Brennan's Office:

"Seriously?" Angela rolled her eyes after walking into Brennan's office and getting a glance of her and Booth. "We are so not going through this again." She said with a huff.

"What are you talking about, Angela?" Brennan asked confusingly.

"You two!" Angela replied. "Making eyes at each other. After seven years of longing gazes, eye sex and will-they-or-won't-they followed by another year of absolute torture while Booth tried to convince himself that he was in love with someone else, it's getting really tiring. I'm as big as a house" she said pointing to her rather large pregnant stomach, "and I'm a hormonal mess, and I just can't take this anymore! I am not going to sit back and watch you two fall back into your old pattern again. You two are crazy about each other and we all know it. It's time you stopped driving the rest of us crazy and do something about it!"

Booth just smiled and shook his head before getting up and heading to the door. He turned back to his partner before he left.

"I'll see you later tonight, Bones?" He questioned.

Brennan nodded, "Yes." She almost whispered, more to herself than anyone else before Booth left.

Angela turned back to Brennan. "I am seriously going to lose it soon, I've been right this entire time and I think the clock itself is going to break because it's been counting for so long."

"Angela, a clock can't break from counting for too long. It can run out of battery power." Brennan countered.

Angela sighed. "Fine then, the clock is going to run out of batteries soon."

"Maybe…" Brennan replied.

Angela caught it, "maybe? Maybe what?"

"Maybe you are right."

Angela looked at Brennan. "Maybe? Just maybe? Oh my god, you two are seriously going to be the reason why my dear husband is going to have to place me into an institution."

"He's taking me to the a Fair tonight." Brennan offered to Angela.

Angela's eyebrows rose. "As in a date date? Not just one of your outings together?"

A look came across Brennan's face that Angela hadn't seen in… in almost ever. Like she was a little girl who just found out the boy she loves loved her. "Yes, at least I think so."

The Fair:

They walked hand-in-hand through the crowds. So much had happened, so many things had changed and yet in the end they were the same two people. They laughed together and bought a bunch of tickets.

"Booth," Brennan laughed, "you don't need to do this."

Booth was fully concentrated. "Yes, I do Bones." He finally knocked down a pin. "YEEEEEEES!" He yelled, Brennan shook her head and laughed. The man behind the booth gave Booth a teddy bear. Booth turned around and looked at Brennan. "A present for my girl." He said giving it to her.

Brennan smiled and took the bear. "Yes, my hero." She laughed and Booth put his arm around her. They purchased tickets and took a ride on the Farris wheel. It paused at the very top.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" Brennan said looking out over.

Booth looked to Brennan. "Yes, it really is." Brennan turned and looked at him. They were just two people who had loved each other for years and were finally ready to take their chance. "Bones, are you ready to give us a chance? A real chance?"

Brennan smiled, "Yes, I think I am Booth. But promise me something first?"

Booth tightened the grip on her hand, "Anything" He said with happiness in his tone.

"Don't ever gamble on anything ever again? You aren't supposed to gamble."

Booth brought his face closer to hers. "Bones, I promise you I won't ever gamble on anything else ever again. I love you, Bones. And more importantly I am in love with you."

Brennan looked into his brown eyes and knew that he wasn't just telling her this, he was telling her the truth. "I believe you, Booth. And I am in love with you too… I love you too, Booth."

And with that they brought their faces closer together until the gap finally closed and they're lips touch. And just as they broke apart, fireworks began to lit up the sky in front of them, and right then they knew. There was no one else, nowhere else, and nothing, that could ever come between them.

Edited it a bit for "LittleThingsMatter" thanks for the reviews guys ! They meant a lot. I'm sorry it took so long to get it finished. I hope you like it ~ I sure enjoyed writing it !