Chapter One: Imprisoned

In our natural state, we are glorious beings. In the world of illusion, we are lost and imprisoned, slaves to our appetites and our will to false power. - Marianne Williamson

Blood. Blood ran, dripping down the contours of her chest...

'Im...injured...?' gently, cautiously she felt her brow, her cheeks, her nose... The scent...that nostalgic scent... what was it... so... familiar...

Her fingers dragged to her mouth, wet with a sticky sweetness that made her catch her breath... 'This is... blood...? ...MY blood?'

She inhaled, a rich bouquet of scent was brought to her sensitive nose... that sweetness with an underlying metallic tang... 'No... not mine..." she realised with a flutter of both relief and fear...

Shaking... with a featherlight touch of discovery... she returned her hand to her lower lip... slowly moving to taste the source of that sweet scent... what was that!

'Fangs... FANGS! what AM I?'

'What am I... to you...? Yuuki... yuuki... yuuki...' That scent.. that nostalgic scent... flowed from him just as the blood did from his wounds... His voice fading as he fought off multiple assailents, He shot constantly, bringing down a foe with every shot...

Horrified brown eyes met violet, as they both realised instantaneously he was overrun. She searched his greifstricken face and found the answer to a question she wasnt even aware she'd asked.

Slowly, his eyes locked on hers, he fired at his foes one last time before putting the gun to his own temple.


'Noooo!.. ZEEEERO!'

she struggled against unseen bonds, unable to move or do anything as the life ran from his still-open eyes..

'Zero no!... Zero!...'

"...ZERO!" cried Yuuki sitting bolt upright in her windowless room. Swallowing a sob she fought to free herself from her entangling bed sheets, rumpled hopelessly by her restless sleep. Realeased from their strangling hold, she sat atop her covers, knees pulled up to her chest as she wept away the impassive darkness of her dreams... although unable to lift the feeling of imprisionment.

As soon as her sobs quieted, servants swept in, lighting the many lamps surrounding the cavernous room, keeping their eyes averted and bowing as they left her in solitude once again. It would not do for a Pureblood to be seen doing something as lowly as crying.

She drew on expensive slippers; Silken and pale orange, pressed with golden leaves; and padded softly to her writing desk, glancing at the ominous grandfather clock in the corner in passing.

3 O'clock... In the morning or afternoon I wonder?...

It was impossible to tell. Here in this windowless room, she wondered why the time mattered at all. When she was tired she slept, when she could no longer contain the horror of her dreams she woke... eating didn't matter... she was never satisfied anyway.

She tapped her pen listlessly on the side of the delicate stationary hoping to finish the letter she had started last night? yesterday?

Dear Chairman,

It began...

Dont make that face just because I didnt start this with Dear Father. Even though it seems too weird to call you that after all that has happened, and the return of my memories, In my heart you are still the man that loved and raised me all these years.


He'd probably cry over that, she thought with a small flicker of a smile


I hope that the rebuilding of the school is going according to plan, and that they still manage to recapture some of the old building's charm, even if it will never be quite the same, I'm sure the students will love it just as I did.


Even if the grounds were returned to their former glory Cross Academy would never be the same, and she could never go back...


I got to see Yori very briefly not too long ago...


She had no idea how long it had been since the Vampire Ball...


She seemed worried about me but pleased to see me face to face again. I never thought Id miss having a roomate; (especially such a snorer;) But I do. I suppose she has a new roomate now, If I knew who it was then maybe I could reccomend to them the earplug brand I found most reliable.


She scanned the rest of her aimless letter, chatting this way and that, while skimming over the questions she wanted to ask... Is the Academy still running?... Is there still a Night Class now that almost all the old class had left?... Is Yori ok? ... Have relations betwen the Hunter Society and the Vampire Senate improved?... Is there any way he could send her her childhood stuffed rabbit? she had left it buried in the closet of her old room, wrapped in an old T-Shirt so people wouldn't notice it...

Then there was the questions she shouldnt ask... How was he. Had he grown into his new powers? ...Was he safe. ...Was he... happy. ...Did he even miss her?...

She swallowed the lump rising in her throat, tried to ignore the weight in her stomach, and finished off by writing that she was safe so not to worry, her love to them all, Yuuki xo


The useless object in the corner now read 5 O'Clock she noticed as she pushed away from her desk, too bored to stare at her second untouched sheet of stationary any longer. Realising her unkempt appearance, She began to run a brush though her long straggling hair, as usual her heart skipped a beat slightly as she went past her accustomed shoulder length stroke.

A soft knock echoed through the room from the oak double doors she often forgot were there.

"Yuuki, If you are decent, may we come in?" A silken voice enquired.

"Uhm...Yes!" She replied, trying in vain to smooth her sleep creased gown that she hadn't changed from in days as the door swept open to frame her lover (Though he was never physical with her) and host (Captor... whispered unbidden thoughts). Kaname walked casualy in trailed by a thouroughly miserable looking Aido lugging a stack of textbooks on etiquette and math (Her favourites... she though wrily)

"Yuuki.." Kaname began taking in her dishivelled apearance with a hint of forelorn dispproval in his voice "You really must take care of yourself... are you not pleased with the wardrobe I brought you?"

She thought of the fine lace and silk gowns shoved hastily into her ebony dresser as she stammered thanks to him once again. Somehow the fact that most of them required a second person's aid to help her put them on didn't help her trapped feeling. She wished with all her might for a simple, practical outfit, and for the space and purpose to use it.

"Of course not Onii-Sama," she bowed, mouth soured by the lie, "They are wonderful... I just... Didnt want them to stain while I wrote." she gestured towards the messy desk, splotched with ink and torn up paper.

"More letters.." sighed Aido, rolling his eyes until an icy glance from Kaname caused him to stand straight and serious once more.

"Indeed Yuuki, you are aware that we cannot risk sending them, our existance here is quiet and safe only so long as we ourselves keep that way" Kaname remonstrated. He gazed at her downturned face in silence for a while before continueing "I need to go out again," he said slowly, stepping forward "I will be gone for two days, then return only to sleep before I must be gone from your side for a whole week."

She shrugged in understanding. He needed to leave. To do aristocrat things to keep up appearances. She needed to stay and "be safe", it was nothing new. At least he got to leave if only for a time... feel fresh air on his face... she thought wistfully.

"Yuuki..." he said raising her head to face him with a hand under her chin, Aido politely became very interested in the wall mouldings. "Are you...Hungry?"

Not for you...Never for you...

"Im fine", she said avoiding his eyes... Then he'd know... she thought.