
Toothless was flying above Snag with Hiccup. "Okay there bud, we're going to take this nice and slow." He lifted a small wood plate with his notes what push from the steering paddle meant. "Here we go, position three, no four."

Hiccup looked slightly annoyed with the delay they began a large left turn. "All right it's go time, it's go time. Come one buddy, come on buddy!" Noting what the next moves meant Toothless began a dive toward the sea skimming the water with his wing. "Yes it worked!" Toothless was very happy to the system seemed to be working.

His joy over it however distracted him from a cliff wall which he bumped shaking up Hiccup. "Sorry!" Toothless was so worried hitting the cliff that he hit another one. "That was my fault." After that Hiccup gave Toothless a slap on the top of his head. "Yeah, Yeah, I'm on it. Position for uh three."

They then went into a sharp climb soaring above the island. Toothless was ecstatic. He hadn't felt this good about flying since he first learned how. "Yeah! Go baby! Oh this feels great! The wind against my...cheat sheet!" The wind at the high altitude snapped the vine around Toothless' neck that kept the note close. While he tried to grab them he accidently threw Hiccup off!

Toothless dove down trying to grab Hiccup but the Viking was panicking a failing about. "Oh gosh, oh gosh just hang on! Just let me…" Hiccup was suddenly spun around by the air currents and accidently kicked Toothless in the face.

Hiccup managed to climb back on just as they were about to fall below the tree line Toothless spread his wings out and began to glide slowing their descent. Toothless looked at his recovered cheat sheet but with time running out his mind flashed back to when his father first taught him to fly. "Don't be afraid. Trust your instincts." He had said. Toothless tossed away the notes and it was almost as if he also heard his father say. "Trust in him!"

Toothless was filled with a new confidence. Toothless and Hiccup's reaction time got a lot better as they entered a narrow ravine dodging outcroppings every few seconds. At the end they were once again over the sea, Hiccup raised his arms and let out a cheer. Toothless spat out a fireball that blew up into a ring of fire they were heading straight into. "Whoops." Toothless said.

On a nearby island, as the sunset a slightly burned Hiccup offered Toothless an apple. "No thank you I'm fine." From the hill they seated on they could see a small boat come up on shore. From it several Vikings came. From what Toothless saw they came in groups consisting of a male and a female with one or more Ankle Biters. While the adult Vikings gather nearby food the little ones began to play. "Well I guess this is goodbye Hiccup." Toothless said. He knew that this moment would come. But strangely Hiccup made no move to leave. "What is it Hiccup?"

The Viking teen pulled out a small Flying Fang and pointed to a marking on the side that he held it from, a Marking of a white flower.

"Is that an Astrid? I don't understand, but if you're not ready to go home then I guess it's okay." Toothless then looked down at the smaller Viking playing. He saw one with the horns the adults wore which was much too big for him. He was running around chasing the others when sand kicked up by his playmates got into his eyes. The little one began crying and what Toothless assumed was the little Vikings mother picked him up and comforted him. "Looks like you can have a shell over the eyes." Seeing how loving they were to their young and everything he learned from Hiccup Toothless could come to only one conclusion. "Everything we know about you guys is wrong."

Later back at Snag Toothless was scratching lines in the dirt at the fire rock cave when Shadowgale came. "Mom, you're back! Lockjaw's not here."

Shadowgale just looked at her son. "I know. I came looking for you. You've been keeping secrets."

Toothless got really nervous. "I have?"

"How long did you think you could keep it from me?"

"I don't know what you're …"

Shadowgale interrupted. "Nothing happens on this island without me hearing about it."


"So, let's talk, about that Viking."

"Oh boy, Mom I'm so sorry I was going to tell you I just didn't know how." Shadowgale laughed. "You're not upset?"

"What? I was hoping for this."

Now Toothless was really confused. "You were?"

Shadowgale was overjoyed. "And it only gets better! Just until you taste a Vikings meat for the first time! And the first time you sink one of their ships? What a feeling!" Toothless fell down from the shock. "You really had me going there son. All those years of the worst Dragon Snag has ever seen! Oh Stars Above it was rough, but all this time you were holding out on me. Oh blessed Ancestors! With you doing so well in the area, we finally have something to talk about." Shadowgale waited in anticipation while Toothless felt more and more awkward. "There is something I want to tell you for a long time. You look so much like your father."

"I do?" Toothless wondered just how his dad would feel about all this.

"I like to think it means that he's still watching over this family. You are just like him now, be proud of that. You held up your end of the deal."

Toothless let out as big a yawn as he could. "Well I should really get to sleep."

"Yes, you got a big day ahead of you. Good talk."

"So I'll see back at the den. Thanks for stopping by thanks for you know telling me how much like dad I am."

"Good night son." Shadowgale climbed out and thought to herself. "I really wish you were here beloved. Our children are really growing to be true Dragons."