Hiiii everyone!

So, this fanfiction is dedicated to my best friends (my dear Boshia and little Neko! u_u) 'cause they were forced to watch every single episode of Pandora Hearts against their will by me! Fortunately they however ended up by liking them! XDD

Now, I initially put this rating (M of course) for the last chapter (you'll have to be weeeell prepared! XD) of this fanfiction (it will have about 3 or 4 chapters, I think), but while I was writing the final part of the first chapter I couldn't help myself and… you'll see! X]

And of course I don't own Pandora Hearts. If so, Pandora would have had a completely different genre! Yaoi, of course! ù_ù

Hope you'll like it!


Chapter 1. An awkward situation




"Owww! What the hell—?" Gilbert whined. His voice hoarse by sleep.

He suddenly opened the eyes and stared astonished at the boy who had just plumped down onto him on the bed.


"Morning Gil!" Oz giggled.

"O-o-oz! What are you—?" the man nearly screamed as he uselessly tried to wriggled out of the boy.

"Say Gil," Oz started purposely avoiding answering his servant's question "are you maybe trying to shirk yesterday's promise?"

"P-promise?" he stuttered forcing his mind to clear although the fact of having Oz's legs spread upon his lap wasn't helping him at all.

"So you do not remember!" the boy replied raising a bit the voice while leaning downwards Gil's face so that he was just a few inches from him.

"What— OZ!" Gil's cheeks flushed crimson as he tried to think of a way to flee from that awkward situation.

He constrained himself to remember what he had told Oz the day before.



. . . .



"Giiiiil! Aren't you thrilled about tomorrow?" the little heir asked smiling at him.


They actually were in the wide dining room of the Rainsworth mansion.

They had just finished supper so they were relaxing a bit before going to bed, although Alice was still with a big bone in her mouth, chewing furiously.

Sharon was instead sitting on an armchair and her cheeks were quite pink as Break was teasing her about the book she was reading.


Raven sighed softly and lit a cigarette up.

"Hm?" Oz mumbled still staring at his servant.


Suddenly Break glanced up at the raven-haired man, looking at him with a wicked grin.

'Shit' Gilbert thought instantly. He breathed a curl of smoke out with a scowl starting to feel rather awkward.

If before he had hoped that Oz could have dropped the argument, now he knew it would have been practically impossible. Not with Break staring at him with such sneer, above all!


"My, my, Gilbert-kun, why aren't you answering to your master?" the silver-haired man asked grinning.

"Has the cat got your tongue?" Emily chirped.

Raven cursed under his breath, shivering at the word "cat".

The following day would have been Christmas Eve and as tradition it would have been the time to dress the Christmas tree up.


"What's up?" the Vessalius heir asked clueless, shifting his look from Break to his servant.

"It's nothing" the raven-haired man replied grumbling, scowling at the hatter.

"Nothing you say?" he grinned maliciously "I just wonder how it can be that your precious little master doesn't know you hate Christmas"

Oz muttered confused "…you hate—"

"IT'S NOT LIKE THAT!" Raven shouted immediately.

"My, my, rather touchy, aren't we?" Break replied in a quite offended voice.

Gilbert sighed, trying to recollect himself.

"I. Don't. Hate. Christmas" he spelt "So there's no need to talk 'bout it anymore" he added then.

His voice was more calm now, however the way he was tightening his cigarette between fingers revealed that he was still feeling strung up.


Oz wondered himself why. Of course Break was just teasing his servant. In the bargain, it was quite the normality. Still Gil seemed upset, like he was worried about something.

But what could there be such worrisome about Christmas? Besides he knew for sure that the silver-haired man wasn't being serious about Gil's hatred of Christmas. As for the Vessalius boy, there had been passed just a few months from when both himself and his servant were children.

Oz still remembered perfectly how Gilbert used to like Christmastime. Getting up early on Christmas Eve's day for waking his master up, dressing the little tree up with him and Ada until the girl started to beg her brother's servant to take her into his arms and lift her in order to put the star on the treetop.

Oz had often confessed to himself he had always been slightly jealous of her, so from that moment on he kept teasing him sinking Dinah on him every now and then until late evening. That was when his servant came to Oz's bedroom with a tear-stained face admitting him that he couldn't get asleep as he was too scared to dream big and ferocious cats attacking him and beg his master to let himself sleep with him. Just that had the capacity of making Oz forget his annoyance for the tree's star, although he knew there had been just no chance for little Gil to lift him up at the time.


Oz actually felt pleased about how Gil had grown up. He wondered himself how it could have been being taken into his-…

"Oww! Damn it all! This stupid bone's hurt my tooth!" Alice muttered scowling at it, reawaking Oz from his thoughts.

He looked up at her, seeing that Sharon had shifted her attention from the book to the little chain, seeming a bit concerned. Oz knew that more than being worried about Alice's tooth, she was rather upset about her manners.

The Vessalius heir raised his eyes to Gilbert again, slightly concerned about the fact that the man hadn't made any dry comment about Alice's behavior.

However Raven hadn't taken his eyes off his master yet, looking at him seriously.


The man could tell for sure what was on Oz's mind right now. Of course the boy was thinking about when they were both children.

Yeah, spending Christmas with Oz had always been really amazing, but he used to like even more Christmas Eve's day. Besides he really loved decoring the Christmas tree with the boy, above all because the blonde himself seemed to enjoy it quite a lot. In fact every time that he finally managed to lift Oz's sister up to put the star on the little tree, Oz always became rather edgy all day. At least at night his master complied with letting the raven haired boy sleep with him and, although the man felt now rather pathetic about letting Oz see him in a flood of tears, that only had been the best present for the young servant.


"You see Oz-kun" the hatter continued with a wicked smile "Sharon-ojousama and I used to call these periods of time, I mean the ones near to the festivities he used to spend with you, "Gilbert-kun's lugubrious moments"

"Break, shut the hell up!" Raven blurted out shifting his attention to the man.

'That freaking bastard isn't really going to tell Oz THAT, now is he?' he thoughtright away.

Of course the Nightray was worried over the fact that whether that oaf would have actually reminded his master how much he had suffered during Oz's absence, obviously the boy would have felt guilty about that, even thought he would have never admitted it. And for sure Raven didn't want Oz to put his happy mask on again.

But apart from that… what the hell about the embarrassment? If Break would have told Oz about that damned night then…


"Gil's lugubrious moments?" Oz mumbled confused.

"Correct, right Emily?" the silver-haired man grinned "Those were the times when our little raven started to wander aimlessly around the mansion looking like a dismal ghost".

"He usually remained like that for a whole week, too!" the hatter's doll sang.


"Really?" Oz asked softly, finally starting to understand the situation. His voice sounded like slightly sad.


"Yeah. And that actually happened about four or five times a year, including Christmas, New Year's day and of course even Oz-kun's and Gilbert-kun's own birthday!" the man giggled.

"You're forgetting St. Valentine's day!" Emily added mischievously.

"WHAT ARE YOU-!" Raven shouted feeling his own cheeks flaming.

"Now then, Emily" Break said ignoring the man "How many times did I tell you not to put people in embarrassment?" he added then with a sly smile.


Oz was now the one who had also started to feel awkward. He almost wanted to flee from that room, but he also didn't want Break to stop.


In the meantime the little chain seemed not to care about anything else which wasn't eating.

As regard Sharon instead, it was quite obvious that the lady was just pretending to read as her eyes had been stayed at the same point for about ten minutes.

Apparently also the Rainsworth heir was rather content to keep hearing her servant.


"And you don't even know the best part yet, Oz-kun" the hatter continued with a even larger grin "Which happened on last Christmas"


The raven haired man nearly choked as he had heard the last sentence, starting to feel all his strength blowing away. 'Too late' thought he instantaneously.


"Well, that night Sharon-ojousama and I managed to make Gilbert-kun come to the ball organized by the Rainsworth family. We even tried to introduce him to a really cute lady in order to raise his spirit…" Break sighed.

"And then?" Oz blurted out without realizing he had nearly shouted.


Gilbert slowly looked up to the boy who was staring at Break not seeming to care about anything else.

'Could it be possible that Oz is… worried?' Raven thought astonished.


Break glanced at the blonde slightly confused for a second, then his grin became even wider than before.

"Then," he continued "he realized what we were going to do and flew sharply into a rage, starting to yell at us, who had just wanted to cheer him up" he added feigning a sad voice.

Oz sighed softly in relief, smiling again.


Sharon raised finally her eyes up from the book giggling quietly "I remember that!" she said trying to hold a titter back "He was so scary! All the guests started to stare at him, didn't they?"

"What a poor figure!" Emily chirped.

"Not even you, please, Sharon!" Gilbert said sounding rather desperate.

"And then,"the silver haired man continued grinning "he rushed out to the balcony looking so frustrate. What is more, when I reached him, I found the little raven crouched, drunk and with a tear-stained face in a corner!"

"B-break!" Raven stuttered 'Shit! That time… it was when I—'

"Oh! And in that state, he also yelled at me not to dare doing such a thing again and" he giggled "he also confessed me how he actually felt about girls…" Break grinned.

"Or didn't feel" Emily sang.

"BREAK!" the Nightray shouted trembling with rage.

"Now, now, Emily. You're being a very bad doll tonight. Another taunt and I'll have to put you to sleep straightaway" the hatter scolded.


Sharon closed her book feeling concerned for the embarrassing situation which was about to form.

She looked up to Gilbert who was still shivering a little. His cheeks were slightly pink while his eyes were glued to the floor.

The Vessalius heir was looking down as well, seeming rather interested in his own feet.

The lady gulped slowly, then forced a smile and tried to relieve the situation: "You know Oz-sama, the Rainsworth's servants are going to place the Christmas tree in the hall tomorrow morning. I was thinking starting to dress it up after breakfast… will you be so kind to help me?"

"Eh? Ah, yes. Of course, Sharon-chan" Oz replied smiling faintly.

"Wonderful! Thank you, Oz-sama" she said "And I'm sure also Alice-san will help us, won't she?" added then smiling and looking at the chain with expectancy.

"Mhpff?" Alice mumbled still chewing clueless.


Oz glanced up to his servant who hadn't dared shifting his eyes from the floor.

The boy sighed. 'I have to do something' he thought before approaching Gilbert.


"Say Gil," Oz exclaimed with a bright smile laying his hands on his servant's shoulders "you are going to help me tomorrow, aren't you?"

Gilbert stared at Oz astonished. His cheeks becoming crimson.

"Uhm, Oz, I d-don't know… I…" the man faltered.

"Whaaaat? Are you telling me you don't want to dress the tree up with me?" Oz cried out raising his voice.

"No! It's not like that!" the man blurted out.

"Thought so" the boy giggled "So we're going to do that together tomorrow morning. It will be so fun, just like the old times!" he added with a titter.

"Ah, yes… you're right" the man mumbled softly while his cheeks's red was deepening. Then looked down smiling a little.


"Seems Gilbert-kun is quite happy, isn't it?" Emily sang.

"You're finished!" Raven yelled rushing to the hatter, finally forgetting the previous harassment.


Break started to escape from the man laughing quietly before quickly opening a cupboard's doors and entering into it.

"WHAT? WAIT, YOU BASTARD!" Gilbert shouted, still a few steps away from the furniture.

"Goodnight everyone!" the silver haired man giggled as he slammed the doors disappearing in it.



. . . .



"Oy- Gil! Are you listening to me?" Oz cried out awakening Raven from his thoughts.

"Oz." Gilbert started with firm voice finally recollecting himself "I didn't say I'm not gonna help you. You should let me the time to express myself, shouldn't you?" he continued closing his eyes feigning indifference and trying to act coolly "But you know Oz," he added then smirking maliciously "I don't remember I've ever promised you it"

"Whaaat?" the Vessalius heir blurted out "You said you'd have helped me, so it's settled!" he said childish the boy rocking his hips against Gil's one in order to emphasize his words.

"Nnnngh, d-don't OZ!" he whined trying to hold back a moan. His cheeks became such red that there hardly were any possibilities for them to blush even more.


Gil's mind was completely in a haze as he could focus nothing else that wasn't Oz straddling his groin on the bed.

It took all of his willpower not to grab the boy's hips and pressing them hard down his… WAIT! WAIT! WAIT! Oz was his master and despite of that the boy was just fifteen! And Raven was twenty-four, he was an adult, which meant that he had to act accordingly! Besides of course Oz would have never let them to… 'Why the freaking hell is this brat smirking at me with such eyes?' the man thought feeling completely uneasy.


"Mh? Feeling hot, Gil? You're so red…" Oz observed grinning widely.

"I-it's just hot in here!" he replied being in a state. "Very bright" the man thought bitterly. He just was in no condition to think correctly.


"So, what were you telling me, Gil?" Oz asked not dropping his wicked smile.

"I'll come!" the servant cried out before the boy could have had the possibility of repeating his act.

"I'm glad" his master said looking highly satisfied. Then Oz stood finally up and approached the door walking slowly.

"I'll wait for you downstairs!" he giggled before going out of Gil's room.


Raven sighed, panting slightly.

He felt rather exhausted although he had woken up just a few minutes ago.


'I wonder if he's actually aware of what he's doing to me. Or better, he's always done to me' the man thought closing the eyes while smoothing his hair with a hand 'And despite of that, what about me? Will I always be able to keep control of myself? Will I end up by telling him that I love him? And after that, will he… reject me?'


"Oz…" sighed Raven softly.


He could still feel the heat on the place where Oz was sitting. He smiled a little and looked down at his lap feeling slightly…

…but, what…




Gilbert stared astonished at the bulge which had formed under his pants.

He nearly choked at the thought that Oz had been sitting right there.


But he didn't…


…no, there were just no chance for him to…

…it wasn't even entirely aroused so…

…so he couldn't…

…could he?


The man stood immediately up trying to think what to do.

Yes, he could have had a cold shower so maybe…


"Giiiiiil! What are you doing? Come on, hurry up!" Oz shouted from downstairs.


'Shit" Raven cursed 'I have to get rid of it…'




'…and quickly!'


He looked bitterly at his groin. Not even thinking of frightfully things was seeming to help at all.

He cursed again starting to feel rather disgusted by himself at the thought of what he should have done that moment.


The Nightray glanced at the door as he slipped a hand down and quickly undid his pants. He grasped his swollen length firmly, feeling his whole body shudder with relief as he started to stroke it hasty.


"Mmmmh…" the man groaned tightening his teeth trying to muffle his pleasured voice. Gilbert breathed heavily through his nose in attempt to keep quiet as he felt his climax swiftly approaching.


"Oz…" a whisper of the boy's name escaped from Gilbert as he sped up his action, gripping it harder.

Yeah, he was pathetic but he could have felt guilty later.


His legs started to tremble slightly and his breath became intensely labored as he dragged himself over the edge.

"Nnnnnnghh, O-oz!" the man moaned as he rubbed hard the tip of his cock reaching his own orgasm.


Raven panted slightly scowling at his soiled hand.

"What a mess" he muttered breathlessly trying to recollect himself.


He hoped not to feel too embarrassed as he'd have spent all day with Oz.

It was going to be a really long day.

to be continued...

...thank you for reading! Love you! ^^