table to one side of the room that held a clutter of paperwork and mugs of old coffee. Brown rims stained the cups, and the stale scent had Kagome scrunching her nose in distaste.

She figured that he knew someone had entered the room but decided to sneak up behind him anyway. With a smile plastered on her face, she crept behind the black chair that L never left. Her hand lashed out and grabbed his arm, quickly binding the bracelet to his thin, frail wrist.

"What's this?" L said curiously, not even glancing at Kagome or phased by her failed attempt at frightening him. He awkwardly held up his arm, studying the seemingly random objects that lightly clanked together. He gave his limp wrist a slight shake and watched the light from the computers reflect from the peculiar jewel.

Kagome sulked at his indifference. "I made it! This will keep you safe. Promise you won't take it off?" She gave her best pout and waited for his word.

"I'm perfectly safe here, no one-"

Kagome interjected L's indolent tone, raising her voice and catching his full attention, "Just...just wear it, okay? For me?"

He tilted his head to study her expression. A worry line seemed to be permanently etched on her brow. Her eyes were bright and anxious, silently pleading with him. Why is this so important to her? His brain began to churn through possibilities as he responded, "Ok."

"Thank you!" she squealed, clapping her hands together and turning to leave.

She marched out of the gloomy den in which L confined himself and went to the bright room that she was given while she remained at the headquarters. It looked like an expensive hotel suite decorated in yellows and soft pinks. The furnishings were very simple and quaint. Kagome went into the connecting bathroom and started to draw herself a bath. Hot water gushed from the faucet, sliding along the slippery white porcelain as she added some bubbles to the water. The steam carried the scent of fresh apples throughout the colorless space, lazily wafting through the open door and throughout the rest of the suite.

As she began to return to the bathroom, a small bag of her bathing necessities in hand, she felt a chill prickle her spine. A small gust of air had brushed past her back, causing her to gasp and turn to see who was there. No one?

"Hello?" She called softly, hoping that someone would answer. The room was unusually still and the only sound was the dripping of water from the tub and her breath. Still, even as she turned and locked the door to the bathroom behind her, she couldn't shake the empty, nervous feeling that itched at the walls of her stomach.

"Another mass murder, Ryuzaki, but I don't think it was caused by Kira."

"Hmm. I have a suspect behind these murders, but he is extremely evasive. It will take time but we'll definitely be able to pin down the suspect." L began to hand out random orders, making sure to keep the group of men busy while he did the majority of the work trying to find BB and two Kiras simultaneously.

As if on cue, Watari appeared with fresh tea and an array of cakes. Sometimes it felt as if Watari could read minds.

"Call the trio," L mumbled between sips of the hot tea, sifting through a mountain of paperwork. "They can find Beyond while I focus on finding the Kiras." He paused, crumpling his lips to one side with the pad of his thumb. "Make it seem a sort of game. They are always looking for ways to top each other. They'll do well."

"Right away," the man said with a bow, leaving the room.

As L turned in his swivel chair to face the team and discuss their means of attacking the seemingly impossible project ahead, a shadow caught his dead eyes. The large room seemed to bend and fold with the light. The stark grey walls dimmed the space like a fixed film of dust that clung to everything around them. The only genuine splash of color occasionally stemmed from the computer monitors or from the different ties that the other detectives wore each day. He remained transfixed by the tall awkward form as it seemingly melted into the wall at the far end of the dark room. A thumb danced across the length of his lip as he dismissed the play of light and returned his attention to the tired group of men awaiting his orders. Assigning random areas of focus for them to investigate, L turned around in his chair, stabbing the chocolate cake on his plate with the small fork in his hand.

The lack of windows in the establishment created by L himself always had him wondering what time it was. By the sounds of chatter and shuffling of paper, L guessed it was just before lunch. Everyone seemed to get antsy to escape from the muted cavern of never-ending work. L popped a fork full of chocolate mousse cake into his mouth, savoring the rich taste as he allowed the fork to slowly slide across his tongue. His eyes danced across the illuminated screens in front of him and he drifted away on the current of his thoughts.

After a few hours, the buzzing room seemed to die down and people slowly drifted home, he absently played with the food in front of him. Time seemed to creep forward sluggishly when he was alone. He felt as if he were racing a snail…and losing. Not all of the sugar and caffeine could atone for the severe deprivation of sleep. L had no recollection of the last time he slept and gave his scalp a scratch while he pondered the thought and dug through his memory. The days blended together. The unending pattern of tea, small meetings and staring into the vast World Wide Web dulled the excitement of the case. As soon as Light was incarcerated, the case had taken a nosedive into a boring abyss.

Kagome grabbed a chair and brought it to face L. Its legs caught the tiled floor with a thump, filling the vast room with its never-ending echo. He tossed a simple glance to his left, catching her tired, darkly rimmed eyes, "Did you just wake up, K?" He asked indifferently as he began to aimlessly peck on the keys of the laptop in front of him.

When he didn't receive a response, he turned to see Kagome looking at something behind him with a disquieting frown on her lips. "What's the matter?" L's toes wriggled with his question. His feet slithered across each other as the silence stretched on.

"Did you have anyone come up to my room last night," she murmured her voice just above a whisper. She nervously nibbled on her fleshy bottom lip, flicking her eyes to meet the vacant, black stare of L.

He quirked his head to the side like a confused puppy. "No…why?"

With a lengthy sigh, Kagome pushed herself out of the chair, "Oh, nothing really. Never mind!" She forced a small smile and left the quiet room, walking along the corridors to return to her suite. She tucked a thick lock of her raven black hair behind an ear and watched her feet as she softly padded down the hallway. Her stomach gave a little tremor as she turned into the hall that housed the door to her small residence. She soon learned why her body had been acting so strange just as she turned that corner.

She heard a sloppy crunch, causing her to direct her attention to the figure at the end of the hall. Ryuk loudly devoured a scarlet red apple as he walked, his back to her, and turned to glide through a wall. He didn't seem to notice the two sets of eyes that gawked at his lanky form as he disappeared from sight. Kagome threw herself around the corner, her back against the cool, peach wall of the hallway as her heart thumped through her chest.

She attempted to muffle the small squeal that escaped her lips as she found a slumping L standing in front of her, his face showing a hint of surprise and question.

He moved a few steps closer to her, "What was that? I know you saw it too." His eyes held hers, waiting for an answer.

"Wait, how can you see…" her eyes trailed to the charms that dangled on his wrist as he popped a lollipop in his mouth."Crap!" She blurted as she grabbed his wrist and took off running through the building of endless doors that led to unknown places in the mysterious building.

"Where are you dragging me?" L complained with a small lisp. The sucker in his mouth bobbed around, clanking against his teeth as he trailed behind her, his wrist still held captive by Kagome's firm grip.

"Somewhere safe. Somewhere I can tell you my secret." Her voice remained steady, even though she felt as if her heart were about to burst. L was now wholly involved in the mess she wished to protect him from. He would soon realize that truth and she was honestly frightened of the consequences.

Why is Ryuk here? Shouldn't he be with Light?

L's room loomed ahead and as they slipped inside, she locked the door behind them.

L stood by her in the doorway, slouched over with a hand in his pocket and the other holding the bright pink sucker. Kagome shoved past him, attempting to catch her breath and calm her nerves. L walked by her anxious form with a slothful pace, to perch on an oversized loveseat tucked in the corner of the room.

She stopped in front of him; her eyes met with his, their brown depths appeared frightened and feral. Dropping her gaze, she began to pace in front of him, restlessly running a hand through her hair.

"I'm about to tell you a secret, L. You must promise to keep this between us until the time is right. This is really important and-"

"That was a shinigami." The previous message from Kira had seemed to be a meaningless message left to toy with L. As the words ran through his mind, he suddenly realized the truth behind the words.

L, did you know that shinigami only eat apples?

A/N:Thanks for reading another chapter of this insane crossover!