Chapter One:

The deck of the ship was bright. Bright as in blinding. That kind of wakes you from your slumber while the ocean was rocking you to sleep bright.

Storming up to the surface of the ship I was NOT happy. I hadn't slept in two weeks and this is the first time I had actually been relaxed...but now it was ruined. I swung open the door to the cabin to go outside and was immediately hit with a burst of heat. I made the mistake of breathing in just as the heat came. I started coughing. Covering my mouth and nose with my robe I moved onward to figure out what exactly was going on.

The more steps I took the hotter the wood beneath my feet seemed to get. It was like walking on a bed of coal. Thinking fast I coated my feet with a thin bed of ice to protect them from getting burned. In sight was a very tall and very angry person. He came charging at me with flames not to far behind him. I froze, not knowing whether to run the opposite direction or to come charging head on. I chuckled. It was then I realized that he didn't know... I had fire too.

I took a step forward and got into position. My fist was clutched close, ready to launch an attack but before I could I feel someone tackle me from behind. Everything went terribly blank.


I woke up, unharmed but also surprisingly undressed as well Being chained to a wall with nothing on than your under clothes was quite...drafty? Yeah drafty was the best I could think of at the time. I was off wondered who captured me or better yet why would they undress me. I rolled my eyes. Stupid Fire Navy men, see a pretty girl and go wild with lust.

A light was shed against the horrible, bleak, wooden wall I was chained to. The door directly in front of me was swung open so UN-gently. I cringed when the door knob hit the wall and made a squeaking sound Poor door. The hinges aren't going to last much longer in my opinion.

"Welcome back Ice Princess."

My eyes widened in disbelief. He had found me. This wasn't how I planned things. I was supposed to be training his Avatar and casually having altercations to foil his plans. He wasn't supposed to fucking find me! Let alone find and kidnap me!

How nice of me to follow suite in the circumstances. I was blushing when I knew I was so mindbogglingly angry or maybe I really wasn't. It had been five months since I saw him last, in his coma, looking peaceful like a beautiful angel, and now he looked at me hurt and confused and angry.

"Zuko! Where's Lee!"

"Oh. Your little traveling partner set a course for Ba Sing Se," Zuko said in a condescending tone. ", where he thinks you are."

"Jerk off." I stuck my tongue out at him. Childish I knew it was but it was the best I could do when I was limb impaired.

"You can't in your right mind be mad at me." Zuko's voice lowed. "You left. I woke up and nearly die for you and you ran away. It hurt and now this is pay back."

"What are you going to do with me?" I knew I looked scared because he laughed at me. The only time he ever laughed at me was when he scared or caught me off guard. Today, he had managed both.

"It's called payback for a reason." He smirked. That damned smirk. How much I hated it. How much I hated how I missed it so much. "You won't be expecting it."

"Fine throw me into the freezing South Pole ocean!"

"I'm not stupid. You won't die and besides I have no intention of killing you. I still care for Agni's sake."

"Then tell me or at least give me some clothes. This is humiliating."

"Actually you look damned good as always. If I wasn't trying to punish you I'd take you right here."

I blushed. The idea of that didn't sound even the slightest bit wrong to me.

"You're so cute, but I can't make the same mistake twice." The atmosphere shifted from flirty to more urgent, more serious. " I know you saw the lights two days ago."

I had and damn near got knocked out from the lights. It was a clear day, as clear the sky could be in the South Pole and suddenly a light shot up from the middle of the ocean and into the sky. I was in awe of the strange occurrence and then when everything went cloudy and I fainted.

I nodded. He continued his previous thought.

"The light. The Avatar is back. I believe he's hiding out somewhere in the South Pole, perhaps in the small tribe."

I had a confused look on my face. I fit into this because?

"I get anything done by marching in there with soldiers, especially since the Fire Nation raids. They'd be more open to someone they can relate to."

Still I wasn't following. Something wasn't connecting for me.

"I want you to be my spy. Get close to the people, find the Avatar, and bring him to me. This would be the least painful way." He explained.

"Least painful for whom? I actually wasn't planning on being a part of a being part of a kidnapping scheme!"

He walked over to me and leaned forward, placing his head on my shoulders. He was so close it caught me off guard. I could feel his breath on my skin and the hair on my neck stand up. He took his index finger and went up and down my neck with his finger tip. He planted a soft kiss on my neck and then...he started to suck. I shivered. I couldn't contain myself but I was forced to, being so handicapped at the moment. I let out a soft, audible moan.

"Zuko." I moaned. He didn't stop he just moved where his mouth was and sucked on my chest through my breast binding.

"Say it." he murmured, flicking his tongue against my sensitive chest. I moaned again. My hips bucked forward.

"Say it now if you want me to stop."

I didn't want him to stop.

"No. Don't stop. I want you."

"That's what I wanted to hear." He pulled back and dusted his armor off. He headed back for the door.


"The Avatar Ice Princess. Bring me the Avatar and I'll do whatever you wish." Zuko turned back to me for a moment. I heard the jingle and a small silver object slide across the floor and end up beneath my feet. Just as I figured out what it was the door slammed and Zuko was gone.

"Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. "You asshole!"

Payback certainly was a bitch.

Author's Note: This is the sequel to Before The Dawn [.net/s/5630370/1/Before_The_Dawn]!

I know this chapter is kind of crappy but review and tell any improvements I can make.
