This is based on the Forbidden Games series! All the pairings are slash except for one, but ah well! Enjoy!

James, Logan, Carlos and Kendall were bored. It was pouring rain outside and there was nothing to do.

"Jaaaaames, I'm boooorrreeed!" Carlos whined, throwing a rubber hammer at James's face.

James yelped when it hit him, scowling at Carlos. "Where did you get this?"

"I stole it from Lightning," he replied, bouncing up and down on the couch. Kendall rolled his eyes and got up. "There's got to be something to do in here!"

Logan looked up from the book he was reading. "I can go out and buy a game or something."

"A board game?" James asked, raising his eyebrows. "We're not that bored, Logan." He paused, realising what he'd just said. "No pun intended."

"It'll be fun! We can invite our friends over!"

"Fine," Kendall muttered, pulling out his phone. "I'll call Jo and Guitar Dude."

"And I'll call Stephanie and Camille!" Carlos yelled, jumping up and running to his room.

Logan git up to leave, and James just decided to go with him. They left the apartment and went to the car. Logan started the engine and drove out of the parking lot. "What kind of game did you have in mind?" James asked.

"Something different, that we can all do together. Something that's fun enough for Carlos, and dangerous enough for Stephanie and interesting enough for Camille."

"Any idea where we can find a game like that?" James asked sceptically as they drove down the street.

"Not a clue," Logan replied with a grin. They were driving down a street with not many cars on it. It looked like a bad place to abandon your car. Then Logan stopped. "What about there?"

James looked. It was a dirty shop with a window tinted so dark he couldn't see through it. Above the door was a long sign that said More Games. He looked up at it. Something about it scared him a little. But that was stupid. "Ok. Do you have money? I'll go in; you watch the car."

Logan handed him a twenty and sat back. "I expect change, by the way."

James just rolled his eyes and got out of the car, walking into the shop. It was dark and spooky inside. There were tons of weird games on display; there was a triangular chessboard with little gold statues of goats and tigers. And there was a long game board that had a couple of crystals standing on it. What a weird place. There was a teenage boy standing behind the counter. He was tall, with black hair hair and piercing blue eyes. He smiled at James. "Can I help you?"

"Uh, yeah. I'm looking for a game that . . . a lot of people can play at once," he replied slowly, still unable to take his eyes off all the strange displays. The boy nodded. "I see. You want something exciting. With danger." He smiled. "Danger, fear, seduction, temptation. Secrets revealed, desires unveiled."

"Uh, yeah, sure." James was now confident that this guy had some problems. The boy reached behind the counter and took out a blank, shiny white box. "I recommend this. It's only ten dollars, and it's definitely something you'll remember."

"Okaaayyy," James said slowly. "I'll take that." He paid for it and tried to leave the shop without running. He practically leaped headfirst back into the car. He handed Logan the remaining ten dollars. "Let's get back to the Palmwoods." They drove back, and dashed up to 2J. Everyone else was already there, chatting on the couch. They all looked up when Logan and James walked in. "Hey!" Camille greeted. "Is that the game you were going to get?"

"Yeah, but it might be a little boring—"

"I think it'll be fun!" Carlos said cheerfully, hopping up and taking the box. "To the coffee table, away!"

They all crowded around the table, some sitting on cushions, others making do with the floor. Carlos opened the box, taking out a folded up game board and a think pile of cards. Logan spread the board out on the table, placing the pile of cards next to it. "This game looks fun, actually," he said, reading the instructions at the back of the box. "We're going through a haunted house and stuff."

"Nice," Camille replied, going through the remaining contents of the box. "There's a bunch of paper dolls here. Eight of them. And some more blank cards."

"The paper dolls are us. We draw our faces on them and we draw our worst nightmares on the cards. Then you put them in random places on the board. Seven of us start at one end of the board and the eighth player starts at the end. They're the prisoner and you have to save them from the Shadow man." He looked up at everyone. "Who wants to be the prisoner?"

There was a silence for a second, and then Kendall smiled. "I'll do it. It'll be fun." He stood up. "And I'll go get Katie's colouring pencils." He went into Katie's room.

"What else is there?" Jo asked, turning to Camille, who took out another three paper figures. "There's just the Shadow man and his followers. They're a wolf and a snake." James's eyes widened as he looked at the paper figure. It looked a lot like the guy who he'd bought the game from. But it couldn't be . . . could it? Suddenly he had a bad case of the shivers.

"The cards tell us when we meet any of them," Logan continued to read the instructions as Kendall came and sat back down. "Now the eight of us are taking turns to pick a card. But first we have to draw the nightmares and stuff."

Camille handed everyone a paper doll and a card. James scribbled down a quick sketch of his face on the doll and moved onto the card. This was where he was stuck. His worst nightmare . . .

He looked around at his friends. Guitar Dude was smiling, drawing something with a lot of red. "Where's the black pencil?" Logan asked. "I need it."

"Here," Kendall replied, handing it to him. Carlos was drawing something with a lot of green, giggling to himself. James looked back at his card. He went through all the secrets he kept from a lot of people. Maybe it was there somewhere.

He was scared of spiders. The other three guys knew that; they were always getting rid of them for him. They definitely weren't his worst nightmare.

He didn't like cats. That was no secret; he just didn't like the way they rubbed against people's legs. That wasn't a nightmare,

He was in love with his best friend. Hmm. Nobody knew that, but he didn't think them finding out was his worst nightmare. Maybe being rejected by him was . . . seeing his gorgeous green eyes filled with anger as he screamed at James to get the hell away from him. He didn't think Kendall would react like that, but maybe . . .

Then James remembered when they were fourteen. Kendall's dad had been around then. He sucked, to put it simply. He treated Kendall like crap; he always had. Not just verbally. Physically too. Mrs Knight, who'd never realised because of her evening shift in the local diner, finally discovered it was happening after three years of being oblivious and had kicked him out on the spot. Kendall had been badly hurt that night, worse than any night before. His lip was split and one of his ribs had been cracked. He'd been bleeding everywhere and bruises had covered his body and face. And he wouldn't stop screaming when anyone tried to touch him, to comfort him. James had been so scared that he'd lose him.

"James? You ready yet?" James looked up. His friends were watching him impatiently. "Yeah, one second." He quickly grabbed a couple of pencils and drew a quick picture of Kendall. It didn't do him justice at all, but it would have to do. He'd just have to explain about that incident when they asked, and hopefully they wouldn't try to dig any deeper. He gave the card to Logan, who shuffled them and put them in random spots on the board. "There's one more thing. We have to swear that we understand this game might endanger our lives and that we're playing at our own risk."

"I swear," Stephanie smiled, and Carlos nodded in agreement. "I swear," Guitar Dude added breezily. "Me too," Jo added. "Me three," Camille continued. "I swear," Logan and Kendall said at the same time. James looked at all of them, swallowing the nerves. "I swear," he said with a grin.

"Who's picking the first card?" Stephanie asked cheerfully from her place beside Carlos.

There was a pause. "I will," James said, picking one up and turning it over. "You and your friends have all sat down to begin the game." He put it down, laughing a little. It was just a bit of fun . . . right? "Who's next?"

"Me," Guitar Dude said, picking it up. "Hmm . . . each of you has secrets you'd rather die than reveal." James squirmed uncomfortably in his seat. That was kind of spooky . . .

Stephanie grabbed the next card. "Get ready for your secrets to be revealed. "She giggled. "This is fun!" Something about that line on the card was familiar to James. Hmm . . .

"I'm next!" Jo picked up the next card. "You try to open the door, but it's stuck. It won't open." She looked around at her friends, then shrugged and stood up, going to the door and pulling at the handle. A frown appeared on her face. "Logan, did you lock the door when you came in here?"

"No," he replied nervously. "Is it stuck?"

Jo nodded slowly. "There must be something caught under it . . . go on, pick another card."

Carlos, not scared at all, took one and read it aloud. "None of the exits will work." He frowned. "Should we go try the window?"

"No!" James protested. Maybe if they didn't try to open anything, the card wouldn't come true. He was really getting freaked out here.

"I'll take another card," Kendall said slowly, taking one and turning it over. "You hear a noise in the other room and go to see what it is." He looked around, sighing with relief when they didn't hear anything. Then they heard a thump coming from Kendall and Logan's room. Jo shrieked, hiding behind Guitar Dude. "This is really freaking me out!"

Kendall swallowed, before getting to his feet. "It's just a game, it's not real . . ." James could hear him muttering to himself as he went into the other room. Logan looked at the pile of cards on the table. "Is there anything there?" Logan called.

"No. The window wasn't closed properly; you know it makes noises like this."

"Should I take another one?" Logan asked the others. Without waiting for an answer, he picked one up with slightly shaky hands. His eyes widened as he read it. "Oh my God."

"What does it say?" Stephanie demanded, grabbing it and reading it. She dropped it on the floor with shock. "No, it's not true . . . it can't . . ."

James grabbed it and read it aloud, his voice cracking at the last word. "Kendall Knight is gone . . ."

Logan leaped to his feet and ran to the bedroom. "Guys, there's blood all over the floor . . . oh no . . ."

James was scared to look. What the hell was happening? He turned back to the game on the table and saw Camille picking up another card. "Camille, no!"

"You hear a clock strike nine," she said quietly, putting the card down.

"We don't have any clocks that strike!" Logan ran back to the others. "Do we?"

James was about to reply when he heard a long chime. "Shit . . ."

Two chimes. Three. Four.

Jo was clinging to Guitar Dude, struggling not to cry. Carlos and Logan were shaking violently. Stephanie looked scared, but alert. Camille was staring blankly ahead, like a zombie.

Five. Six Seven.

"This can't be happening," Logan whispered.


James squeezed his eyes shut and waited.

The unseen clock chimed one more time, and everything started spinning.

James woke up on the floor. His entire body hurt. It felt weird to wake up after fainting. He fainted once before; he was thirteen and he'd had the flu. He'd leaped out of bed to use the bathroom and woken up with his face in the rug. He sat up slowly, looking at his surroundings. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw he was still in apartment 2J. He saw that the game had vanished from the table.

Then he realised everyone else was unconscious too. Carlos was curled up on the floor, Stephanie spread out next to him. Jo's hair was spread out on the floor underneath her. Guitar Dude was lying on his side, his head on the coffee table. Logan was lying against the wall, with Camille sprawled at his feet. Kendall was still missing.

James crawled over to Jo, who he was closest to. He gently shook her awake. "Jo, are you ok?"

Jo opened her eyes slowly, frowning a little. "My head hurts, but that's it. What happened?"

James shrugged. "I don't know." He noticed that everyone else was waking up. Guitar Dude was slowly getting to his feet. Stephanie pulled Carlos up by the arm, and Logan lifted Camille to her feet. James and Jo got up too. "Any idea what the heck happened?" Logan asked. Everyone shook their heads except Camille, who still just looked blank. James looked around the apartment, suddenly realising that the door to the bathroom had disappeared. He wasn't sure what made him do it, but he ran to the window and pulled open the curtains. His jaw dropped open. He couldn't see the pool like he usually could; he couldn't see anything except blackness. And lightning flashing through the dark. Then he was sure he saw a bright pair of eyes staring out at him. He shut the curtains quickly, stepping away from the window. "What's wrong?" Carlos asked, going to the window. He looked through the curtains with wide eyes. "Oh my God, where the hell are we?"

"You've begun the game." Everyone turned to look at the door of 2J. There was a guy there, with jet black hair and piercing blue eyes. He was the man on the paper doll. And the guy from the shop.

"You agreed to play, and now there's no way out."

Carlos glared at him. "I don't know who the hell you are, but you'd better give us an explanation—"

His angry yell cut short, and James turned around to see why. He almost screamed around, because Carlos was gone. And Stephanie, and Camille, Logan, Guitar Dude and Jo were all gone too. He spun around to look back at the man. "Where are they?"

"They're scattered around the hotel, waiting for you. You'll find them and get through their nightmares as you go through the game."

"What did you do to Kendall?" James demanded, deciding he really didn't like this guy. "And who are you, anyway?"

The guy laughed. "Kendall's the prisoner, silly. You don't remember? He's at the end of the game, getting my special attention. You'll get to him last. If you get there. Beside him there's the door out of here. If you and your friends get there, you'll see it open." He smiled widely. "And you can call me Daniel."

James grunted angrily in reply, rolling his eyes at the ceiling. When he looked back to the spot where Daniel had been standing, he was gone. He started muttering angrily to himself as he yanked the door of 2J open. Honestly, he was too annoyed to be scared. He stopped when he saw that it didn't look like the normal Palmwoods hallway. The hallway was dark, lit by candles in the walls, and it was so long he couldn't see the end hall in either direction. He debated for a second, before turning and walking to the left.

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