Hey everyone! First of all.. Im sooo sorry! I know, its been like, okay this is weird.. 2 months to the day! I didn't even do that on purpose.. I was checking to see when I updated last so I could write it and.. Yeah.. Weird lol anyway! A few reasons as to why I haven't been updating!

1) Tafe.. Is really busy and really difficult. I don't even really like it at the moment. Its just not fun, that's saying how difficult it is lol as well as working when I'm not at Tafe.

2) My Nan recently passed away. I was away for nearly two weeks down South, so I didn't have the drive to write. She passed from cancer and it was sad, but she's in a better place now!

(This isn't a reason but I wanna tell you guys!) 3) NESSA ANSWERED ME ON TWITTER! Lol I still smile about that! Okay, this is what happened! A few months back candiesbrand asked all Nessa fans to send in their questions so Nessa could answer them, and I'd totally forgot about it until my friend Katie lol (KatieJHK :D) DM'd be one morning saying that Nessa had answered my question :O! Lol this was my question; What was your favourite movie to film, and why? And this was her answer!; "I'm so proud of all the movies I've been apart of its hard to pick just one! But so far I'd have to say sucker punch…. I am such a huge zack Snyder fan and I think he rocked that movie… I'm also an adrenaline junkie and SP always has my heart racing while I'm sitting on the edge of my seat. =) - Vanessa" NessaAnswer

And 4) Get excited! Lol.. I SEEN MILEY CYRUS! In concert AHHH! lol She was.. AMAZING! My sister and I went and it was just two hours of pure amazingness! Her limo drove STRAIGHT PAST ME! Feel free to ask any questions lol

Oh, and I've been busy drooling over the new Zac beach pics (Including the one's from Ash's birthday! SEX! Lol)

And that's about it :D I hope you guys understand why I wasn't able to update and you don't hate me too much (I haven't gotten any PM's or anything saying 'update now!' so I don't think anyone cares lol)

Now, on with the last chapter of My Savior! I don't want it to end : ( but I'm hoping to come up with a sequel or something! :D Enjoy and.. Review?

My Savior- Chapter 14 (The Final Chapter!)

I smiled, fixing the buttons of my tux up, smoothing the material as I looked at myself in the mirror, making sure everything, right down to the last hair on my head, was all in place. I smiled at my reflection in the floor length mirror that was set up on the back of the bathroom door.. I guess.. It couldn't really be called a floor length mirror, huh? It was a.. Back of the door length mirror!

I smiled, I was pleased with how I looked. I wanted today to go as smoothly as possible! From the moment I woke up this morning, till now, two thirty on the twenty third of October, 2011, it'd all been going to plan. No one was stressed or freaking out, everything that had been organized before today had been finalized by yesterday so everything today could go.. Flawlessly. And to say I was surprised it had? Would be an understatement!

I jumped a little hearing my phone ring, I'd been so engulfed in my thoughts that Marry You by Bruno Mars just seemed that much louder. Gabi had set the ringtone a little after she got out of hospital, hinting much?

I smiled, answering my phone, I swear I would've had the goofiest grin on my face. "Well, hello, gorgeous fiancé." I chuckled.

"Hey, sexy fiancé," Her voice giggled from the other side of the phone. "What are you doing?"

"Just.. Sitting in my PJ's.. Watching basketball." I joked, sitting down on the little couch in the room.

"Troy?" She nearly yelled. "What? You're suppose to be get- are you laughing at me?"

I chuckled, I had tried to hold it in, but it didn't work! "Brie, I'm kidding!" I chuckled. "I'm ready, waiting for you." I smiled, sitting back.

"Oh, fuck! Don't do that to m- Hey! Hope.. Arghh! Troy, I'm gunna have to go." She sighed.

"Hey," I frowned "You're not freaking out on me, are you? Cause that's not part of the deal," I shook my head. "I told you, no freaking out or no day."

"I know, I know," She sighed. "I'm sorry, I just.. The girls are freaking me out. Saying you'll freak or something and.. Hope and.. Argh!"

"Its okay, baby, just.. Try and relax.. I'll see you soon," I smiled, before I saw Mike head in. "Actually, by the look of it you should be leaving any minute now."

"Actually, Ally's calling me now, so I'll see you soon. I love you!"

"I love you, too, baby," I smiled. "I'll see you soon! Bye!" I smiled, before I hung up.

"Freakin' out?" Mike smiled, fixing his tie up.

I laughed and nodded, standing up, making sure my own suit looked okay again. We were both wearing black suits, nice dress shoes and I had a white rose pinned to my jacket. "The girls are having a bit of fun with her, I think, on the wrong day."

"Ally's probably heading that fun making." He chuckled.

"Oh, I don't know, she's tamed down since.. You know." I nodded.

He laughed, nodding. "Around other people," He smiled. "But in th-"

"Okay, I don't need to know about that!" I laughed, shaking my head, trying to get the quickly forming images out of my head. "Come on, we better get out there." I chuckled.

"Someone's eager," He laughed, as we headed out of the small room.

"Um, its my wedding day. Why should I not be eager?" I chuckled, jumping a little as we headed down the hall. I smiled, waving at some people walking into the actual church.

"Okay, okay." He chuckled.


"Gabs, calm down. The girls were only having a go with you." Ally smiled.

"I know, I know." I sighed. "Its just.. The wrong day to be having a go." I shook my head, fixing my hair in the little mirror I brought with me.


I smiled, looking down at Hope who was sitting in her car seat beside me. "What, baby?" I smiled, kissing the back of her little hand. "You gunna say Mumma?" I smiled. "Or are your legs the only quick learning things in that little body of yours?" I giggled, kissing her forehead. "Uh-uh, don't pull Mummy's hair, its all pretty." I smiled, pulling my hair from her tiny hand.

"Muuuu!" She giggled, clapping.

Her little, one tooth smile brought a smile, near a tear, to my face. I couldn't believe that nine months ago? I was sitting in the hospital, about ready to say bye to her. Her and Troy were the lights of my life and I didn't know what I'd do without them. Any of my friends or new family! I smiled, kissing Hope's forehead. "You'll get there baby." I giggled, before I looked around the limo, all the girls were talking. Ally and a couple of my other friends from the centre were my bridesmaids, and I wouldn't want anyone else! "How's my little flower girl?" I smiled over at Michelle, who was sitting between Lindy and Kendra. (I got Beastly the other day, can you tell? Lol)

"I'm excited!" She smiled, bouncing in her seat a little.

"Good," I laughed. I smiled, proud of her little dress I picked out. It was white, with thick straps and came to her mid calf. It had a light purple strap around her waist, with little white roses trailing down the little bow tied at the back with the strap. (No pics for these :( I just made them up! Lol)

My eyes traveled from Michelle to Ally and from her over to Lindy and Kendra. They were all wearing matching, knee length, deep purple dresses. They all looked gorgeous! They had light make up on and their hair was curly and.. I just loved how they all looked!

I smiled, smoothing out the material of my own dress. I went with the traditional off white colored dress, floor length with a nicely lengthened train. It was strapless and luckily? My boobs hadn't gotten smaller since I had Hope. Thankfully! It made the beading on my dress stand out even more. My waist had gotten smaller though and two pieces of thin strips of material joined at my front, off to the side, held together with a little pin and went straight down to the floor. I loved it! I had done since the moment I saw it in the shop.

My breathing hitched in my throat when I felt the car come to a stop, the church clearly seen through the tinted windows of the limo.

"We're here," I breathed, turning to get Hope out. "This is it, baby girl." I smiled, giggling as she smiled up at me. Her little dark hair covered her entire head, had done since basically the day she was born. She had a little mini dress on, one exactly like Michelle's and little slip on type booties that were adorable! I pulled her out of her seat, waiting till the girls had all gotten out before I got out myself. "Everyone ready?" I smiled, heading up to the church.

"Are you ready, Bride?" Ally laughed.

"More than ready," I giggled. Smiling as we got inside. "You're right with Hope, yeah, Lin?" I smiled at Lindy.

"Fine," She laughed. "For the thousandth time."

"Hey, I'm very protective of my little girl." I smiled. "So, shhh." I giggled.

"Oh, we know." Ally laughed. "You be quiet, Miss!" I laughed. I saw someone from the church walk out. Just to see we were here. "Ready and waiting." I smiled, they rushed back inside and I heard the music start up. I was extremely excited.. But, so very nervous at the same time!

I smiled, watching Hope toddling off in front of Michelle and Lindy following behind them. This was the first time Troy was seeing Hope walk! She only started yesterday, after a few more hours hard work. She looked so cute, she kept loosing her balance every now and then but she got the hang of it pretty fast!

"I'll see you in there," Kendra laughed, heading off after a minute.

"Ready, bestie?" Ally smiled, handing me my bouquet of white roses.

"Ready, bestie!" I giggled, hooking my arm through hers. I smiled as we headed into the church. There was so many people here! I wasn't like every other girl, I'd never dreamt of having a 'big white wedding' but, I loved the fact that today was just about Troy and I. I smiled seeing him standing at the end of the isle, he was holding Hope and kissing the top of Michelle's head. He looked so proud! It made me so happy!

My favourite part was when he looked up at me. I swear I literally saw his jaw drop. It made me blush, he always knew just the right thing to say or do to make me happy! I smiled, kissing Ally's cheek once we got to everyone, thanking her before she headed over to stand with the other girls. I smiled as Troy walked down to me, he was still holding Hope but Michelle had gone over with Ally.

"Give a guy some warning next time," He whispered, kissing my cheek softly. "I think my pants just nearly flew off."

I giggled, biting my lip a little, just to drive him that little bit more wild. "Your suits very handsome, although.. I couldn't contain myself from thinking about what's underneath it." I giggled, letting him lead me up the couple of stairs.

"Be careful what you say right now," He chuckled. "Should I put Hope down?" He smiled. I watched as he went to stand her on the ground, her little arms wrapping around his neck, her head resting on his shoulder.

I giggled. "Awww! I guess not." I laughed. "Its okay, we'll get there."

"Okay," He chuckled, kissing Hope's forehead gently as he turned to me, smiling. He looked so happy! And proud! I smiled, taking his free hand.

"Good afternoon everyone," The Priest smiled. "We are gathered here today to join, Miss Gabriella Anne Montez and Mr. Troy Bolton in holy matrimony," He smiled. "Before we begin today's ceremony, does anyone object? Speak now, or forever hold your peace."

I looked around, lightly death glaring the crowd. They wouldn't have noticed! I swear to god if anyone spoke, I'd kill them myself!

"Okay," He smiled. "Now, Troy and Gabriella have asked for a simple, short ceremony. Mainly because of little Hope here," He laughed. "So we'll do their vows and traditional vows, then everyone can head to the reception hall."

"Cake!" Ally smiled.

I laughed, along with everyone else in the church. "You're cute, Al." I giggled, looking over at her.

"I know," She laughed. I knew she would've been joking. That's just Ally! I giggled, turning back to the priest who was smiling.

"Okay, shall we start with the vows?" He smiled.

"Most defiantly," Troy and I said together, laughing at the lameness of speaking in unison.

"Okay," He laughed. "Gabriella, you may go first."

I smiled, turning to face Troy. "Okay," I smiled. "Well, I don't know where to start. You.. Mr. Bolton, have been.. The most amazing and consistent thing.. That's ever been in my life," I smiled. "From the minute I got here you were kind and caring.. And you loved me." I nodded. "And that's all I want in life.. To be loved," I smiled, looking from him to Hope and back again. "And I finally got that. I have an amazing.. Indescribable man and the cutest daughter in the world. You're both.. My Saviors. I don't know where I'd be without you both and.. I cant wait to spend the rest of my life with you two. As Mrs. Bolton." I smiled. "Today is the happiest day of my life!" I laughed.

It wasn't an extremely long speech, but it came from the bottom of my heart and said everything I wanted Troy to know right now. I smiled, wiping away the little tear that had rolled down his cheek, giggling a little, before I slipped the ring on his finger.

"Troy," The Priest smiled. "You may go ahead."

"Okay," He laughed, clearing his throat. "I'm in the same boat. Where to begin?" He chuckled. I giggled, squeezing his hand a little. He looked so adorable! "I remember the first day I met you," He smiled. "You were.. Petrified and.. I remember being like that once, when I lived with my Mother. You reminded me so much of me that.. I knew your life here would only get better as time went on," He laughed. "And it did. You fitted in straight away, you made friends and became apart of everyone's hearts. You brought a smile to everyone's faces, especially mine," He laughed. "Every time you walked into a room, it lit up just that bit more and I know I was a chicken for a long while, but.. Seeing you laying in a hospital room? About to give birth.. It just showed me how strong you were.. How much you didn't need me. But, I wanted you to need me and I knew I had to have you," He nodded. "And I'm glad I made that decision to ask you out, because its brought us here.. And.. Without you and Hope? Life is nothing.. I thought I had it all before, all my amazing kids at the centre and.. The centre itself, then you came along and.. Now I know what its really like.. To have it all." He smiled.

I laughed, tears rolling down my cheeks, laughing as he pushed the ring onto my finger. I couldn't believe how sweet that was! "Oh my god!" I laughed. "Lets just skip those other vows so I can kiss you!" I giggled.

"Fine by me," Troy chuckled.

"Okay then," The Priest laughed. "I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the Bride." He smiled at Troy.

"Yes!" He exclaimed, pulling me close and kissing me. I swear it was the most passionate kiss ever! I smiled, moaning extremely lightly, burying my hand in his hair, giggling lightly against his lips when I felt Hope's little hand pushing my cheek. "Hey, little girl." Troy chuckled, after he pulled away. "Unfair!" I giggled, resting my head on his chest. Everything felt perfect right now!


"Mmm," I mumbled, feeling Troy kissing my shoulder blade. I smiled tiredly, remembering yesterday. Our wedding day! Last night, we'd skipped the reception, after we cut the cake, and headed to our hotel room we got. It was more of a little holiday for us, rather than a honeymoon. We got to celebrate yesterday, and over and over again last night. If you catch my drift! "Too early." I mumbled, pulling my pillow closer to my chest.

"Baby, the girls are awake." He smiled.

I rolled over to see Michelle and Hope sitting in the middle of the bed. "Oh, hey, babies." I smiled tiredly. "When did everyone get up?"

"We be up for ages, Mummy!" Michelle smiled.

I laughed. "Well, daughter," I smiled. "I guess Mummy should get up then." Oh, did I forget to mention? We adopted Michelle! It just broke both Troy and mine's hearts that she was all alone. So, it was only a given that we'd make her a Bolton! Troy didn't tell me till last night that the adoption papers had been finalized the other day, I was just happy she was ours!

"Or we can all chill in bed," Troy laughed. "I hear there's some cartoons on!"

"YAY!" Michelle smiled, clapping.

I giggled, watching Hope who was in awe. She got all excited and started giggling, clapping her hands. I laughed when she fell back against the bed, sitting up as Troy helped her back up. "Daddy might have to turn the TV on." I smiled.

"Daddy would be glad to!" Troy laughed, grabbing the remote.

I smiled, watching him reach over to the bed side table. His muscles were looking mighty fine today. Maybe I was extremely turned on by the fact that he was my husband or.. I just looked at him differently now cause he is my husband. Either way? I was happy! "Excuse me family." I laughed when my phone started ringing. I smiled, answering it "Al! Oh, hey Mike," I smiled. "Really? Okay! We'll be right there!" I nodded, before I hung up, standing up quickly

"What?" Troy asked confused.

"We gotta get to the hospital!"


Gabriella smiled, opening the door to Ally's hospital room slowly. The lights were dimmed and everything was quiet. "Hey," She whispered, smiling at Mike when he turned around.

"Hey," He smiled. "Come in, she should be awake soon."

She smiled, heading over closer to the bed. "How'd it go?"

"Smooth sailing," He smiled proudly. "It was so quick and looked painless." He laughed.

"Yeah, she's a strong girl." Gabriella laughed.

"Yeah," He chuckled lightly as to not wake his sleeping girlfriend. "Where's Troy?"

"Michelle found the cafeteria gift shop and he couldn't get her out," She laughed. "He should be in soon."

"She's cute," Mike chuckled.

"Who's cute?" They heard a croaky voice mumble from the bed. "Cause I sure as hell don't feel cute right now if you're talking about me." Ally groaned, opening her tired eyes slowly.

"Baby, you look radiant," Mike smiled, leaning over and kissing Ally's forehead gently. "We were talking about Michelle, but we could've been talking about you too." He smiled.

"Hey, babe," Gabriella smiled, standing closer to the bed. "How're you feeling?"

"Like I've been ripped in half," She smiled tiredly. "I didn't know it'd be so painful."

Gabriella laughed, rubbing her arm a little. "You just pushed a baby out of the tiniest hole imaginable. Its gunna hurt a little." She smiled.

"Did you see him?" She smiled proudly.

"I can see a tiny bit of him, not that there's much there." Gabriella laughed, peering over the other side of the bed.

"It didn't feel like that a few hours ago," Ally laughed, sitting up slowly, pulling the tiny crib towards her bed. "But, the pain was worth it." She smiled, as she picked her tiny son up out of the crib.

"Al!" Gabriella smiled. "He's soooo gorgeous!" She laughed.

"Meet baby Kayden," She smiled, kissing the tiny baby's forehead softly. "He was.. Seven pound two and perfectly healthy."

"I'm so proud of you!" Gabriella smiled, gently stroking Kayden's cheek. She leant down, kissing his forehead softly, smiling when he squirmed a little. "Oh my god! Its so cute!" She laughed.

"Make you wanna have another one?"

Gabriella jumped at the sound of Troy's voice right near her ear. Smiling as she looked over at him. "Would you like another baby?"

"One day," He nodded. "I'd like a blood related baby," He laughed. "Not that my girls aren't blood related." He chuckled, looking from Hope to Michelle and back again.

I smiled. "You know that.. Amazing charm bracelet you got me? That I said you shouldn't have and you said it was an early wedding present?"

"Yeah?" He chuckled. "What did you do? You didn't take it back did you?"

"No! No!" She laughed. "I kind of.. Found out my own present.. That very next day actually."

"Huh?" He asked confused.

"I agree," Mike nodded.

Gabriella smiled "Well," She laughed lightly. "I didn't expect to tell you right now, but.. I-I'm pregnant!" She laughed nervously. What if he wanted a baby, but.. Not right now? Was the only thought running through her head.

Before she could comprehend what was going on? His lips had crashed onto hers in a passionate kiss. That answered her worries. She smiled against his lips, kissing him back, a chorus of yuck's and ew's breaking out in the room. Gabriella laughed, pulling away after a minute.

"You, sir," She smiled. "Are the most perfect.. Amazing.. Guy I've ever met," She smiled, kissing him quickly "You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. I don't know what I'd do without My Savior.." She smiled, resting her head on his chest. "Or my girls! Or extended family!" She giggled, looking between Ally and Kayden and Mike, before she leant up and kissed Troy quickly.

I'm actually extremely happy with this chapter so I'm hoping that you all were, too! I really, really hope you guys are! I cant believe its over! L its just sad to think my first story is over lol its been such a great story to write!

I have started writing my other story, I'm up to chapter 6 right now :D so if Tafe doesn't get in the way too much I should be able to update soon! I'm going to update my one shots (For Katie lol) so I'll do that and then hopefully start my new story :D

What did you guys think of this ending? I've left a few things open so I can come back and do a sequel at some stage! Would you all like that? Let me know!

And let me know what you thought of this chapter! Please review cause I really love this chapter and I wanna know what you guys thought!

Thanks to all my amazing reviewers for their support, you've made my first proper story a joy to write and I hope you all enjoy my work to come! I'm going to stop talking now, so you can all review! ;D lol