Authors note: Inspiration brought to you by Ashes of the Wicked. Those first two paragraphs of awesomeness? All her. GOD, THE THINGS I WANT TO DO TO THAT WOMAN. All sexual of course. ;)

Spontaneous. It described Kendall in many ways than one; he was bold in his ways, leading a group of teenage boys who were more hormone-driven then ambition-driven. Spontaneously bold by standing up to Gustavo Roque when it came to keeping the band together, and always spontaneously gentle, yet firm, in his regularly delivered motivational speeches.

But perhaps the most spontaneously bold, gentle and perhaps psychotic thing Kendall Knight had ever done was love Logan Mitchell.

Logan Mitchell who was neither spontaneous, nor bold. Though perhaps twice as gentle as most other teenage boys. His gentility was one of his attributes most cherished by Kendall, though the young man would never admit it.

There was definitely something to be said about loving Logan Mitchell. Not many knew it, but out of the four boys, the young genius had the tendency to be the most reckless. Not so much in the usual manner of reckless abandon so frequently used when putting forth a plan into action, or hopelessly chasing after some random girl. No, it was his blatant disregard for his own health that always seemed to bite him in the ass.

It was his way of looking out for himself. He never wanted to bother his friends, Kendall knew that. He'd know Logan for years and not once had he willingly admitted to being sick. The brunet couldn't stand the idea of being a bother. It was almost ironic that in his attempt to save his friends the trouble of taking care of him, he only made things more difficult by letting the severity of his illness grow to something bigger than the four of them.

Well, it would be if that wasn't what had landed him in the hospital in the first place. Kendall chuckled lightly to himself thinking back on how this whole thing started. It seemed like only yesterday that he and Logan were getting yelled at by Bitters for playing Blind Water Balloon Volleyball (1) in the lobby.

In hindsight, one could suppose that loving Logan Mitchell wasn't psychotic per say. It was more of an insatiable type of insanity than anything else and Kendall for one couldn't bring himself to argue with it. The blond smiled outwardly to himself as he smoothed out the rumbled bespread. The sprightly light green of the sheets peeked out from beneath the white linen, a stark contrast against the bleached brightness of the covers. It was weird to see colored sheets. He'd never had colored sheets on a bed. Always white or gray. But then again, he supposed the was another thing he couldn't argue with.

"It's not your fault you know."

Kendall's smile widened as he pet the brunet's hair back, ignoring his pout. "I know." And he did know. It wasn't as if he could've forced his boyfriend to rest, no matter how much he wanted to. He sighed to himself, mumbling, "I love you," he paused, "even if you are stubborn."

"I love you too... jerk."


1) Real game, I swear to God... well, I've played it at least. It's exactly as it sounds except you use a bedsheet, blanket, etc for a net. Hence the blind part. I could just totally see the boys playing that for some reason.