A/N: I felt like doing a fem!Romano (In this case Romina, since it sounds like "Romano") and Spain fanfic. It is set in some semi-alternate universe in 1500's Andalucia, Spain. I like Fem!Love o3o. I hope the character's aren't totally OOC

So onto a semi-fail. I'm actually quite proud of this one in comparison to my other one's though.

Oh and Spain's Pirate nickname comes from what they call the Spanish soccer team xD. I think it's appropriate seeing as his pirate self wears a red jacket. Ah, Antonio, so cute x3 When he isn't being the terror of the high seas, that is.

I apologize in advance for any fails (humor, grammar, or otherwise).

Also, I kinda made the chapter titles sort of like Kuroshitsuji. Mi Doncella, adolorida Could be translated as My maiden, distraught.

Antonio Fernandez wasn't the sort of man you could see walking down the street and automatically think pirate, but that was perhaps the reason he pulled it off so well. His innocent, naïve, expression gave the impression of a different person. Whenever anybody saw him, all they would see was a handsome young man, early to mid-twenties, with a childlike personality that was reflected in his vibrant eyes and playful grin. The hero the Spanish pirates named La Furia Roja and the nightmare the English named the Red Reaper were the last things to come to mind.

The servants bustled around like bees trying to get everything in perfect order for the young master's arrival. All of the servants except Romina, that is. She could care less about Antonio coming home. Besides, if she tried to do anything, she'd probably break something anyways. So instead, she sat down on the nice big couch that was hardly ever used.

Paloma, the Mexican creole that did most of the cleaning,looked at Romina and frowned.

"Romi, I'm really surprised that Master Antonio hasn't fired you yet."

Romina scoffed "So am I."

"Especially with that attitude."

Romina had to smile. Paloma was the only one she could actually deal with, and reciprocally, Paloma was one of the couple of people who could deal with Romina's harsh temper and rash personality.

"I he couldn't handle it, he would have already kicked me out the door."

Deciding to lay down a bit longer, Romina put her head on the armrest and looked up at the extravagant carvings on the ceiling of the mansion. It was surely relaxing not doing anything...

"Romi! I'm back!" A cheerful man's voice called.

Ah, shit, no...He's back...?


"Why'd you bother coming back, you bastard?" She scowled as she got up from the couch. "It was relaxing not having an annoying idiot shout in your ear all day."

Maybe that will make him go away.

"You know you couldn't wait to see me, Romi!" He said in teasing tone of voice, pulling her into a bear hug from behind.

Trying to wriggle free from Antonio's grasp was impossible, as she had found out before. So she settled for a simple demand to let him go and kicking him in the shin. The usual.

"Let me go!" she shouted. But when she tried to kick him, she realized that she had really kicked an empty space.

"Not getting me this time." he teased.

She elbowed him in the stomach and as soon as she felt his arms loosen, she ran free. "Not cute, Romina!" He called after her.

As she rounded the corner she found Paloma watching the whole scene. Romina gasped in surprise as she came face to face with Paloma's waiting grin.

"Didn't I tell you last time, Romi? The reason he never cares what you do is because he-"

"Shut up. Don't say it" Romina hissed. This wasn't going where she would want it to go.


"Don't you dare." She gritted her teeth together

"He likes you."

"I told you not to say it!"

Paloma snickered. " You are such a fool, Romi. The handsome, rich, young master is into you. You could at least fake liking him."

"I'm not a hypocrite Looks and money aren't everything, Paloma. I don't want a man who thinks he can get with me because he's good looking or has money. I want a friend who actually cares for me. Not a boss who wants me to worship the ground he walks on.

Romina was (rudely) awaken from her nap by loud cheering. Dammit. Didn't these people know what a siesta meant?

Angrily stomping her way down the stairs with a scowl for everyone in her way, Romina was short of exploding. She wasn't a particularly friendly woman when she was abruptly awakened from her nap.

The cheering had come from Antonio's arena. Immediately, she knew there was some bullfight going on. She decided to go, not because she liked bullfighting, but simply because she wouldn't be able to get back to sleep and because she had nothing better to do.

"Ole!" The jubilant cheers rang around the circle of spectators. Did rich people seriously find this entertaining? When she finally made it to the edge of the ring, she saw that it wasn't just any bullfighter. It was Antonio. She let out a small gasp as she watched him gracefully dodge the bull's deadly horns. He was grinning that same stupid playful grin that he always had on.

Is he not afraid?

Antonio's graceful movements didn't look like he was having a picnic with death, but rather, he looked like he was dancing. The bull had already received his third estoque meaning that the fight would be over soon, but the bull was still strong enough to put up a fight. Antonio didn't look worried.

It wasn't until then that Romina saw his outfit, perhaps the most elegantly embroidered matador costume she had ever seen. It was a simple white shirt that was tied by two strings at the collar, topped off with a black jacket with elegant silver embroidery adorning the the trim. His belt and pants were both black with silver embroidery on the sides. It looked really good on him, but of course Antonio was just one of those men who could easily pull off wearing greasy rags.

He has a really nice ass, and those pants show it off so well...She thought.

Then she caught herself. What the hell am I saying? I shouldn't find him this attractive! And this isn't the first time I've seen him in a matador outfit. Since when do I look at people's butts...more specifically Antonio's?

Shut up, jackass. Why not enjoy the view a bit longer?

You just called your subconscious a jackass. How does that make you feel?

Pretty good actually. Considering that she's being stupid.

Oh, shut up.

Before she got even more turned on by this, she decided to leave the arena and go sit on her favorite bench by the well in the fields. She could get away from Antonio there.

Romina slumped by the well. Paloma's teasing voice still rang in her ears.

He likes you!

Yeah, right. He was a gentleman of the highest social standing. She was his maid. He was elegant and graceful. She was clumsy and unsophisticated. He was absolutely gorgeous. She was plain. He was playful and childlike. She was grumpier than an 80 year old woman who lived alone in a hut in the middle of nowhere. What could she possible have that Antonio could want?

Not the money. Not the grace. Not the usefulness. Not the beauty.

Paloma, you are wrong.

She thought about the time Antonio really must have gotten fed up with her and tried to convince her sister's boss to switch her for her cuter, more obedient, polite, graceful little sister. Obviously that's proof that he didn't like her at all.

Her fists balled up until she felt her nails biting into her skin. Dammit. Why couldn't she be like Feli? Why couldn't people like her just as much as they liked her sister?

Tears began to flow down her cheeks in small streams, each one part of her own inner feelings that she kept locked up for son long.

Romina? A man's voice whispered behind her.