Hey all, this is my 3rd Repo story. The first is "Safe in the Arms of Love", which is complete. The 2nd is "Never Gonna Be Alone", which is still in the works. I do not own anything done by Terrance Zdunich, who is amazing. I do not own the Rascal Flatts song "Everyday" but it's one of my favorites by him and I couldn't think of a better song to set to Grilo. The little thing 'X' states the shift in Point of Views. Hope you like it. Reviews make me feel like a better writer.

(You could've bowed out gracefully
But you didn't
You knew enough to know
To leave well enough alone
But you wouldn't
I drive myself crazy
Tryin' to stay out of my own way
The messes that I make
But my secrets are so safe
The only one who gets me
Yeah, you get me
It's amazing to me
How every day
Every day, every day
You save my life.)

"Got any Z?" a familiar voice asked.

Graverobber turned around, "Shilo?" he asked.

"Long time no see, Graves." She said, smiling at the man who got her out of several situations.

Graverobber looked her up and down, feeling his breath catch in his throat. She no longer resembled the naïve, seventeen year old he once knew. She looked…well…like a slut.

"What's the matter, Graverobber?" she asked.

"You look…" he blew out a sigh. "You grew up on me kid. Your hair?"

"Once I stopped the drugs my father gave me, it began to grow back. I had to grow up." She said, twirling her golden brown hair.

"Where have you even been?" he asked as she leaned into him.

"I've been around." She said, toying with a lock of his hair.

"I don't have any Z, kid, not for you." He said, grasping her wrists.

"But if I don't look drugged up when I get there, I won't have a bed at the support group because they look for people to help." She said.

"Go home, kid." He said, turning away.

"I have no place to go." She choked out. He turned back to her. "I've been living with the Zydrate Support Network for three years now. They think my name is Arianna."

"Arianna…but?" he asked, confused.

Wrapping her arms around her stomach, she sank to the ground, tears flowing down her porcelain cheeks. "I- I can't go by Shilo Wallace anymore, not with Amber still trying to hunt me down."

"That why you can't go home?" he asked.

She shook her head. "My d-dad's will won't t-take effect until I'm twenty-one, technically, I have until Saturday until I can take control of it…but even then I'd have to face that bitch."

"I haven't seen her around anymore." He said, looking down at the woman in front of him.

"You've been looking in the wrong places then." Shilo said, slowly getting to her feet, facing the wall of the building next to them.


"They're living in my house." She ground out. Drawing back her fist she punched the wall. "THEY'RE." She punched it again. "FUCKING." She punched it a third time. "LIVING."Again. "IN. MY." She opted for kicking the wall. "HOUSE."

She went to punch the wall again when Graverobber took the bleeding extremity into his hand, pulling her into his chest.

"You're either going to break the wall or your hand." He whispered, stroking her hair. "Neither one of them is very productive."

Shilo sobbed into his chest. "I want my Daddy." She cried.

"I know, honey, I know." He said, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. Pulling out his Zydrate gun, he groaned to himself. "Oh, I'm going to regret this."


He backed her up against the wall, silencing her sobs with a kiss. He felt her hands roam into his hair and he had to resist taking her. As their tongues danced, he hitched her leg up around his hip; he needed a clear shot at her anatomy. Nipping her lip, he pulled away from her to look into her eyes. They were shining with tears still but she had quieted down. He wanted to keep her safe, to protect her from the world but there was only so much he could do. Pressing the gun against her anatomy, he pulled the trigger, injecting the drug into her system. He caught her as she fell against him, unconscious. Putting the gun in his pocket, he gathered her into his arms and muttered. "You always have somewhere to go, kid." Without a second glance at the rest of the people in the ally he walked back to his place.

He gently laid her down on his bed before stripping and getting into the bed himself. He watched her sleep. Had it only been three years since that night her father died in her arms. It felt like an eternity to him, for in the short time that he had known her back then, he had fallen for her but never showed it. Gathering her close, he fell asleep, afraid that she was going to vanish again.

Me (Bria): Well, that's chapter one, I should have chapter two up soon. Hope you like it. *looks at Graverobber* Why climb into the bed naked?

GR: *smirking* You know better than I do. Besides, it's confining. I can't stand pajamas.

Bria: True, I do know where it's going. But why not just a pair of boxers like normal men.

GR: Told you, too confining.

Bria: Oh dear, goddess.