A/N sorry for the long update but I've been super busy with collage and I'm now getting married life has been chaotic. But now I'm back I want to post every two weeks. The next chapter is completed just waiting on my editor and fiancé Meggyboo11294 anyways she wishes me to inform you the first four chapters she did not edit them when I posted them up and that she wasn't finish editing this chapter. I sort of jumped the gun so I apologize for any mistakes. I want to thank everybody who made this story a favorite story. Please read and review I love to hear feedback no flames I will just ignore those

Chapter six: The Escape

Deep inside of a dark forest in Albania, a creature slithered across the ground. All of the forests' inhabitants did their best to stay away from the mysterious creature for if they strayed across it, their lives ended. The creature brought death to the foreat. Only snakes seemed to enjoy the creatures presence.

The creature was really a man. To be more precise he was really a wizard, one of the most feared wizards of all time, Lord Voldemort. Voldemort had seen better days. He lost his body when he attacked the Potter's son. That was pain beyond measure at least he knew the steps he taken to insure that he couldn't die had worked. It took him years to recover and when that fool Quirrell came across his path, he decided to get the Philosophers Stone. However, he was stopped again by the youngest Potter.

He hated the Potters, all of them. They have always been the ones along with Dumbledore to stop him. When he was at school, it was Andrew Potter who went against him. It was Andrew who defended the school from him. He saved the girls from him. At least he could never prove it was him, as the girls never rembered or were too afraid to go against him. The school was divided with those loyal to him and those loyal to Andrew. Voldemort had satisfaction in killing Andrew Potter along with his wife, their son escaped. Speaking of their son James, he was a pain in his own way.

It started when he went to take over Hogwarts, James and his merry band led the students against him, which ended up being too much for his forces and he had to retreat.

Then James and his wife Lily joined the Order. When at the battle, they both refused to join with him. When he murdered their parents, both of them were supposed to die. James then imprisoned his most loyal and powerful servant Ater Angelus his vampire wizard hybrid.

Worst of all was their son Harry, Harry and that stupid prophecy. Harry should have died when he sent the killing curse at him. He should have never been able to destroy his servants body, which stopped him from getting the stone. It wasn't possible, but it seemed it was.

Now here he was a shade of his former self. Those fools who pledged thier loyalty to him, were either cowards, dead or imprisoned. Voldemort was no fool he knew he required help to bring him back to his full power. The only question was who? Those cowards who evaded Azkaban would never do. His followers in Azkaban proved their loyalty, but they were useless behind bars and he could never contact them all except one.

Before Voldemort's downfall he discovered, he had a mental link between himself and Ater Angelous, due to the dark ritual he performed to bound the Vampire to his will. Voldemort meditated and looked deep into his mind, he grinned triumphantly when he felt a familiar presence that he hadn't felt in over thirteen years Ater Angelous.


Ater Angelous sat bored in his cell. In had been over thirteen years and everyday was the same. The Dementors had no affect on him what so ever. In fact they were afraid of him. It was the same with the wizards who guarded the place, none of them came near him in fear that he would hypnotize them. They weren't wrong if the cell didn't drain his magic he would definitely glamour them so he could feed.

They avoided him and the Dementors stayed clear of his cell, so he was left alone. Across of him in the opposite cell sat Peter Pettigrew. The rat had anti-animagius spells on his cell, so he wouldn't escape. Ater had thought of an escape plan using Peter. All he had to do was cancel the spell and possess Peter. It would be easy if he had the energy to do it.

Escaping Azkaban would be easier as a rat then as himself. He remembered before his masters fall, they were planning to break him out, but then his master met his downfall. Ater vowed to escape and continue his masters work.

Being in this cell, gave him a lot of time to plot his revenge on the one who put him here James Potter. It was James who tracked him down and it was James' sun spell that weakened him so the stunners could stop him. James would pay but first he has to escape. As if an answer to his prayer he felt something he hadn't felt in thirteen years his master.

{ Master is that you?}

{Of course it is who else would it be}

{ I herd you were dead.}

{You should have known better, i am the greatest sorcerer in the world death can not phase me}

{My apologies master, forgive me for doubting you. What is your bidding my master?}

{It is time for you to leave that cell i have need for you, i need you to go to bring me Harry Potter.}

{Master i lack the energy to escape my cell}

Voldemort was thinking if he gave Ater his strength, he would be back to square one. But if he didn't, he would never get what he wanted.

{I have given you my energy it should be more then you need. Do not fail me .}

Ater felt energy flow through him, at the same time his master's presence leave. Ater smiled and started to put his plan into motion. He focused his energy on Peter Pettigrew's mind and possessed him. Peter freaked out feeling a foreign pressence in his mind.

Ater used his energy to eliminate the spells on Peters cell and forced Peter to transform. Being in Peter's rat form, made it easy to slip between the cell. Before they left for freedom, Ater made a crude copy of himself and left it in his original cell. Nobody would check if it was real or not. No one noticed a rat scurrying along on the floor. In fact no one noticed until the rat was long gone, that Peter Pettigrew was missing.


Ginny was in the Chamber of Secrets, she watched in horror as Tom Riddle appeared in front of her. Instead of falling unconscious, she watched as Harry came in. Tom Riddle winked at her and she screamed as she watched the basilisk kill Harry.

Then she found herself in Dumbledore's office, where he told her that it was her fault that Harry was dead. She was to be expelled and sent to Azkaban. Ginny woke up screaming. It had been the third time this week.

It had been a month since the Chamber and Ginny was still having nightmares. The dream was always the same. She watched Harry die over and over and she always ended up expelled and thrown in Azkaban. The truth was the exact opposite.


Harry and Ginny with Morzan flashed to grab Ron who was stunned.

"Harry! Ginny! You guys are okay. I was so worried. Is that a phoenix?"

Ginny ran and hugged her brother while Harry answered

"yeah Ron this is my new phoenix Morzan. Grab on and we'll all get out of here."

The three of them with Ron holding Lockhart, grabbed hold of Morzan and flashed again. They landed in Dumbledore's office and were surrounded by the shocked faces of Molly, Arthur, Professor McGonagall and James. Dumbledore was also there, but he had a huge smile on his face.

There was a moment of shocked silence and then Molly shrieked and threw her arms around Ginny sobbing.

"Oh...My..Baby..You're okay..I was so worried."

"Molly let her breathe." Arthur said, but he too had tears in his eyes.

Professor McGongall cleared he throat and said

"While I'm glad that you are okay Miss Weasley, but can someone please explain what happened?"

Ginny sobbed and said

"it was me, all me.."

She never got to finish because Harry cut her off.

"It wasn't her fault it was Voldermort's."

Harry then began to explain about his year and the voice he heard. How they figured out that it was a Basilisk. How they figured out that Moaning Mrytle was the girl who died and the entrance to the Chamber. Then Harry explained about Riddle and killing the Basilisk with the help of his new Phoenix Morzan. He tried to leave Ginny out, but Dumbledore asked the question he hoped to avoid.

"I'm curious how Voldermort was able to possess Miss Weasley, when my sources say that he is currently in Albania."

Harry sighed and showed him the diary.

"It was me Professor Dumbledore. I was writing in the diary."

"Ginny I'm surprised and disappointed in you. How many times did I tell you to never trust something, when you can't see where it keeps it's brain."

"I know daddy..."

"It's not her fault. Riddle told me that he charmed the diary to make people want to write in it."

Ginny shot him a grateful look, which Harry returned with a nod. Ginny still sobbed and said.

"I'm going to be expelled."

"Not today Miss Weasley. Older and much wiser people have been tricked by Lord Voldemort. There has been no lasting harm. The mandrakes will restore all those who have been petrified. Molly, Arthur, I suggest you take Miss Weasley to the hospital wing. She has been through a terrible ordeal and Madam Pomfrey should look her over."

"Of course Albus."

They took the sobbing Ginny to the hospital wing, but not before she shot Harry the most dazzling smile he had ever seen making butterflies appear in his belly. He thought that was odd but he would think about it later.

"Mister Weasley, would you do me the favor of sending this letter? It appears Hagrid is innocent and we would like to have our groundskeeper back. Minerva please go to Pomona and Severus to see if the mandrake restoration is ready."

They both left without a word, leaving Harry and James with Dumbledore. James spoke firat.

"Harry, Harry. What am I going to do with you. Why didn't you tell me or your mother or even a Professor about all this?"

"I guess I was ashamed of being a Parseltongue. It is considered to be a dark wizard. Maybe the sorting hat was right! I should have been in Slytherin."

"I think not Harry. First I must thank you, you must have shown me great loyalty, for Fawkes to come to you. As for being a dark wizard and belonging in Slytherin, that magnificent Phoenix can prove your not a Dark Wizard. Phoenix's only come to a person who is completely pure of heart. You risked everything to save Miss Weasley. Your Phoenix found your act worthy and bonded to you."

~It's true Harry. You can never be dark. I would have never come to you if you were.~

~Thanks Morzan.~

"I believe Harry you can speak Parseltongue because Voldermort can speak Parseltongue. That night you stopped him, he inadvertently transferred some of his powers to you. If you are still wondering what house you belong to, take a look at this sword."

Harry saw the name Godric Gryffindor enshrined on the blade.

"Only an heir of Gryffindor could use the sword."

"Wait so I'm Gryffindor's heir? Dad why didn't you tell me?"

"When you turned seventeen, it was a tradition to tell you of your inheritance. So Albus, Voldemort or Tom Riddle is the heir of Slytherin is that why..."

James Potter trailed off and Dumbledore just nodded his head. This was not missed by Harry.

"Dad what were you talking about? What are you keeping from me?"

"Harry there are just some things I know you don't like it, but you are just too young to hear. I promise when your old enough I'll tell you."

Harry thought about it and knew no matter how hard he pushed, they wouldn't tell him but he might be able to find what it's about.

"Okay Dad but does this have to do with why Voldemort attacked me as a baby?"

Both James and Dumbledore paled at that James then said.

"Of course not, you know we were very active in the war against Voldemort. He was just trying to torture us by going after you."

However Harry saw the nervous look James had shared with Dumbledore and he knew they were lying once again.

"Well Harry it's late and you have been through a horrible ordeal. You should go to the hospital wing to get yourself checked out."

Just then Dumbledore's office door opened and in strode Lucias Malfoy with Dobby who was looking miserable.

"So you're back Dumbledore. The Governors suspended you and yet here you are."

"Ah Lucias, the Governors when they heard what happened to Arthur Weasley's daughter, thought it'd be best if I were to come back. Strange stories they seemed to tell me as well something along the lines of you would curse their families if they didn't suspend me in the first place." Lucias sneered

"So have the attacks been stopped? Did you find the culprit?"

"Yes it was the same person as last time Voldemort. This time he acted through a diary."

Dumbledore held up the diary with the hole in it. Harry was watching Dobby point to the diary, then at Lucias, then punch himself in the face. Harry understood.

"Mr. Malfoy, it was you!"

"Excuse me?" "It was you who put the diary in Ginny's cauldron that day in Flourish and Blotts."

Dumbledore and James smiled at Harry while Lucias sneered.

"Prove it boy."

"Oh none of us would be able to prove that. But do make sure none of Voldemort's old school things end up in innocent hands. I'm sure Arthur and James here would make sure of that."

Lucias sneered one last time then turned around and kicked Dobby across the floor. Harry watching this, made a plan.

"Professor may I have the diary?"

"Of course Harry."

Harry took his sock off and put it in the diary.

"Mr. Malfoy, here you forgot this."

Harry thrusted the diary in his hand and took one look at it and threw it to Dobby.

"Think you're brave Potter, your luck won't last forever and when it runs out, you will find yourself in a very sticky end."

"Now I know where Draco gets it from." Harry said shaking his head. Lucias looked like he wanted to slap him. Thought better of it and then said.

"Come Dobby, we're leaving."

"No!" "

"Excuse me?!"

"Dobby got a sock. Dobby is free."

"What I didnt give you no sock..."

Lucias looked at the sock, then at the diary, then at Harry.


Lucias drew his wand and charged at Harry. Before Harry or even Dumbledore or James could react Lucias was thrown across the room.

"You shall not harm Harry Potter." Dobby said.

Lucias picked himself up with as much dignity he could muster and without a word walked out of the room.

"Harry Potter sir Dobby must thank Harry Potter. Harry Potter freed Dobby. Dobby is also sorry about his bludger and stoping the barriar."

"What that was you Dobby? You could have killed me."

"Not kill you Harry Potter never kill you better to be expelled or injured then Harry Potter dying ."

Harry couldnt stay mad, Dobby was only trying to help even if it was very unconventional.

"I forgive you Dobby but just promise not to try and save my life again".

"Im proud of you Harry. But your still grounded for a month."

"what Dad are you serious."

"hey better me then your mother, speaking of whitch i goy to get back and tell her what happened. Are you sure your gonna be ok Harry."

"yeah Dad i got Morzan if i need anything."

Apon hearing his name Morzan let out a chirp and some Phionex song which Harry made Harry feel peaceful. James ruffled his sons hair and then went through the floo.

*End Flashback*

Ginny looked around and spotted Hedwigs empty perch. She would have to wait to write to Harry tomorrow. Ginny sighed, knowing that she wouldn't get sleep tonight, she went downstairs to make herself some hot chocolate.


Meanwhile, at Potter Manor, the youngest Potter was having a nightmare of his own. He was dreaming that he was talking telepathically to someone. He didn't quite remember what was said, but he remembered it looked like a prison of some sort.

Harry woke up with his scar in pain and the feeling of joy which was not his own. He felt around on his table for his glasses. Finally feeling them, he put them on, only to find Morzan watching him.

~Are you alright Harry?~

~I'm fine I guess. I just had a nightmare.~

~About the Chamber again?~

~No this was different. The Chamber never made my scar hurt.~

~Perhaps you should tell Ginny~

Thinking of Ginny brought a smile to his face and a weird feeling in his stomach.

~I wonder what Ginny is doing, I hope she's not having nightmares again.~

~Don't worry Harry. If she was having nightmares, she would send Hedwig.~

Thinking of Hedwig was a little painful, but he was glad Ginny had a way to talk to him and he always saw her anyway. He remembered how Ginny came to own Hedwig.


It was the night before they would all be leaving Hogwarts. Due to Harry and Ron's actions, they secured the house cup for Gryffindor again.

All the petrified students were revived and back to normal. Hermione was impressed by Harry and Rons adventure. Hermione even went to Ginny and said she didn't blame her at all.

Ginny had seemed in better sprit but Harry noticed she was still withdrawn. In the Gryffindor Common Room, Ron and Hermione were arguing again and Ginny was off alone in the corner.

Harry knew that even though everyone said it wasn't her fault, she still blamed herself. He also knew she had been avoiding him.

Meanwhile, at Potter Manor, the youngest Potter was having a nightmare of his own. He was dreaming that he was talking telepathically to someone. He didn't quite remember what was said, but he remembered it looked like a prison of some sort.

Harry woke up with his scar in pain and the feeling of joy which was not his own. He felt around on his table for his glasses. Finally feeling them, he put them on, only to find Morzan watching him.

~Are you alright Harry?~

~I'm fine I guess. I just had a nightmare.~

~About the Chamber again?~

~No this was different. The Chamber never made my scar hurt.~

~Perhaps you should tell Ginny~

Thinking of Ginny brought a smile to his face and a weird feeling in his stomach.

~I wonder what Ginny is doing, I hope she's not having nightmares again.~

~Don't worry Harry. If she was having nightmares, she would send Hedwig.~

Thinking of Hedwig was a little painful, but he was glad Ginny had a way to talk to him and he always saw her anyway. He remembered how Ginny came to own Hedwig.


It was the night before they would all be leaving Hogwarts. Due to Harry and Ron's actions, they secured the house cup for Gryffindor again.

All the petrified students were revived and back to normal. Hermione was impressed by Harry and Rons adventure. Hermione even went to Ginny and said she didn't blame her at all.

Ginny had seemed in better sprit but Harry noticed she was still withdrawn. In the Gryffindor Common Room, Ron and Hermione were arguing again and Ginny was off alone in the corner.

Harry knew that even though everyone said it wasn't her fault, she still blamed herself. He also knew she had been avoiding him. He excused himself from Ron and Hermione...

"...No Ron I will not drop any of my classes. They're all important!..."

"...But Hermione you will end up killing yourself under that workload..."

Harry shook his head. They didn't even stop to acknowledge him. He went and sat by Ginny. She noticed him but said nothing.

"Hey Ginny, what's going on?"

"Hi Harry and nothing really."

"Why are you in this corner all alone?"

"Oh I was just tired and this place is relaxing."

"Bullshit Ginny!" Harry cursing shocked Ginny. As far as she knew, Harry never cursed. Now here he was cursing in front of her like...like...like an adult.

"Excuse me Harry?"

"You heard me Ginny. What you said before is bullshit. What's really going on? I don't wanna hear no bloody 'I'm tired' again. You've been avoiding everyone, including me!"

"Fine Harry, you really want to know what's going on? Everyone hates me. My family, Hermione and you."

The last part that she said was really low that Harry wasn't quite sure he heard it.

"No one hates you Ginny."

"Oh yes they do. They think that I'm just a stupid silly little girl and if I didn't feel the need to confine in that damn diary, none of it would have happened. I almost killed Hermione. You almost died to save me from Tom and the Basilisk. Harry I know you would rather have nothing to do with me. I can't tell you enough how much I am thankful for you saving me. I know you're mad that Ron's little sister almost got you killed. I'm so sorry I never meant for it to happen."

Ginny was hysterical crying. Harry just pulled her into his arms and let her cry on his chest. After some time when she was all cried out, he gently lifted her head up.

"Ginny all what you said is a lie. Voldemort tricked you, he used you. He's the asshole, not you. You had him in your head for almost a year. You have been touched by evil Ginny just like me. I don't think anyone could understand it. We're not little kids anymore. Yeah it sucks people are still gonna treat us our age, but only because they have no idea. I never thought of you as just Ron's little sister. Remember it was you who I met first. It was you who helped me figure out the mystery of the Philosophers Stone. You're one of my best friends. I would gladly risk my life for yours. If I had to go in the Chamber and save you again, I would do it in a heartbeat."

"Really Harry?"

"Of course Gin." Ginny smiled. She hated people calling her that, but from Harry it sounded nice.

"Harry's right Ginny." Ginny and Harry turned around to see Ron, Fred, George, Percy and Hermione with her friend Luna.

"Yeah Gin-Gin we.."

"Never blamed you.."

"We love you"

The twins said. Ginny ran and hugged all her brothers and then her two best friends and then finally she gave Harry the biggest hug of all and whispered in his ear

"Thank you Harry."

The next day with Ginny back to being her old cheerful self, they played a prank on the school at breakfast turning everyone into clowns with pink tutus, including themselves to draw away suspicion. Everyone but the Slytherin's had a good laugh about it. It was the perfect way to end the year.

On the train ride home, Ginny told Harry about the nightmares she was having.

"Ginny everytime you have a nightmare and need someone to talk to, I'm here for you."

"Thanks Harry, but I can't always use Errol. It would be suspicious with mom and dad."

"You're right. Hmm, how would you like Hedwig?"

"Harry I can't take Hedwig, she's your owl!" Harry went over to Hedwig's cage and said

"Hey girl, would you like to go live with Ginny. She needs a way to contact me and she could really use a friend. Who else then a pretty bird like yourself?"

Hedwig puffed herself up, obviously enjoying the praise, she hooted something that both Harry and Ginny thought meant yes.

*end flash back.*

~ Morzan take this to Ginny for me please?~

~Of course Harry.~

Morzan took the letter from Harry and flashed out. Back at the burrow, Ginny was sitting at the table hoping Hedwig would return from her hunting trip soon, when there was a flash and she saw Harry's Phoenix Morzan.

Morzan dropped a letter in her lap and let out a soft note of a Phoenix song and she felt her worries and fear disappear. She shot Morzan a grateful smile as Morzan flashed away.

Ginny opened the letter and began to read.

Dear Ginny,

How are you? Are you ok? Are your dreams acting up again? Sorry for rambling, I guess I just miss you. It's hard to believe it has been a month but finally my punishment will be over later today. Talking to you, Ron and Hermionie only by letters has been rough. At least I finally get to see you guys tomorrow. Anyways, I also wanted to tell you I had a weird dream. I think for some odd reason Voldemort is happy. I don't remember much, except waking up with my scar hurting. I thought it would be only fair to let you know since you let me know when you are having bad dreams. Just wanted to let you know and to tell you I miss you lots.

Love Harry

Ginny smiled it had been a while since she saw Harry. He had been serving his punishment for the last month.

Ginny felt bad that he got in trouble but so did Ron. They both got in trouble for not telling a teacher about what they knew.

Thanks to her loving family and letters from Harry ,Ginny was recovering she still had nightmares but they were getting better to. She hoped by the end of the summer shed be able to put it all behind her. With that thought she found herself yawning and falling a sleep right at the kitchen table with Harry's note tucked neatly in her hand she drifted off.

Harry woke up with a big smile on his face. It was his birthday he was finally a teenager. What was even better was he was no longer punished. He came into the kitchen following the smell of French Toast and Bacon. What he saw was His Mom Dad Sirius and Remus all looking grave.

His mom noticed him first and schooling her features she said

"Happy birthday sweetheart." this was followed by a loud couras of "Happy Birthday's".

"what's wrong?why is everyone looking so grim?"

James sighed and slid the daily prophet over to him. What Harry saw shocked him.


"how did that happen "

"were not to sure what we do know is the anti-animagius spells were canceled. No one is sure how though. Harry I need you to promise me you won't leave the property. I know you and the Weasley's like to go exploring but I can't allow you to do that."

"wait Dad you don't think Peter would come here do you."

"it's a good bet. He definitely would want revenge and I'm not taking any chances. Which is why I'm going to start training you. You end up in far to many dangerous situations. I want to at least make sure you prepared."

Harry was about to protest but he realized it was true he was a danger magnet and he might as well learn to defend himself.

"okay Dad when do we stat?"

"tomorrow today is your birthday and you derserve to have some fun."

Far away in an abandoned building Ater Angelous an Peter Petiigrew were talking.

"Peter you will bring Harry Potter to me and we will bring him to the Dark Lord. I am trusting you seeing how I can not go out in the day and my power has been weakened and until I recover I am of little use. However do not think you could betray me. I act on the commands of the Dark Lord himself and if you try to fuck me over I will find you rip out your insides and strangle you with your intestine then I would feast on your remains. Do I make myself clear Wormtail."


"good now fetch me something to eat I have not eaten in so long. I prefer a nice fat chubby child they always taste the best."

Wormtail shivered and tried to hide his disgust. But nether the less he would do as he was asked lest he be the one to end up Ater's dinner.


Harry found himself on his back wandless and staring up at a stern Sirius. The last week had Harry training with his dad, Sirius and Moony and even his mum sometimes. He was dueling Sirius and he got distracted by thinking about today he would finally get to see The Weasleys and Sirius made him pay with a explillarmus and a stunner.

"Harry how do you expect towin a duel if you can't focus on your opponent?"

"I'm sorry."

"No sorry Harry, if this was Auror school you would fail. If it was real life you would be dead."

Now Harry was getting mad all week Sirius was making comments like that Harry knew it was to motivate him but Harry has had enough.

"Let's go again Harry and this time try to last more then ten seconds."

Harry was angry and he felt his magic respond he couldn't explain it it was just like in his first year with the sorcerers stone.

Sirius shot a disarming curse Harry blocked with a Protego and Harry shot a stunner at Sirius who blocked it with ease and then started to laugh at Harry's efforts. Harry saw red and suddenly he was putting more power in to his spells and moving faster. Sirius eyes widened when he felt the barrage of high powered stunners pound his shield. Truth be told this week Harry wasn't that bad he picked up on spells rather quickly and he showed promise but it was Sirius's job to push him to do better. However this was alarming Sirius knew his shield would soon falter and it was high grade Auror shield. Sirius saw Harry was moving toward him so Sirius rolled out of the way of Harry's stunner and he transfigured one of the practice dummy's to look like Ginny. This brought Harry to stop cold. Taking advantage of The situation Sirius called his house elf kreatcher and using kreatcher sported behind Harry and before Harry could react he was once again stunned.

Sirius revived Harry with a grin on his face where as his godson just glared at him.

"what the he'll uncle Sirius that was cheating."

"Harry, Harry there is no such thing as cheating in a duel. Your enimies are not fighting with you for honor all respect or to solve a dispute. They will be trying to kill you. Anything goes in combat. If you have an advantage use it. You froze at the image of Ginny so I used Kreatcher to get behind you and take you out. It's not my fault you froze and didnt watch your back. Now let's go again Harry."

Harry smiled if Sirius wanted to play dirty so would he. They started dueling again and why Harry kept dodging the spells of Sirius he called Morzan.

Morzan can you get Sirius and flash here Harry said why performing some spell on the ground.

Sirius was smiling he had Harry on the defensive So Harry couldn't do anything he was then shocked when he felt Morzan grab him and flash away. Sirius landed on the ground and he saw Harry he was about to send a spell when he felt he couldn't move. The ground was cement and it was Harding trapping him in place. Suddenly Sirius found himself disarmed and a Grining Harry standing over him.

"Bloody hell Harry that was impressive."

"Sirius Black! You will watch your language while in my house!" Lily said.

Sirius jumped he didnt even hear Liky come into the duel room. "sorry Lils didn't see you there."

"Harry dear the Weasley's are here."

"all right thanks mum bye Sirius."

"you got lucky kid it won't happen again."

Harry ran into the parlor to see His favorite red heads.

After getting pounded on the back by Fred,George and Ron he gave Ginny a hug and he once again felt that strange feeling in his stomach. He also noticed dark circles under Ginny's eyes. He leaned into her ear while hugging her and said "everything allright Ginny?" Ginny gave a forced smile and said "yeah of course."

Harry was about to comment back when Ron said "hey you think Trixie and Mercury can make me a sandwich."

Ginny let go of Harry reluctantly and said " honestly Ron you just had Breakfast."

"that was ages ago."

"it's only been a little over an hour."

"my point exactly." Harry laughed and brought Ron into the kitchen. They spent the rest of the day talking about Harry's training and since it was raining playing video games. Harry still found it funny that even after all this time the Weasley's except Ginny still couldn't master the muggle games. Finally he was able to be Aline with Ginny when Fred and George went down to the potion room and Ron went back to the kitchen.

"I swear Ron must be completely hollow I don't know how anyone can eat as much as he does."

Harry laughed " Ron is a growing boy as he puts it." Harry sighed and he gently turned Ginny's head so she was looking at him.

"Gin what's wrong and please dint lie to me."

Ginny tried aviod looking at him but those emreled green eyes can get her to do anything. She cursed this power he had over her but found herself saying anyways "I'm still having nightmares, I thought I would be over this by now."

Ginny started to cry and she hated herself for being weak.

"shhh Gin dint cry you went through a horrible ordeal. Here I got this for you I was going to wait till your birthday in two days but I guess you need it now." Harry left and went upstairs he came back a couple of minutes later with an emreled book.

" Here Ginny this is a special diary. Only you can open it and only you can read it. It would help you get over your fear of the diary while helping you say and get out all your emotions your feeling inside."

"thank you Harry." Ginny said. Even more tears fell down her face when he gave her the diary. Ginny was touched by how much he cared.

"I'm sorry Harry for crying on you like that." Ginny said while turning her head and furiously wiping away her tears. 'great Ginny now he thinks your just a weak little girl.

"Gin it's okay to cry. My mum always said crying makes us stronger." Ginny shot him a brilliant smile he always knew what to say.

"ah there's that beautiful smile of yours." Harry said.

"you really think that?"

Harry tilted her head up again "yes I do." Harry found himself lost in her chocolate brown eyes and before he was awear he found himself moving closer and his lips moving closer to hers. He remembered thier kiss last Christmas and he had a burning desire to do it again.

Ginny couldn't believe what was happening. Harry just said she had a beautiful smile and was about to kiss her.

"hey Harry it stoped raining want to play some quidditch." Harry jumped up startled and said "sure Ron let me get my broom."

Ginny shook her head of course Ron had to go and interurpt them. Why couldn't he waited just a minuet longer. Still shaking her head she got her broom and went outside. Harry while upstairs thought about what just happened. 'great just great here she is having nightmares and you go and try and kiss friend you are Potter.I can't do that to Ginny she doesn't like me like that and her friendship is to important to throw away like that.' Harry made a vow to no matter how he feels let Ginny Weasley know he liked her. Morzan just chuckled from his perch thinking how silly humans were sometimes. The summer passed in a blur Ginny got a new wand for her birthday along with Ron. They were even aloud to train with Harry. After that Training session with Sirius he couldn't tap into that power again and even using Morzan he still couldn't win. However he did learn a lot. In addition to the spells he learned he also was doing a lot of physical training. While never unhealthy or overweight Harry found himself getting toned throughout his body. Ron and Ginny weren't far behind. Harry also noticed the youngest Weasley developing some curves and found it even harder to not look at her as more then a friend true to his word he didn't try nothing with Ginny again. Much to Ginny's disappointment. His Dad and Uncles where kept busy at the ministry looking for Peter Pettigrew. Harry was relived to be going to Hogwarts He felt he was being almost smothered at the Manor. James was worried that Pettigrew was going to go after Harry so he kept him home all the time barely let him even go to the burrow. The way his dad and mum were panicking Harry thought they might not sign his permission slip to go to Hogsmade. Thankfully they did but it was probably more due to the fact that his uncle Remus got a job teaching defense against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts and would be able to keep an eye on him.

So that's where Harry found himself on the Hogwarts express with Ginny, Ron Hermionie and Remus in a carpartment. Remus was out cold due to the fact of the full moon last night. All the kids knew he was werewolf they didn't mind nor think of him as a monster. Harry was watching Ginny write in her diary. the diary was a success Ginny got over her fear of duarte and was able to released her emotions which gave her fewer nightmares. Harry was lost in his thoughts when he heard Morzan give off a warning chirp and then he felt unaturely cold. Harry saw a slimy rotten hand covered in a black Cloak open the carpartment door. The strange creature started taking long deep breathes and with each breath Harry felt the happiness being sucked out of him. He found himself seeing Ginny in the chamber Riddle standing over her crazy laughter and a women screaming. Harry could take no more as everything went black.