Footsteps echoed through the church as they made contact with the old, languished wood floor. The musky tang of rotted wood was overtaken by the robust scent of floral. Cloud halted, closed his eyes and took in the beautiful fragrance, allowing the intoxicating perfume to fill his lungs. So consoling this place was to him, a place he had and always would visit whenever he needed comfort. But this visit was different, this time he was summoned here by means of a request…

"Aerith?" Cloud called out, opening his eyes. "I'm here, just like you asked…"

As his gaze shifted from left to right, then finally focusing on the bed of yellow and white flowers before him, Cloud was starting to think that maybe his mind was playing tricks on him again. Maybe Aerith didn't come to him in a dream the night before and asked him to visit the church on this day. Maybe the ever constant hope of seeing the flower girl again was making him delusional…Or so he thought…

"I knew you'd come."

Cloud gasped in surprise not only by the sound of the voice, but also by the touch of a hand as it was placed gently upon his shoulder. Slowly he turned to see a familiar face smiling at him. "Did I scare you?" Aerith giggled.

Speechless, Cloud slowly shook his head "no" as he stared at Aerith in awe. This was the first time, besides in his dreams, that he had seen her since her death. He was hoping with all his heart that this wasn't a dream, that Aerith truly was standing in front of him with her signature smile gracing her beautiful face.

"Cloud? Are you alright?"

Cloud snapped out of his reverie. "Is this real? Are you real?"

Aerith continued smiling as she took Cloud's hand in her own and guided him to a nearby pew. "I'm real, silly…I'm as real as the flowers that bloom here." She assured, as she sat down, patting the seat next to her. "But, I can't stay long…"

Cloud sat next to her, still holding her hand. "I know…I know you can't stay for long, but I'm glad I get to see you even if it's only for a little while."

"I'm glad too." She smiled. "Not only am I here to for a quick visit, I am also here to deliver a gift to you."

Cloud locked eyes with the flower girl as confusion flooded his thoughts. "A gift? For me?"

"Well, it's not from me." She explained, turning Cloud's hand palm-up. "I have been instructed to give you a 'thank-you' gift from the planet."

Cloud watched in wonder as Aerith placed her hand over his palm, manifesting a glowing orb swirling with green and white hues. As she pulled her hand away the orb nestled itself in Cloud's. He stared at the orb as it admitted a soft glow and gentle warmth. "What is it? Is it materia?"

Aerith grinned. "Um, well…Yes, but it's not like other materia. This materia can only be used once."

Cloud raised an eyebrow. "What does it do?"

Aerith's smile couldn't have grown any larger. "It can make your dreams come true, Cloud…It's a wish materia."

Cloud swallowed hard. "A wish materia?"

"Yes…This materia will grant you one wish; anything you desire will come true. Once the wish has been made the materia will turn to dust."

Cloud looked down at the glowing orb with a sense of hope and also with a sense of unworthiness. "It's an amazing gift…But I don't deserve it. I can't accept this, Aerith…I wasn't the only one who fought for this planet."

"No, you weren't." Aerith sighed. "All of us fought, all of us made sacrifices. But, without you our fight and our sacrifices would have been in vain. Without you, we would have never accomplished our goal to save the planet and its people, and I think that's what Gaia is also trying to say by offering you this gift of thanks. Use it, Cloud…Use it to bring true happiness into your life."

Cloud's hand began to tremble as he clenched his fingers tightly around the wish materia. "Thank you." He whispered.

Aerith raised her hand to Cloud's face, wiping a tear from his cheek. "Make it a good one." She winked.

With that, the flower girl stood up and walked toward the flower bed, slowly fading from sight.

This is a small tid-bit of more to come, but only if all of you wish for me to continue it.

This story will be taking place one year after the game, before the events of AC.

If this story continues I promise couplings of all sorts (he he he!) and lots of juicy stuff! Oh, and some action as well! LOL!
