(Me) – I'm back! Don't worry, I'm not dead. Just got a busy weekend that's all…

(Grimmjow) – Like what?

(Me) – I have a horse ya know. And homework.

(Grimmjow) – Ooh… Something I can eat!

(Me) - *growl* don't think about it Grimm.

(Grimmjow) – Fine…!

(Ichigo) – Why do you guys hate each other?

(Grimmjow) – We don't! We just…

(Me) – Love fighting each other!

(Ichigo) – That doesn't make any sense at all.

(Me) – Oh, come on berry! Grimm and I are like brother and sister. We fight a lot and don't agree to each other. But deep (very deep) inside we love each other!

(Grimmjow) – But I hate you!

(Me) – In Grimmish it means love you! ^^

(Grimmjow) - *sigh*

(Me) – Okay, on with the story! Next chapter of The Music And I! :D

The Music And I!

Chapter 2: The Name Is Ichigo.

Grimmjow wakes up feeling that the whole world is spinning. He whines and puts his hand on his throbbing head. He tries to open his eyes but fail. He tries to listen for voices, but it was as quiet as the grave.

Grimmjow is just there for a few minutes before everything became very clear. "Yeah, I was chased by a crazy mob. And then ... That orange-haired dude saved me." when he starts to remember everything he sat up and made a painful grin depending of his throbbing head.

He opens his eyes and sees that he is not in any hospital or something like a five star hotel which he was accustomed to see every time he woke up with an extreme headache. Like a hangover or after a big fight with his band member. "Speaking of bands members..."

The place where Grimmjow where was a normal everyday house with cheap furniture and tidy benches and tables. He could smell the food from what he believed was the kitchen and his stomach started purring. Grimmjow licked his lips, trying to stand up from the uncomfortable sofa, but failed."Why do I feel so weak?"

""I would not move if I were you."

The rock star turned and looked shocked at the familiar figure with the bright orange hair. The figure smirks and gives Grimmjow a glass of water and a pain killer.

"Here, this will help."

Grimmjow grabbed the glass of water in silence. He didn't know this orange haired dude but he seemed to be nice. Grimmjow began to look around.

He was possibly in a living room. In front of him were a black coffee table and the rooms wallpaper was decorated in light blue, as his hair. He was sitting in a black leather sofa and the floor was made in dark brown wood. The TV, who was like a meter from the coffee table was big and looked pretty expensive.

The painkillers helped after a few minutes and Grimmjow could finally stand up. Why he fainted that time he didn't know. Or the reason was his bad health when it came to running and well everything that have something with sports to do. He loved boxing and he was a good fighter, but then Aizen Sousuke found him in an alley. Back then Grimmjow had come in to some bad fights and some new enemies which become a big problem. Grimmjow just waited in the alley to die if Aizen and his creepy friend Gin didn't took him to the hospital.

The memories of his past just did the headache to hurt more. Grimmjow groaned with pain.

"Hey, are you okay?"

Grimmjow looked at the orange haired dude again and raised a brow. 'Doesn't he know who I am? Or is he just a dumb fucker?'

"Well kind of. Got a fucking bad headache, that's all."

"Yeah I can understand that if you got a bad one. You hit your head pretty bad back then."

Grimmjow groaned again, now in annoyance. He remembered the screaming fans and the orange haired dude's actions. Grimmjow grinned and scratched his back head.

"Heh, thanks for saving me back then. I think I would be somewhere else, like chained on a bed in some creepy fan girl's house."

The dude that had saved him began to laugh. His voice was a clinging sound in Grimmjows ears and he felt that he could listen to the sounds his whole life.

Grimmjow joined the laugh. While the orange haired dude laughed harder Grimmjow took his chance to look at the guy body.

He was a little skinny but had some muscles. He was a little shorter than Grimmjow and he had the brightest color of orange in his hear. It saw natural made out. 'Like my hair'. When the dude opened his eyes Grimmjow almost fainted again.

The eyes had a beautiful shade of light brown chocolate and those little tears began welling up in his eyes was so fucking beautiful that Grimmjow wanted to eat the person whole. Or at least fuck him senseless.

Grimmjow was more interested in guys than girls. Girls needed so much attention and all they did was to brag about that they were going out with a super rock star. Besides girls was no fun when it came to the sex part. Grimmjow likes rough, not gentle. He wasn't gentle. Not to anyone. But this… Dude in front of him was different. He was afraid to hurt this person and he didn't want to let him go. 'If this is love at first sign then I believe in it'.

"Well, that was kind of fun."

Grimmjow woke up from his fantasies and smiled.


Grimmjow saw now that the orange haired guy began to blush a little. Grimmjow fought not to rape the poor guy. 'Damn his so cute I just want to fuck him bad!'

"U-um… I just have a little question."

"What's that?"

"Why did those girls chase you back then?"

Now it was Grimmjows time to laugh hard. When he had finished, he found that the guy just staring at him.

"Don't you know who I am? Besides who are you?"

"No… And my name is Ichigo Kurosaki."

"Huh… The name fits you perfect."

"S-shut up! I don't like my name, but my mom gave it to me, it's the only memory I have left from her."

Grimmjow now stopped laughing. The guy had lost a parent, same as Grimmjow. But Grimmjow was parentless. They were killed in a car accident and Grimmjow was the only one that had survived.

"I'm parentless so I kind of know how it feels."

The orange haired dude named Ichigo just raised a brow and stared at Grimmjow.

"And can I ask who the hell are you?"

"Grimmjow Jeagerjaques, member of the "The Arrancars"."

Now it was Ichigos time to faint.

(Me) - Done~! Next chapter will be out soon but I will tell at Ichigos side of the story that happen in this chapter. So it won't happen so much in next chapter.

(Grimmjow) – I maked Ichigo faint.

(Ichigo) – Why, I don't the fuck know.

(Grimmjow) – Because of my awesomeness.

(Me) – Oh, shut up Grimm. You are just full of yourself.

(Grimmjow) – I am awesome in my own way.

(Ichigo) – Sure you are. And in bed to.

(Grimmjow) – I am not!

(Me) - *laughing like hell* T-that one was good Ichigo! *high five with Ichigo*

(Grimmjow) – That was rude berry. But you must admit that I am awesome in bed.

(Ichigo) – W-well I can't… Say no to that…

(Grimmjow) – *grins in his own evil way* Knew it!

(Me) – Can we skip the whole part 'bout yourself Grimm. All of you who read 'The Music And I' must know that I'm from Sweden and I am not good at English, but I will try my hardest to satisfy you all! Review plz! 3

Ja ne!