Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Spyro characters, they are owned by their respective company. All I own is the OCs that I've made to put into this story.

Chapter 1: Return to Warfang

"I know what I have to do. Just get out of here, Cynder." Spyro said to his companion as the world was falling apart.

"Spyro, no… You don't have to do anything. Let's just go." Cynder replied.

"Where Cynder? There'll be nothing left! The world is breaking apart. But I think I can stop it. I think I'm meant to."

"Than I'm with you."

Spyro looked at her with a hidden regret for what he was about to lose. He than stood on his hind legs and summoned all his power. Just as he released it Cynder said something but he didn't catch it. Spyro fell down unconscious.

Cynder looked around seeing the rocks grouping back together. She knew that they had to get out so she grabbed Spyro and slowly flew to a hole that was slowly shrinking. Come on, she thought, I've gotta make it.

Suddenly there was an explosion from behind them. The force of it knocked Spyro from her claws. "No!" Cynder screamed.

Thinking quickly she made a whirlwind that sucked up Spyro and brought him back to her. Her wings were screaming with the effort as she flew to the hole. As soon as she got through she dropped Spyro and collapsed on the ground. She then fell into a sweet sleep.

Spyro regained conscienceless a couple hours afterward and was surprised to find himself still alive. When he looked over at Cynder, who was still asleep, he realized that she had saved him. He walked to her sleeping form and whispered into her ear, "I love you."

Cynder rolled over deep in sleep. There was a smile on her face though as her dreams got better.

Spyro started to look around the cave for crystals to restore their energy. There was a low light coming from the walls so he used his earth breath to dig in order to get the crystals. After about fifteen seconds he reached a crystal and broke it out. He than split the crystal in half so that Cynder could restore her energy when she woke up. He put it in front of her as he absorbed the energy from his, sighing with relief as the lesser aches faded into nothingness. The crystal grew black, devoid of energy, which he tossed to the side. He lied down next to Cynder to wait for her to wake up.

When Cynder woke up the first thing she noticed was the ache in her wings. She groaned which got Spyro's attention, "You alright?" he asked with concern.

"Ya," she replied, "just tired."

"Ok. I managed to get a crystal for you."

Cynder looked at the crystal in front of her. She thanked him as she reached out and touched it. As energy flowed back into her limbs she stood up and stretched. Spyro rose too and motioned for her to follow him.

They walked for a couple hours making chitchat about what everyone else might be doing right now since the world wasn't falling apart. Occasionally Spyro would dig up a crystal so that they could keep going on. After walking for another five hours they saw a light at the end of the tunnel, "Race you!" Spyro said.

"You're on!" Cynder replied.

The two ran toward the light, happy to nearly be out of the cave. Spyro felt that he could leave Cynder in the dust but decided to only stay a bit ahead of her. When they were getting close they felt a breeze brush against their scales. They got out of the cave and savoured the sight that they saw.

Birds were flying and chirping their songs as the wind pushed them higher. The trees and grass were a bright green in the sunlight. A herd of deer paused to look at the dragons before running away scared.

Cynder laughed and jumped down from their ledge to roll in the grass. Spyro joined her, loving the way that the grass brushed against his scales. Cynder got up and said, "Come on!" as she flapped her wings and took flight.

"I'm coming." Spyro replied. He took off too and chased her in the air. After playing for a half hour they dropped down next to a stream to drink. "What should we do now?" Spyro asked.

Cynder pondered this for a bit before saying, "I suppose that we should head back to Warfang to see what's happening."

Spyro agreed and they decided to wait until tomorrow to start their long flight since the sun was starting to set. Cynder curled up next to a rock and instantly fell asleep. Spyro wanted nothing more than to curl next to her and drape his wing over her body. But he didn't fearing that she might take offence at the sudden gesture. So he contended himself with sleeping a few feet away from her.

Cynder woke up as something started to tear grass close to her. She sprung up ready to fight but it was Spyro who was making the noise. He was twisting and clawing the ground looking like he was in pain, "Spyro?" Cynder said, "Spyro!"

She ran to his side and started to shake him, "Wake up Spyro!" she shouted.

He woke up and looked around to see what woke him up, "Hey Cynder." Spyro said when he saw her.

"Are you okay? I woke up to find you twisting and clawing the ground." Cynder said expressing her concern.

"Ya, I'm fine. Just had a nightmare about…"

Cynder didn't need to be told what he didn't say. She sat next to him and draped her wing over him. "You've still got me. And that glow stick that you call brother."

Spyro looked like he was going to say something but he didn't. They sat together for a few minutes both secretly enjoying being so close to each other. Cynder got up and said, "We should get going. We want to get as close to Warfang as possible before nightfall."

Spyro nodded, sad that their cuddle was over but happy to get moving again. They took off and turned east where the dam would be. They planned to spend the night at the dam and than fly to the city in the morning.

On the way Spyro caught them a deer to eat. He cooked it over a thin layer of earth so that it'd be heated and it wouldn't burn. After eating they set off again for the dam.

They came to the dam ruins in the afternoon. There was a cave next to the remains of a wall that they landed at. They went farther in to look for any possible crystals. A small bunch of them were peeking out of the wall. Spyro dug into it to get to the bigger part. After they absorbed a bit of the energy they curled up(a few feet between them) and slept.

In the morning they absorbed what was left of the crystals and flew southwest toward the dragon city. After an hour of constant flight they saw the walls of Warfang.

There were still some crevices and holes from the siege but the walls still stood strong. They saw that there were still some guards in case of another attack. When they got close a bell rang out which signalled their arrival, "I wanna avoid the crowd." Spyro shouted to Cynder over the wind, "Fly straight to the temple and go through a balcony."

Cynder nodded also wanting to avoid the crowd. She also didn't want to see the other girls trying to get Spyro's attention.

Soon as they were flied over the main wall dragons and moles on the ground started cheering and clapping. They continued flying toward the temple which the crowd didn't like.

Some dragons started to fly but half of them dropped back down when they saw where Spyro and Cynder were going. The other half flew with all speed to follow the heroes, "Pick up the pace." Spyro said.

They went faster and managed to stay ahead of the other dragons. The temple grew larger and larger as they got closer. They dove through a balcony crashing into the wall, "What the?" someone shouted. Spyro and Cynder looked and saw it was a red dragon.

He was bigger than Spyro and Cynder being a foot taller and bulkier. His red scales shone like a newly polished floor. His wings were folded against himself as his tail swished back and forth on the ground. His glowing green eyes stared at them until he looked away when the sound of flapping wings became louder.

He walked toward the balcony but jumped back as the dragons that were following Spyro and Cynder fell in. Spyro and Cynder ducked into a nearby empty room as the red dragon yelled, "What do you think you're doing! Get out of here before I call Terrador!"

The dragons didn't hesitate in flying off the balcony with the threat of Terrador on their heads. The red dragon sighed as he turned back toward Spyro and Cynder, "I can't blame you two for wanting to dive through a balcony instead of dealing with them. Spyro and Cynder right?'

Cynder stepped forward and said, "Yes. Thanks for getting them out of here."

"No prob. You know, you're prettier than people say."

Cynder blushed and looked to the side flattered. Spyro couldn't believe that this stranger was hitting on Cynder. He got the dragon's attention from behind Cynder and motioned for him to come in the room, "Excuse me." the dragon said to Cynder.

He walked into the room which consisted of black walls, a chest and a bed. The dragon sat down looking at Spyro with blank eyes, "What do you think you're doing?" Spyro asked after he slid to the door shut so that Cynder wouldn't hear.

"Hitting on Cynder." He replied bluntly, "Do you not want me to?"

"Yes, I don't want you to hit on her."

"So you like her?" the red dragon teased.

"No. I mean sorta. I don't know!"

"Calm down. If you want me to back of than I'll back off."

"Really? Thanks."

"Don't mention it. You know what?" the red dragon said getting to his feet, "I want to take you two to dinner. There's a nice little pub where I'd be able to get a private room for you. No screaming and cheering when people see you. I know the alleyways so it'll be a nice and quiet evening. Sounds good to me, how about you?"

Spyro was stunned. He just told him to back off from Cynder or else and now he was inviting them to dinner, "Well…" Spyro started to say.

"That's a yes. I'll find your room and pick you up at 7 o'clock." the red dragon interrupted. He started to open the door but turned around and said, "My name's Blaze by the way."

And like that he was gone. Cynder walked in with a smile on her face, "I like him." She stated.

Spyro realized that his mouth was still open at how blunt Blaze was so he shut it, "He invited us to dinner in a little pub." He said.

"Nice. He tell you the time and his name?"

"Ya, he'll get us at 7 o'clock and his name is blaze.

Cynder nodded and said, "We should go and find Terrador."

Spyro nodded and they went back into the hall. They didn't have to look hard for Terrador as they were greeted by the large green dragon.

"Spyro, Cynder." Terrador said, stopping in front of them, "I'm happy to see the two of you safe and sound. Where's Ignitus?"

Spyro's sudden silent tears gave him the answer. Cynder nudged Spyro for comfort.

"Don't worry young dragon. Ignitus will be remembered as the hero he was. He was especially proud of you, Spyro." Terrador said putting a claw on Spyro's shoulder, "It seems that now Blaze is going to have to work harder."

Spyro gave him a confused look that made Terrador laugh.

"It seems that you've already met the dragon." Terrador said, "He was the fire guardian apprentice although now I guess he is the fire guardian. He's over enthusiastic, passionate and quick to apologize. You'll not find a better friend your age, or one as skilled with fire. Unfortunately he has some flaws. He'll hit on nearly every female he becomes interested in. But if they won't have any of it or if someone vouches for them than he'll stop. That's what we call his uncontrolled heart. I also apologize if he overwhelmed you two. He tends to do that to people that aren't used to him."

"It's alright." Cynder replied, "He seems nice. He also invited us to dinner."

Terrador nodded at the last statement, "He devours food like there's no tomorrow. You'll find that his stomach is a black hole much like Sparx."

"Sparx!" Spyro said, "Where is he?"

He's in your room. It's at the end of this hall on the right. I trust you'll like it." Terrador said before turning around and walking away.

Cynder and Spyro turned around and walked down the hall. They stopped in front of the last door on the right which had an ornate purple and black dragon design on it. Spyro slid the door and open and instantly a yellow dragonfly grabbed his muzzle.

"Spyro!" Sparx shouted with joy, "I'm so glad you're alive you bag of scales! I've been ripping my mental hair out waiting for you to come back!" Sparx got off and looked at Cynder, "Thanks for looking after this big lug. I don't know what I would do without him."

"I'm fond of him too Sparx." She whispered as she entered the room. Nobody heard her say it though. Sparx grabbed Spyro's nose and tugged him along into the room.

The main part had two beds on opposite sides and a window in the middle. There was a chest at the end of each bed too. Bookcases were on the left and right sides of the door. There was another door to the right which was probably the bathroom. The door was closed so Cynder must be using it. "What time is it Sparx?" Spyro asked.

"It's about four o' clock. Why, you already got plans?" Spars said feeling rejected.

"Ya. Blaze invited us to dinner at seven."

"Wait, Blaze? I know him. He tried cheering me up while you were missing."

"Well than I'm sure he won't mind it if you came too." Spyro said which made Sparx feel less rejected.

Sparx flew to the window to look outside. Cynder came out of the bathroom and crawled into her bed, "Wake me up around six." She said with a yawn.

"Alright." Spyro replied. Looking for something to do he picked a book from one of the shelves. He than sat on his bed and read.

Currently working on the other chapters. Just wanted to upload this so that people could read it and review. No stupid mean comments like, 'Oh! this sucks!' it just makes you look dumb. If you want to insult it than do so nicely and tell me how to improve it. And I'll find you if you are being mean to me 0.0 you can't hide from what's inside.