"Looooooovi~~~" Antonio danced through his front door, a basket of tomatoes in his hand.

He heard a distinct, "Shut up, you freakin' tomato bastard!", but the feisty Italian was nowhere to be seen. He set the basket on the floor.

"I picked a new batch of tomaaaaaaatoes~"

As if on cue, Romano appeared, his scowl prominent upon his face.

"Bastard, you picked them without me."

Antonio blinked in surprise. "You wanted to pick them together?"

A faint blush tinged Romano's cheeks. "I-I never said that, b-bastard!"

The Spaniard's face shone with undeniable glee. He whomped the other man, pulling him into a soothing hug

"Oh, Lovi~" He gushed. "All you had to do was aaaaaaask!"

Romano flaied in his grip, pushing angrily against his captor. "Get off me you tomato pervert! I'll k-kill you!"

Antonio nuzzled against the base of Romano's neck, all but purring in joy. "No you won't, Lovi~"

"Sh-shut up! I just want the frickin' tomatoes!"

A sly grin slipped onto Antonio's face. Without letting his grip slip, he reached to the basket on the floor. He selected a ruby red tomato, one that was shiny and plump. He watched, amused, as Romano's eyes gleamed at the sight of the tomato before giving the Spaniard a questioning glance. Antonio brought the tomato to his lips and took a bite of it. Romano nearly groand at the succulant pop the tomato made when it's skin was pierced. Antonio chewed tortuously slow and swallowed. He glanced at Romano.

"You want some?"

Romano eyed the tomato juice that trailed down Antonio's chin, licking his lips. He nodded without hesitation. Antonio smiled. "Close your eyes and open your mouth~"

Romano frowned, but complied. He wanted that tomato, dammit! He heard the sound of Antonio biting into the tomato – oh, that sound – and the crease in his forehead deepened. Was the bastard just going to eat the tomato in front of him while he stood there with his eyes closed like an idiot?

Suddenly, lips were on his. His eyes flew open, and his mouth dropped to form a protest. Then the distinct taste of tomato was pushed into his mouth. However, as quickly as it arrived, it disappeared. Romano frantically chased after the piece of tomato with his tongue, not willing to lose the juicy morsel so simply.

He fought to reclaim the tomato, but Antonio's tongue was relentless, easily parrying any of Romano's attempts to take the tomato back. Their tounges intertwined into what could be mistaken as a passionate dance.

Romano growled, frustrated, and doubled his efforts. He yelped when a hand slipped down to grope his ass. He jerked away from Antonio, furiously wiping at his lips.


Antonio smiled lazily. "You seemed pretty into it, Lovi."

"N-no I didn't!"

"Whatever you say, Lovi." He winked before stooping down to pick up his basket and walk away. A tug on his sleeve stopped him in his tracks.

Romano was staring at his feet, his face hidden behind his hair. "I… I want more!"

He looked up, a burning flush covering his face.

"…Of the tomato… I mean." He mumbled.

Antonio grinned and planted a kiss on his lover's head. "Ah, Lovi looks just like a tomato when he's embarrassed~" And before he could hear a reply, he whisked Romano – and the tomatoes, of course – off to the bedroom.