A/N: 'Ello peeps! Yes, yet another SOA story from yours truly! Yes, I know, another one of a sister dying and whatnot, well this one didn't get killed. It's completely and totally AU! So, yeah. I thought of this one the other day and I hope it's as good as it was in my head. LOL. Well, enjoy this and as always R&R!
P.S. I own NOTHING from Sons of Anarchy... just my OC's. Thanks!
P.P.S Oh, and by the way, this story is for my girls. You know who you are! Love you!
...Chapter 1...
"Why is the time going slower than ever?" Stefani thought to herself, as she was sitting in her office, looking over important files for work. Even though she gets paid good money, being the head manager at one of the best mortgage companies in the city, she hates it, and she's been thinking about quitting for the past couple of months.
The door opened and Stefani looked up. "Hey, Jane, what's up?"
"I need to ask you a favor."
"Sure, what is it?" Stefani asked, putting the papers down on the desk.
"Next week." Jane started, walking in, sitting down on a chair. "My parents are coming in from out of town, for Sarah's Christening, and I was wondering if I could have four days off... Tuesday through Friday?"
Stefani smiled and wrote on a yellow post-it, then handed it to Jane. "Here, if anyone askes, I gave you the okay to be excused from work, no matter what."
"Thank you so much."
"It's no problem, Jane."
"So, hows Danielle liking preschool?"
Stefani laughed. "Dani loves it, playing with all her friends... chasing all the boys around, since she's suddenly all boy-crazy."
"Uh-oh." Jane laughed. "If she's like that now, wait until she's a teenager."
Stefani shook her head. "I'm dreading it."
"We'll it's good that she likes school."
There was a knock on the door followed by a head poking in. "Stef?"
"What's up, Frank?"
"You have a phone call on line number three... it's a woman named Gemma Morrow." she raised her eyebrow. "She says it's important."
"Okay." she nodded. "Thanks."
Frank shut the door and Jane stood up. "I'll let you get to your call and I'll talk to you later."
"Okay." Stefani nodded, grabbing the phone. After Jane walked out, she pressed the number three button. "Hey, Gemma, what's up?"
"Hey, Baby, you got a minute?"
"Yeah." Stefani said, noticing the sad tone in her voice.
"I called to tell you." Gemma heavily sighed. "Sofia OD'ed last night."
Stefani gasped. "W-what?"
"From what I was told, she was at your house with Crystal, Cassie, Katie, Happy, Kozik, and Jax. They were trying to do some kind of intervention for her, but she got into an argument with them, and stormed out."
Stefani sniffled. "And then what happened?"
"Hap, Katie, and Kozik tried going after her, but she was too fast, and got away. Unser and Hale found her, early in the morning, face down at the park... with a goddamn needle stuck in her arm."
"Oh, my God." tears started falling down Stefani's cheeks.
"Her overdose is being investigated, though, just in case they find any kind of foul play."
Stefani took a deep breath. "H-how's Aunt Luann doing?"
"Not too good, Baby... she had to be sedated."
"Oh, no. Does Uncle Otto know?"
"Not yet, but Jax thinks he should hear it from you, since Luann won't be able to. She'll just break down and she'll need to be sedated again."
"Alright." Stefani sighed. "I'll get get some plane tickets, get off work, go pack, and grab Dani... we should be there by tonight."
"Okay, Baby Girl, text me the flight info and I'll have the guys come get you."
"That's fine... thanks for calling Godmother."
"You're welcome, see you soon." Gemma told her, then Stefani hung up the phone. She sat there in shock and couldn't believe it.
A few minutes later, the door opened. "Miss Delaney?"
"Yeah?" Stefani cleared her throat. "What's up, Anna?"
"I have the files you asked for, before lunch." she sat them on the desk. "Reason it took so long, someone moved them to a different spot."
"Oh." Stefani waved her hand. "That's... that's fine, don't worry about it."
"Is something wrong?"
"Yeah, I, uh." Stefani sat up. "I'm taking three weeks of bereavement, my sister died of an overdose last night, so I'm leaving home to California tonight."
"Wow, I'm sorry to hear that."
"Thanks." Stefani gave her a weak smile, then Anna walked out. After that, Stefani got on her computer and bought two plane tickets, then grabbed her things, told everyone bye, and went home.
While Stefani was packing the suitcases, she heard the front door open, followed by "Stef, where are you?" and then the door slammed.
"Ugh! Gag me with a spoon." she muttered to herself, not wanting to deal with her on, but mostly off boyfriend. "Michael, I'm in Dani's room!"
He walked in with a frown on his face. "I went to your work to take you a late lunch, but you were gone." he paused, walking up to her. "Tell me, where you were."
Stefani looked at him incredulously. "Oh, my God, really?"
"Well, where were you?"
"Nowhere, I came straight home asshole."
"Why?" he noticed the luggage on the bed. "Oh, so you're leaving me?"
Stefani stopped what she was doing and glared at Michael. "I have to plan a funeral, so I'm taking my daughter and going back to Charming... we'll be back in a few weeks."
"Like hell you are, you're not gonna be gone from me that long."
"I already bought the plane tickets."
"No." Michael shook his head. "You're not going to be around your ex for two fucking weeks."
"Jesus Christ." Stefani groaned. "This has nothing to do with Kozik... my fucking sister died."
"Riiiiight, you just wait until he takes one look at Danielle, you'll be singing a different tune."
"You're so fucking stupid." Stefani shook her head. "Yes, I'm not denying that Kozik is a possibility of being her father, but I really don't think he is."
"Are you blind? Dani has blonde hair and blue eyes, just like him."
"Look." Stefani heavily sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Kozik is not the reason for me going home, besides, he's staying over in Tacoma, but did you not just hear me? My. Sister. Died."
"What the fuck ever, Stefani, you go to Charming. Go ahead... then when he breaks your heart like he always does, don't come crawling back to me, when you realize that I was right." then Michael walked out of the house, slamming the door behind him.
"Fucking prick." Stefani muttered, then finished packing.
After all the packing, Stefani went down to the preschool and talked to the principal and teacher about their situation, and took Danielle out, then drove to the airport.
"Where are we going?"
"Remember when Mr. Pickles passed away and we had to bury him in the backyard?"
"Well, we're going to a funeral in a few days." Stefani took a deep breath. "Do you remember Aunt Sofia?"
"Well... she passed away like Mr. Pickles."
"Yeah." Stefani nodded, wiping the tears from her cheeks.
"Will Auntie Sofia be buried in her backyard?"
"No, Baby, she'll be buried at the cemetery."
"Will she go to Heaven like Mr. Pickles did?"
"Of course she will." Stefani nodded. "She might even be taking care of Mr. Pickles for you."
Danielle chuckled. "You're right, Mommy."
Fifteen minutes later, Stefani got to the airport, and parked her car in the parking garage, then after her and Danielle got their luggage checked in, and went through security, they were sitting at their gate. Stefani took out her phone and sent at text to Gemma. "Southwest Airlines- flight #426- arrives in Sacramento- 5:45pm."
Gemma responded back, a few minutes later. "Okay, Baby... Juice, Chibs, and Kozik will be there."
Stefani took a deep breath putting her phone away, feeling a little nervous about seeing Kozik again. "That's just... awesome." she muttered.
"What's awesome, Mommy?"
"Um... we'll be on the plane very soon and you'll see all of your uncles."
"Yes." Danielle nodded, with a smile. "That's very awesome."
"Yep." Stefani said, looking out the window, then a little bit later, her and Danielle got on the plane and headed to California.
A/N: And there you have chapter one! Hope you liked it and as always R&R!