Twilight characters are not mine.

Chapter 2: Relaxing

Don't ask me how I did it because I'm not sure myself. After the dream I had last night, there is no possible way I should have fallen back to sleep, but I did. To make matters even strange, in over the last two years I haven't had a good night's sleep until tonight and it was the best. My blankets and sheets comfortably cocooned me and I wiggled around a bit so none of the heat would escape the confines of my linen prison.

I buried my face into the pillow so not a bit of the sunlight could taint my eyes this early in the day. My mind drifted off to the events that happened yesterday. At the start of the day, I was in court, in front of the judge hearing what my life would be like after today. Then I was on my way to Seattle to enter C.A.R.E.

So here I lay, on a surprisingly plush mattress, in a house of seven other people I didn't know, six were kind and welcoming and one was completely uncouth and brutal. Things might seem a little strange right now but I was away from Tanya and all her manipulations of my father against me. I could finally relax and enjoy what was left of my teenage years.

"Bella, time to get up…"

My door slammed against the wall as something suddenly threw it open. I hid my face in the pillow and attempted to pull the blankets tightly around me. I failed. As soon as my fingers started to wrap around the comforter, some unknown force ripped it from my hands and from my body.

"Come on sleepy head, breakfast is almost done…"

I groaned at the loss of my warm and cozy surroundings. I sat up swiftly and glared at the tiny girl. "You are going to remake my bed later. Now get out so I can change." I snapped and pointed at the door. Despite the girls pouting face I stayed firm and continued to point at the doorway, finally she left.

After releasing a heavy sigh, I climbed from the bed and staggered my way over to the dresser. In a matter of minutes I was dressed and heading down the stairs toward the dining room. The aroma of bacon, eggs, and hash browns assaulted my sense of smell. I stumbled on the last step then made my way into the room where everyone else was already gathered and I took a seat in the same spot as last night.

Huge bowls of food passed between hands around the table and I stared dumbfounded as nearly everyone engaged in conversation. I gazed at each person in surprise. This was very new to me, having a meal at the dinner table, talking about their day and plans. This is what I had read about in books but never experienced firsthand.

Charlie would normally eat his dinner in front of the TV while watching a game and I would eat at the tiny kitchen table. Then Tanya came into his life and he started to eat at the table with Tanya. I chose to eat my meals upstairs in the solitude of my room. Not once had I sat at a table with my family and enjoyed each other's company. This is what family should be like and after seventeen years I was finally witnessing it with my own eyes.

I felt a small but genuine smile start to crease my mouth and it felt good. I sat in silence listening to everyone's words while I ate my simple but delicious breakfast. Occasionally I would glance up when addressed or something said caught my interests. As I was lowering my head, I would see Edward staring at me fixedly from across the table. It was as if he was waiting for me to acknowledge something and I couldn't begin to figure out what it was.

Whenever I saw him staring at me, more intently then normal I would stare back at him just as attentively, maybe a bit mockingly too. The problems would start the second he smirked at me with his crooked smile and my face would heat up and redden…something it's never done before. I would immediately drop my head to look at my plate and I could hear hims scoff from across the table. This cycle continued three more times and I practically shoveled my food into my mouth.

As soon as I was finished eating I asked if I might be excused from the table. I took my dishes to the sink then quickly retreated upstairs to my bedroom. I shut the door firmly behind me then leaned against the cool wood. I tapped my head on the door a couple of times in a dismal attempt to clear my head of the green orbs that have been haunting me since last night.

What was it about him? Why does his very presence affect me? Was I already going insane?

I sighed in annoyance then threw myself onto the bed, groaning in irritation that I didn't have any answers for those questions. I doubt anyone actually does. I shuffled across the mattress and snagged my book off the nightstand then made myself cozy planning to spend the rest of the day in this exact spot.

Reluctantly, I did leave the room when they called lunch and dinner but I quickly returned to the confines of my room. Alice had made a scene at my latest departures but Esme was quick to jump in and reassure her that I needed time to adjust to my new environment. Esme's words didn't help the pout on Alice's face though and Jasper was swift to take over where Esme failed.

Back to my room, back to my book, back to the memory of the green eyes. I did however take a fast break from reading and ventured into the large bathroom to take a shower. Then right after I finished brushing my teeth, I was right back to reading my book, comfortably inside my blankets this time.

At some point during the night, I had fallen into a deep sleep. The green eyes were back, hovering over me, drawing me in with his presence then his hands were cradling my face tenderly. He pressed his lips gently to mine and I was lost to the sensation. This kiss was more sensual, more caring than it was last night. When he pulled away, I whimpered at the loss of his lips and a stunning and crooked smile appeared. He wrapped the blankets snuggly around my shoulders and kissed my forehead before he left my room.

I watched longingly as his silhouette disappeared through my bedroom door. I never knew a dream could make me feel this happy and excited and at the same time scared and lonely. I rolled over as a few tears dropped from my eyes. Why was my mind doing this to me? I was finally free of my manipulative stepmother only to be placed in a home with a gorgeous guy that hated me and now my imagination was giving me visions of a mysterious romance with said guy.

The mind is definitely cruel.

Again, sunlight filled the room in the early morning and I groaned as the evil beams of light attacked my eyelids. Not wanting a repeat of yesterday, I climbed from my bed feeling groggy and exhausted. I slowly made my way over to the dresser and fished out a sweater and a pair of jeans. Right after dressing, I headed down to the main floor.

Alice was just making her way up the stairs when I started to descend and she gave me a stern yet pouty glare. I scoffed as I walked by her and headed for the dining room where I could smell blueberry pancakes.

As per routine now, I took my seat next to Carlisle and gave him a lazy smile. My hand flew to my mouth to cover the yawn that escaped me suddenly.

"Isabella, are you alright?" Carlisle asked as he stared at me with a critical eye.

"Yeah, I've just been having some strange dreams lately." I jumped when there was a sharp screech of metal against glass and looked over to see a serious and pained look on Edward's face. I turned back to Carlisle, completely brushing off Edward's weird behavior. "I haven't been sleeping well," I told him sleepily.

"Is the bed okay, we can change-"

"No, the bed is fine," I interrupted him quickly. "It's great in fact. I've just been having dreams I've never had," I paused in my explanation, fighting off the blush I feared would appear at any time. "I think it's because I'm not used to this place yet." Carlisle nodded happily then dug into his plate of food.

"So what are your plans for today Isabella?" Esme asked from the other end of the table. I looked at her as if I was a deer caught in the headlights and I quickly rummaged around my brain for what was available on the grounds.

I finished my current bite of pancake slowly so I could think. "I was actually thinking about exploring the grounds; see what there is to do."

Esme's eyes brightened at my plans. "Don't forget to check out the game room and stables," her smile was huge as she told me about a couple more places. I nodded in agreement then went back to eating.

After breakfast was done I casually left the house and ventured out into the bright sunlit grounds. I walked along the brick path to the first building. When I opened the door, I saw numerous arcade games like pinball machines, an air hockey table and a pool table. Off in the far corner stood several tall bookcases filled with books with a couple comfortable looking recliners and a couch. Next to the books was a large television with every game system I could think of. The room was quite impressive for any person that was into games but my focus was on the bookcases.

As if drawn to the vast literatures, I walked straight over to the far wall. My hand subconsciously reached up as my eyes roamed over the spines of each of the books, there were several of my favorites, a few I have always wanted to read, and many more I hadn't even heard of. I sighed at the possibilities before me and I knew I was grinning like an idiot. I put the bookcases into the back of my mind then ventured out of the game room and back onto the path around the estate.

There was a large pool with a hot tub and I regretted not grabbing my swimsuit, not that it fit anymore as it was. Maybe if they allowed us to go into town sometime soon, I could get one with my measly savings. Next to the pool was a fully equipped gym with a few small screen televisions at each station so no matter who was working out, they could watch what they wanted.

I continued along the brickwork walkway and came to an enormous building. I peeked through the windows and noticed the rooms were set up like small classrooms. So, this was the school facility they were talking about. The rooms were small but cozy and inviting, nothing compared to the boring rooms back at Forks high school. There were fresh flowers, banners with colors, and various sculptures. I would rather be learning in a room like this one. I shoved myself off the white wood wall and continued around the grounds.

The sun was warming my skin as I walked around the vast yard. I was surprised that considering how large the yard was, it was extraordinary. A variety of brightly colored flowers in flowerbeds lined the large courtyard. An equally beautiful fountain adorned the center of the yard and I again felt like I had just walked into one of my historical novels.

On the far side of the grounds was a small playground, it was only a set of swings, a slide, and a small merry-go-round but it was cute and it felt like it fit here in this immaculate garden. I wondered if the Cullens ever had children in the program or if it was limited to only teenagers. I walked over to the tiny playground and ran my fingers over the chain of the swing, trying to imagine the children that would have played here.

A thunderous animalistic holler echoed throughout the grounds and I spun around instantly in the direction it came from. Further across the grounds was another large building, much like a barn with the same white wood siding. As if an alien force was pulling me, I walked toward the unusual sound. I opened the closed door then took a step inside and the smell of leather, hay and manure immediately assaulted my nose.

Several large heads snapped up to look at who had intruded on their home and I responded with a loud awestruck gasp. The seven pairs of dark eyes that stared at me held me speechless with their beauty. I walked over to the nearest animal a solid black mare and slowly lifted my hand to stroke her velvety nuzzle. She whinnied softly and pressed her nose harder into my hand.

I cooed at her softly as I got bolder and started to rub my hand over her muscular neck. "So you'll be the replacement for my motorcycle," I spoke calmly and the mare's ear twitched a little to the side. "I'll gladly take this trade."

The mare neighed noisily and nodded her head eagerly. It felt as if she was agreeing with me and I laughed happily, as she continued to nod excitedly next to me. I found a curry brush and diligently brushed out her coat, enjoying the soft feel of her black coat beneath my fingers. By the time I finished I could swear she had a smile on her elongated face.

Not wanting to leave the confines of the barn yet, I took a seat on a large pile of hay that was in the corner. I rested my chin in my hand and placed my elbow on my knees then simply stared out over the many stalls filled with the large magnificent creatures. I found the mountain of hay extremely comfortable and laid down on my side and continued to stare at the horses, mainly the black mare. I stared intently at the nameplate on the stall door and it was very fitting considering where she was, New Hope. I glanced around to the other nameplates and saw a few names that were along the same theme, Second Chance, Loving Grace, and Gentle Angel but the other three were too far away for me to read.

There was a huge grin plastered on my face at just seeing the animal and knowing that I would get to be around them. My eyelids became heavy and I made a poor attempt at keeping them open, in the end, I failed.

My imagination was really starting to develop a brain of its own. It was constantly conjuring up Edward into my dreams and having him kissing me into oblivion. This time there was a new element, his hands. They caressed my cheek and ribs tenderly and I moaned into his kiss. His lips were hungry against mine and it brought on all new sensations for me that started in my stomach and traveled lower through my body.

When his lips left mine, they immediately missed his tender yet firm touch. Instead of kissing my forehead like in all the other dreams, he kissed my neck, which turned me to Jell-O in an instant. I actually felt my body melting into the hay when his lips touched my neck, then he was gone.

My dream ended so suddenly that I sat up so quickly that I fell of my makeshift bed to the floor. I glanced around the barn for anything and anyone suspicious. No one but the horses was with me. I brought my knees to my chest and rested my cheek against my jeans, feeling an overwhelming sense of loss, loneliness, and wanting.

"Bella…there you are," Alice shouted as she burst into the barn, startling the horses and causing them to neigh angrily.

"Alice, quiet!" I shouted at her without yelling and she instantly froze and looked around.

Quietly, she made her way over to me from the front door. Hastily she grabbed my wrist and with more force than I thought she was even capable of, hauled me to my feet and pulled me out of the building.

"Alice, what are you doing?" I asked her gruffly as soon as we were outside the barn and the small girl continued to pull me toward the main house.

"Getting you ready for what we do on the last Sunday of every month," she smiled over her shoulder but didn't elaborate.

"And that would be?" Much to my annoyance, she winked then turned her head back around so she could see in front of her. This girl was going to get it one day, soon. I figured the only way for me to learn what was going on was to follow Alice and see what happened.

Relentlessly, she pulled me through the yard and she wasn't about to loosen her grip obviously afraid I'd run if given the chance, which I would have. I grunted and complained the entire time she dragged me from the barn to the main house. I attempted to slam on the breaks the moment we passed through the back door and she continued to pull me through the kitchen.

"Alice, just tell me already!" I snapped at her and her grip on my wrist tightened.

"Nope, you'll have to wait and see." She literally towed me through the house and up the stairs then into her room. She forced me onto the seat in front of her vanity and I immediately tried to dart out of the room. "Oh no, you don't," she growled as she grabbed my shoulders and forced me back down.

"Let me go, this room scares me!" I shouted and my eyes darted around the room to the various pink and purple things, the numerous stuffed animals and the many colorful dresses hanging on the walls. This room was more than scary for someone like me…it was terrifying.

"Just be quiet. You'll be out of here soon so behave and be silent," she snapped in return then dashed into her closet and emerged a second later with something black and flimsy then laid it out on the bed. My eyes stayed lock on the flimsy fabric the entire time Alice did things to my face and hair. "Okay, time to put on the dress."

"Excuse me, put on what?" I asked incredulously, the last time I had worn a dress was ten years ago. Alice arched an eyebrow at my question then rolled her eyes as she went over and retrieved the flimsy black fabric that I could now see was the dress.

"I. Am. Not. Wearing. That!" I stated firmly and stood up to leave without a second glance behind me.

Her eyes took on a level of intimidating that had me frozen to the spot. "Put on the dress or I'll tell everyone that miss tough girl talks in her sleep."

My eyes widened at her implication. "When did you…?"

She handed the dress over to me then crossed her arms over her chest and glared at me. "When I found you asleep in the barn I hung outside for a little while. That's when I heard you mumbling and whimpering in your sleep. Then you suddenly woke up and fell off the hay, that's when I entered to get you."

I mumbled unhappily and stomped my way into her closet so I had privacy to change. I quickly stripped out of my clothes then pulled the dress on over my head and it fell to my knees easily. Slowly and self-consciously, I stepped from the closet and I heard Alice gasp loudly. I looked up to see her eyes were wide and locked on me.

"My god Bella," her whispered words cracked as her hands flew to her mouth in an attempt to conceal her surprise. "You should wear dresses more often, you look amazing."

I shook my head violently. "I don't think so. Why am I even in this get up?"

An evil smile creased her lips and I cringed at the look in her eye. She held up one figure implying that I should wait for her and she disappeared in to the closet. While she was gone, I turned toward the full-length mirror sitting next to her vanity and gasped at the vision before me. The girl that stared back at me didn't look like me at all and yet she did. She wore the same black dress that tapered at the thigh that I did and her hair was done up in a messy twisted bun. There was no way that that girl was me, she was too pretty.

Alice emerged from her closet in a purple sleeveless dress with a black belt and black flower lace, totally fitting for the small girl. She handed me a pair of black short-heeled shoes then she danced her way over to the vanity and quickly did up her hair in a messy bun, with several strands hanging loose. She spun around so fast that I immediately took a defensive stance.

She arched her brow questioningly and rolled her eyes then put on her silver high heels. "Ready?"

"Do I have a choice?" I crossed my arms over my chest and glared at her menacingly.

"Nope," her lips popped the 'P' as she grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of her room and down the stairs. It was a miracle I didn't trip on the slight heels and tumble down the stairs instead of quickly walking.

Esme, who was wearing a black and silver geometric cocktail dress, greeted us when we hit the bottom and she too gave an audible gasp at seeing me. "Isabella, you look stunning. Alice, beautiful as always." Alice gave a small curtsey then dashed over to Jasper's side who was dressed in a simple white button down shirt and jeans. Esme reached for my hands then held them out so she could examine me better. "Isabella, my god you're beyond gorgeous in this dress."

"Um, thanks. You look very beautiful too," I nearly stuttered in my return praise. Someone calling me gorgeous and stunning were not words I was used to hearing. Esme then took me by the shoulders and led me into the living room where everyone else was gathered and they had pushed all the furniture to the walls. Rosalie was dressed in a tight red strapless with jewels on her chest and hip. Emmett stood next to her in a light blue shirt and beige khakis. Carlisle, dressed in a white shirt and black khakis, rushed towards us with a huge smile on his face.

"Isabella, you're a vision."

My cheeks started to heat up due to all the attention I was getting but the sound of someone choking cut it off dramatically. Everyone turned his or her head toward the kitchen doorway to see what the commotion was. I was surprised to see Edward standing in the entryway, pounding his fist against his chest and the dark green shirt he wore. A bottle of water was in his other hand while he tried to clear his airway with the other. When he finally caught his breath, he shot me a wicked glare from under his long eyelashes. It was as if he was blaming me for him choking.

"Let's get this party started!" Shouted Alice and she pranced over to the stereo system.

"What party?" I squeaked in surprise and started to step backwards.

Esme placed her arm around my shoulders to stop me from retreating any further. "On the last Sunday of every month, we have a little dance party, sort of a way to unwind and let loose after a month of classes and sessions."

I cringed at the idea of dancing, I never was very good at it, school PE classes proved that. I watched in dismay as everyone paired off and there was only one person left without a partner. I stood up straight and proud, preparing myself for whatever derogatory comment he planned to say this time.

"I'll wait for someone else," Edward walked past me and headed for the couch. I was seriously beginning to think this guy hated me to his very core and all because of my hair and eyes.

"Pfft, as if," Rosalie snapped and dragged Edward over to me and forced us to hold each other before she returned to Emmett.

We didn't move a muscle. I don't think I could if I wanted to. My right hand was resting in Edward's large left hand and I thought my knees were going to give out at the slight contact of our skin.

"DANCE!" Shouted Alice in a hushed tone that startled both of us and we started swaying back and forth.

Without having to look, I could feel his eyes on me and I felt my cheeks darken with the passing seconds. Suddenly and almost violently, Edward pulled himself away from me and I stumbled back a few steps.

"This is ridiculous!" He yelled then headed for the stairs quickly.

"Just one minute young man," Carlisle hollered, successfully halting Edward in his steps. "That was very rude, apologize to Isabella."

I threw my hands up to stop any words of sorry but when Edward scoffed, I changed my mind.

"Sorry," poison and disdain filled his tone and for some unknown reason, it hurt.

"Not a very convincing apology," Carlisle crossed his arms and waited. Edward casually shrugged his shoulders and turned around. "At least wait to see who will be helping Isabella with the cooking tomorrow.

Edward stopped midway up the stairs and leaned on the banister, waiting. Esme brought over a partially closed box. "Just reach in and pull out a name."

Simple enough and if the gods liked me I wouldn't get Edward. I reached in and grabbed a piece of paper then pulled it out. The gods did like me…sort of. "It's Alice." There was a high-pitched screech and I knew immediately that it was Alice. I looked up to see Edward was already gone and I threw the piece of paper back in the box. "I'm going to bed now, goodnight everyone."

They all repeated goodnight as I climbed the stairs and quickly vanished into my room. Tomorrow would be the first day of my classes, wonder what they could bring. In a way, I was dreading what classes I shared with Edward. There was something else inside of me that craved to see the dark green recesses repeatedly. Guess I'll find out tomorrow.

Chapter End Notes:

What is real and what is a dream? If Bella has any more dreams about Edward like those she might self-combust. What is wrong with Edward? He sure has a stick up his butt doesn't he? Any guesses as to his problem or maybe about how school will be tomorrow? Remember there are images on my profile.

At some point I'm planning on introducing a set of twin girls. Any suggestions as to what their crime is?

I also have a poll up on my blog. I've outgrown my 'kaghanyou - KagomeHanyou' name and am in search for a new one. Please vote http :/ eyesoftopaz . blogspot . com(delete the spaces).