A/N: This idea randomly came to me yesterday and I stayed up late last night planning it all out! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own anything-nilch.

Chapter 1

"Sire," the young knight began "there have been reports that Cendred's army in nearing Camelot."

"What?" The king was already in a bad mood and hearing his kingdom was under attack did nothing to lighten it. "How many?"

"About five hundred, sire" the knight replied nervously.

To everyone's surprise the king smiled. "Foolish man! We have more than enough men to defeat him. How far are they?"

"They will arrive in approximately two days, sire," said the knight relieved.

The king turned to his son, seated at his right side. "Tomorrow I want you to organise the defences and army."

"Yes, father." Arthur replied dutifully.

"When they arrive in Camelot they will be slaughtered."


Arthur stared out of the window in his chambers.

Camelot looked so wonderful in the sunset, he thought.

The sun hung low in the sky bathing the kingdom in warm orange light. The sky itself, tinged with oranges, golds, reds and pinks.

The townspeople were scurrying around finishing their last minute shopping and closing their shops and stalls for the day, while young children ran around playing games and generally getting in the way.

So peaceful, and yet in two days time this kingdom would be under attack.

He knew Cendred could easily be defeated but something unnerved him.

Cendred knew they had more men than he did. He knew he could easily be defeated, especially after what happened last time he had tried to attack Camelot, where he had been driven out even with the curse he'd used to raise the dead.

Maybe he really was a fool but Arthur knew what Cendred was like, he was cunning but cowardly, not a man to take risks.

Maybe he would try and raise the dead again.

Arthur shuddered at the memory.

No, Morgana destroyed the source of the curse. Surely he couldn't try that again.

He sighed and turned away from the window.

They defeated Cendred last time; they would do the same again.


"This is too easy!"

Merlin and Gaius were eating their evening meal, the same thoughts as Arthur's going round their heads.

"Far too easy," Merlin repeated.

"It would appear so," said Gaius thoughtfully.

"Do you think Morgause is with him?" If she was, things would be very different. She'd probably find some horrible way of using magic to weaken Camelot, most likely from inside the walls.

"I hope not."

"She won't be able to have Morgana raise the dead again, I destroyed the staff." He remembered all too clearly running down to the crypts and fighting Morgana before slicing his sword through the staff. She later took the credit for it.

Gaius thought for a second. "Well, whatever Cendred's planning I doubt it'll be good."


"Where have you been?" Arthur demanded as Merlin stumbled through the door to get Arthur ready for bed.

"Sorry…. got distracted…talking to Gaius" Merlin panted. He'd had to run up to Arthurs chambers as soon as he realised the time.

"Yes, and we all know how rare it is for you to be able to talk to Gaius," said Arthur sarcastically "I mean, it's not like you live with him or anything."

"Well, with all the chores you have me doing it's hard to find time." Merlin replied starting to get Arthur ready for bed.

"It is your job, Merlin. Not that you're any good at it."

"Prat," he muttered.


It had taken her all night to get it ready.

The light was beginning to spill through the windows.

She stifled a yawn as she picked up two locks of hair; one golden, the other raven black, and added them to the emerald powder.

As soon as the hair touched it the powdered turned a deep gold that sparkled in the sunrise.

She poured it into her pale hands and began to chant:

"Læl ryne, læl lifiende, læl ansrene swá unc rice há oþres Arthur Pendragon ond Merlin"


Merlin was almost at Arthur's chambers with his breakfast when it hit him.

He felt a jolt that went right through him, starting at his feet and shooting right up through him, leaving him light-headed.

He swayed slightly, dropping Arthur's breakfast plate, before falling into darkness.


When Arthur woke at first he wasn't sure where he was.

He looked down the long stone passageway. This was the corridor by his chambers.

How did he get there? Did he sleepwalk? Had a got knocked out last night on the way to bed? No, he remembered Merlin helping him get ready. What was going on?

He shook his head but stopped quickly as his head was aching horribly. He felt a bit dizzy.

What had happened to him last night?

He'd managed to get up and stumble to his chambers, despite his blurry vision and aching head, when he noticed there was some one asleep in his bed.

Someone with golden hair.

Someone who looked just like him!

He stumbled back in shock.

Had he gone back in time? No, his chambers were exactly the same as they were last night, down to the red shirt strewn over the screen.

Who was that then? Whatever this was he was positive sorcery had caused it.

Arthur stealthily and quietly made his way over to the bed and as quick as a flash grabbed his sword, from its place at his bedside, in one hand, the impostor's nightshirt in the other and pointed the sword at his chest.


Merlin was jerked awake.

In a couple of seconds he registered that he had a sword pointing at his chest and he was in Arthur's bed however he didn't have time to wonder how he got there as he realised there was someone who looked exactly like him down to the red neck scarf, wielding the sword.

He gave a yell of surprise and would have fallen off the bed if the man hadn't been grabbing the nightshirt he was wearing.

Wait, this was Arthur's nightshirt, the very same one he had given him to wear last night. Why was he wearing it?

"Who are you?" the other-him yelled.

Again he jumped in surprise, as the man's voice was exactly the same as his.

The strange thing was the other-him looked just as surprised.

The man looked down at his clothing then lifted his sword to look at his reflection in the blade.

When he saw the face looking back at him he gasped in shock and dropped the sword.

"Arthur?" Merlin asked slowly, jumping at the voice that was familiar yet not his own. "It is you isn't it?"

Arthur spun around to face him "Who are you?" he repeated.

"It's me, Merlin." He got up and fetched the sword to see his own reflection guessing who he would see, though it did nothing to prevent the shock and again the sword clattered to the ground.

Both men looked at each other.

"You have got to be kidding me!" Arthur exclaimed.

Læl ryne, læl lifiende, læl ansrene swá unc rice há oþres Arthur Pendragon ond Merlin- Switch bodies, switch lives, switch views as you become each other Arthur Pendragon and Merlin

Hope you like it! Half of the second chapter has already been written so I'll update soon.

Now you see that blue hyperlink below this? Yeah? Press it and well…. lets just say there's a danger of it exploding