Booth:Maybe you just need a couple days off

Brennan:I'm alright now, except I.. I made a mistake.

Booth:Nah, I told you my opinion, I mean, you got it right

Brennan:Not everything, she died with regrets.

Booth:Bones, everyone has regrets

Brennan:I heard her, you know? Micah says that all we get are these *laughs* dim staticky messages fromthe universe.

Booth:Who's this Micah guy?

Brennan:The night watchmen, but he attends a lot of lectures. Anyway the point is... she never gave him achance

Booth: Micah?

Brennan:No, no, the helicopter pilot. He offered himself to her.. but she never gave him a chance. Thatwas her regret. I got the signal, Booth. I don't want to have any regrets.

Booth:Um... I'm with someone. Bones, and Hannah, she isn't a concelation prize. I love her. You know the last thing I want to do is hurt you but those are the facts.

Brennan:I understand. I missed my chance, *kind of laughs* my whole world turned upside down, I canadjust.

Booth:I did.

Brennan:Yes, you did.

Booth:Do you want me to.. uh.. call someone? To be with you?

Brennan:No, I'm fine. Alone. Thanks.

Brennan's Apartment: 6:15 AM

She lay alone in her bed, unable to sleep. She felt insomnia creeping up towards her. She was so exhausted, yet she was nowhere near to falling sleep. Her mind wouldn't turn off. She couldn't help but missing what was never really there. Seconds, minutes, hours. How long exactly had she been laying there? As soon as her alarm went off she'd call to work and take one of those sick days she never had used. She couldn't face him. She couldn't face her life right now. Her world had to adjust.

She glanced to her clock. 6:15. Maze well get it over with, she thought as she picked up the phone and dialled the number to the Jeffersonian. After a few rings it went to voicemail. "You have reached Camille Saroyan, I'm not available to take your call right now. Please leave a message." Followed by a beep. "Hello Cam, this is Brennan," she tried to make her voice sound as drained as she way, "I won't be able to make it into work today. Sorry for the inconvenience. Goodbye", and just like she hung up the phone. One day covered, years to go, she thought. And with that Brennan lay back into her bed and pulled up the covers and just kept on thinking of what could have been.

Okay, so after watching last nights episode I'll have to admit I was in tears.. I've always rooted for Booth and Brennan and even though they've come so far, they still have so far to go! And I started writing this because I need a way to vent and it most likely won't show in an episode how Brennan is actually dealing with all of this. I think there will be 4 or 5 chapters, not many but still. There will be some Angela&Brennan bonding moments and definitely some B&B action ! And don't worry, they're will be a happy ending! Unlike the show ):

Anyways, hope you enjoy and please review. Sorry for any grammatical errors and if you haven't seen the episode I highly suggest go watching it, because 1 I don't want to ruin an amazing episode for you and 2 it was filmed different and I think it was a REALLY good different ! Anyways.. I'll stop my rambling and keep writing on the other chapters.