-looks out the window of a Alliance assault cruiser-

ME: Sun (pronounced: Soon)

-holographic image of Sun Tzu appears-

Sun Tzu: Yes?

ME: What's our ETA?

-Sun Tzu does some quick calculations-

ST: ETA to Ilium 20 standard minutes.

-i nod and the holographic image of Sun Tzu disappears-

ME: That's one damn useful VI.

Chapter 1: Discovery at the Collector base

Jason Shepard, former Alliance Marine, N7 sniper, Former Spectre, and Hero of the Battle of the Citadel, was storming the Collector base with his trusted friend Garrus Vakarian, Turian mercenary, former C-Sec officer, and former vigilante, and Urdnot Grunt, a savage krogan, though a bit of a childish one.

"Grunt charge," Shepard ordered, as he pulled out his Widow Anti-Material Sniper Rifle, "Garrus lets give him some cover fire."

His two companions nodded and Grunt charged on letting out a krogan war cry while Garrus pulled out a Viper sniper rifle. When they cleared out the room they were in they found something strange, two pods with a humans in them, but it didn't look like they were being melted down for genetic material, in fact they looked like they were being preserved, the one in the right had a man in his mid-20's with his hair in old military-style cut so close to the scalp there was almost no hair there, a sweatshirt with a star on a black background and a yellow outline emblazoned on it, a gray military issued zip up sweat shirt on over it, and from what they could see of his lower half he was wearing dark green army fatigues. The one on the left had a man in his early 20's with spikey blonde hair that stuck up in every direction, three whisker marks on each cheek, a black undershirt, a robe that was a dark red with black flames along the hem was over that, and orange pants with a pouch on his right leg. Shepard immediately got on the comm to the Normandy and managed to get a hold of Joker.

"Joker we got two humans here that need immediate evac," Shepard said urgently over the comm.

"Alright Commander I'm getting a read on your coordinates now and I'll have someone there ASAP Commander," Joker said over the comm before disconnecting. Shepard nodded calmly before turning to Grunt.

"Grunt I want you to defend this room at all costs until the people Joker send come," Shepard ordered sternly. The one he called Grunt was not like other Brogan, while most krogan had a solid plate on top of their heads Grunt had many ridges on top of his head, instead of the usual green eyes of the Krogan Grunt's eyes were a light blue, and there were times Grunt was a bit more childish.

"Got it Shepard," Grunt replied before taking cover behind a waist high wall. Shepard nodded before he and Garrus ran out of the room.

Meanwhile with the Second strike team...

The second strike team of the operation to take down the Collector base were making good progress and they were almost to the room that would lead them to the center of the Collector Base when Thane Kris, a dell assassin, spotted something out of the ordinary, a room that hadn't been in the specs for the building and it was convenient that he found it because almost as soon as they were within a foot of that room the Collectors opened fire. However when they ducked into the room they saw something that was altogether odd, even for the Collectors, two humans in what looked like the Collector equivalent to Cryo tanks. One of the tanks had a girl that looked about 20 with indigo colored hair, a gray jacket with a fireball type symbol on the shoulders, and something that looked like a headband around her throat, and dark blue pants with some kind of pouch on the right leg. The other tank had a girl in her mid-20's with black hair that went to her shoulders, a dark green shirt with a red, white, and blue flag stitched on the shoulder, black fingerless gloves on her hands, and dark green army fatigues. Once they made sure the enemy was cleared out for the next few minutes Miranda Lawson, XO of the new SSV Normandy, sent a message to Joker.

"Joker we got two humans here that need extraction now," Miranda ordered over the comm and shut off her comm link to the Normandy before Joker could respond. Once that was over the second strike team headed to the last room until the center of the Collector Base.

After the mission...

Shepard and loyal crew had done it again they had saved the galaxy from a peril that it didn't even want to admit was real with all the crew still there. Shepard was currently down in the cargo hold looking over what little inlet they had on the Reapers, a race of sentient machines with the single minded goal of wiping out all space faring society every 50,000 years, when he came to a corner of the cargo bay that had four of the stasis pods found on the Collector Base.

"EDI," Shepard called, and immediately the ships AI's avatar appeared from a panel nearby.

"Yes Commander," EDI asked in a curious voice.

"What can you tell me about the people in these stasis pods," Shepard asked as he surveyed the pods.

"Obviously they are human, the two on the left being female and the two on the right being male. However what is interesting is that the male with blonde hair has a phenomenal healing rate and the female with the indigo hair has a strange mutation in her eyes that lets her see in almost 360 degrees," EDI answered before pausing to see if Shepard was up to speed, " The other two have some kind of serum in their systems that increases reaction time, line of sight, speed, and puts their strength at near superhuman levels, I believe you humans would call them Super Soldiers."

After EDI finished her explanation her avatar immediately flickered out of existence. Shepard began thinking it over and decided that with the ship's power at it's current state they'd need to crack the pods open as soon as possible.

"EDI call the squad over here just in case something goes wrong," Shepard ordered, and not even thirty seconds later the entire squad was there. Shepard took time to look at the rag tag group that was responsible for saving the entire galaxy. First there was the ships XO Miranda Lawson whose usually well kept wavy hair was in disarray, gone was her usual white jumpsuit in it's place was black jumpsuit with almost the same design, and her calm blue eyes had both a sense of satisfaction and relief. Next was the ships Armory Chief Jacob Taylor he looked at Shepard with a kind of respect that was usually reserved for heroes, gone was his old Cerberus the one he was wearing had yellow stripes on his ribs, like Miranda he looked like a massive weight had been lifted off his shoulders, and his usually well shaven face had the beginnings of a beard. Next on the list was the SR2's Science Officer Mordin Solus who had a grin on his face that the Cheshire cat would be envious of, he was a dark lab type coat with red lines on it, and from the data pad he was holding it looked like he had tried to get a breakdown of Reaper Anatomy. Next in line was Shepard's long time friend and ally Garrus Vakarian who's usual blue armor had been replaced with a black one, the cybernetics that covered the right side of his face were gone, and he had his Vindicator Battle Rifle locked and loaded in case things to a turn for the worst. Urdnot Grunt by far the tallest and most fearsome of the group was wearing a intimidating red and black armor, he looked at Shepard with a very deep respect, and from the time Shepard had spent around Krogan he guessed, was reserved only for the best combatants, and he had his M-300 Claymore Heavy Shotgun at the ready. Next was the odd ball of the group Legion the Geth Infiltrator, ever since Shepard helped Legion rewrite the heretics Legion had swapped his old black armor for a white one, the whole in his chest looked slightly better, and he too had a Vindicator Combat Rifle ready in case things went south. Next in line was the renegade of the group Jack, for once she was dressed halfway decent with a leather top covering her torso instead of just a strip of leather, her hair on top of her shaved head looked like it was starting to come back, and her arms were glowing a bluish color showing that she was charging up her biotics. Next up was the proverbial chaplain of the group Samara the Justicar, she looked like any other asari blue skin, blue eyes, and instead of hair she had what looked like she had tentacles in her hair, but the only difference was that Samara was wearing black armor and her eyes were cold as ice. Next was the assassin Thane Krios, like any other drell Thane had green scaly skin, pure black eyes, and what looked like gills on the sides of his mouth, but Thane was different in the fact that he was the perfect assassin he could go anywhere, kill anyone, and be out before anyone noticed. Last on the list was the woman who stole his heart Tali'Zorah vas Normandy, she was wearing her beautiful enviro-suit with a mask that hid her face and, though no one could see it, she was smiling at him, she had her omni-tool ready to pop the containers open, and she was also thumbing her Carnifax Hand Cannon.

Giving a slight nod to Tali the Stasis pods popped open and the occupants of the four pods fell to the floor of the Cargo area. The three that recovered the fastest were the two EDI had called Super Soldiers and the one with the abnormal healing factor. The male Super Soldier began grabbing the sides of his head as he stood up and when he finally opened his eyes everyone saw the were a icy blue color, he had a old battle scar on his right cheek, and he seemed to be scanning the entire crew. The second Super Soldier had wavy black hair that went to her shoulders, chocolate brown eyes, and she was taking in their weapons. The blonde haired boy had cerulean blue eyes that sparked with mischief and was at that moment that the other girl opened her eyes revealing that both the iris and pupil were a kind of pearl color. At first all the four did was cough and splutter as some strange brown liquid came out of their mouths after three minutes of them coughing they heard the male Super Soldier talk.

"Which one of you is in charge," he asked, in a deep masculine voice. Everyone immediately looked at Shepard and he immediately stepped forward.

"I am Lt. Commander Jason Shepard," Shepard said, putting his hands behind his back and surveying the soldier, "I am in command of this ship."

At this point both Super Soldiers were on their feet and they snapped they best salute they could.

"Specialist Rawlings of the JACMS sir," the male Super Soldier announced with pride.

"Specialist Matsumoto JACMS sir," the female Super Soldier announced with the same level of pride as her male counterpart.

"JACMS," Garrus asked, looking completely lost and confused.

"Japan America Coalition Military Service," Specialist Rawlings answered, " It was a union between the United States and Japan after World War 3 went down. Since Japan didn't have it's own active military the United States decided to establish several military bases there."

"But when North Korea invaded the United States was hard pressed to defend Japan," Specialist Matsumoto continued, "So the United States was so desperate they sought the help of the Japanese. At first the Japanese wouldn't help because they said it was the US soldier's job to defend them. But when North Korea began pushing inland the US soldiers and the people of Japan came to an agreement that they would aid the US soldiers if they were allowed to reestablish an active military."

"Now naturally the US agreed and after the war was over both the US and Japan agreed that they worked better together than separately so they formed a coalition and combined their military might," Specialist Rawlings finished. Garrus nodded at the explanation and then turned his gun on the remaining two.

"And you two are," Garrus asked, waving his rifle between the two unknown people.

"I am Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze of Konoha," the blonde answered, with a fox-like grin plastered on his face.

"I am Hinata Hyuga-Namikaze of Konoha," the indigo haired female answered, giving a deep bow. Garrus, was once again, confused about this place the two called Konoha. But for the moment his questions were cut off when EDI came over the speakers.

"Shepard ETA to Omega three minutes," EDI announced before the speakers went quiet. Shepard nodded and motion to his team.

"All of you will be on shore leave till the ship is fixed," Shepard announced, " since it's Omega be prepared Crew Dismissed!"

how you like it?

How do you like the characters I introduced?

And What will happen on Omega now that Naruto is let loose?

Tune and find out

Till then Ja Ne